Fazer, sprog & me down,

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Boots Blakeley, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. The classic, oh I didn't see you.

    Wednesday, Kate's taking Melissa back to University[1] and since
    Emily's car failed it's MOT I am dropping her at work on my way.
    Approaching here


    we're bimbling along between 40 & 50 as the car get to the junction
    where the driver looks right/left/right and still goes. Emily reckons
    she gave us 20m to stop in, I don't really know other than it wasn't
    enough. Anchors hard on, front starts to go at which point the car
    appears to stop it's manoeuvre now effectively blocking both sides of
    the road. So my view looks similar to


    more braking, inevitable happens and the front tucks under. The bike
    goes into the front of the car and Emily and I hit the road. Slither,
    slide, crunch. When the world stops moving I get up[2]remove my helmet
    and go to see to Emily. She's conscious, lots of scrapes on her
    leathers and the knee seams gone leaving her with a nasty gash on her
    left knee.

    About 15 seconds after getting to her I realise that I've also damaged
    myself. The difficulty when breathing, speaking or focusing being a
    bit of a clue. At this point I manage to call Kate on the drivers
    mobile before having a bit of a lie down. It's all a bit confused
    until the ambulances turn up after 40 minutes, so if you ever plan on
    a heart attack avoid rural Sussex. All our gear is cut off, we're onto
    spinal boards and away to hospital.

    I've got cuts and scrapes, a broken rib T4/T5 and my helmet looks like
    this http://www.blakeley.plus.com/Bike/bin/DSCF0088.JPG Emily is still
    in hospital, the gash was down to bone and she may have damaged her
    cruciate ligaments, an MRI scan hopefully today[3] will prove that one
    way or the other. She's due to go to University at the end of the
    month, I am hoping that she can still get there although I suspect
    she'll be on crutches for a while.

    Sussex police turned up during Wednesday in the hospital and
    apparently the drivers already told them that she didn't see us[4].
    She'd said as much to me, but by admitting to the police it will
    hopefully make the insurance claim less delayed than it otherwise
    might have been.

    [1] Hence using the Zafira, leaving me with her empty car or the bike.
    [2] Possibly not the best thing to do in the circumstances.
    [3] Should have been yesterday but she got bounced off the queue.
    [4] 1/4 ton of red bike, with lights and my lardy carcass.
    Boots Blakeley, Sep 16, 2005
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  2. <Snip>

    Shit, at least you're both in the land of the living. Blind bitch.

    I'm afraid that is not an "admission". Hope for a prosecution.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 16, 2005
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  3. Boots Blakeley

    Daz Guest


    Bad luck mate. :eek:( Hope you both recover OK.
    Daz, Sep 16, 2005
  4. Boots Blakeley

    Jackie Guest

    <snip blind bat>

    GWS to all- guess Kate has now got more important things to do than
    come to EOSM.
    Jackie, Sep 16, 2005
  5. Boots Blakeley

    BGN Guest

    That's utterly, utterly crap. I hope you're both back to normal as
    quickly as possible.

    Being involved in a bin with a pillion must be one of the most horrid
    biking moments. I hope to never have to be a part of one.

    I do wish you both well and hope for a large insurance payout for both
    of you.
    BGN, Sep 16, 2005
  6. Boots Blakeley

    platypus Guest

    Clumsy ****. Is the bike okay?
    platypus, Sep 16, 2005
  7. Boots Blakeley

    Richard A Guest

    GWS to both of you.
    Richard A, Sep 16, 2005
  8. Boots Blakeley

    CaneUKRM Guest

    CaneUKRM, Sep 16, 2005
  9. Boots Blakeley

    Wik Guest


    Arse. Hope you both GWS and they nail the driver.

    Was nearly speared off myself the other day by an old boy who looked to
    be about 100. He wore thick, blue, corrective specs and had his gaze
    fixed rigidly ahead. It was a biiig roundabout with good viz and every
    other **** managed to spot the hulking outline of me, atop a fugly
    R1200RT with matching luggage, with the World's Most Annoying Headlights
    [1] ablaze.

    He even had his window down which allowed me, by virtue of my wearing my
    flip lid, to bellow "OI! YOU BLIND FUCKER!" at him from about 6 feet
    away. Didn't bat an eyelid.
    Wik, Sep 16, 2005
  10. For which I am thankful, well aware it could have been worse
    Not even as she's said so to the Police? Of course I'll need to wait
    until the insurance have seen the statements.
    Boots Blakeley, Sep 16, 2005
  11. I can't see either of us making it at the moment. I am not sure when
    Emily will get out of hospital or how mobile she'll be. I've been told
    6 weeks or so until I can drive / ribs stop aching.
    Boots Blakeley, Sep 16, 2005
  12. I slid on oil with a mate as pillion sometime around '77 but that
    wasn't bad. Bouncing my daughter down the road leaves me feeling
    really guilty, she keeps telling me there was no way of avoiding it
    but the guilt is still there.
    Boots Blakeley, Sep 16, 2005
  13. From the pictures I've seen no. Auntie Carol are going to give me 1st
    crack at the salvage value, I figure it will be worth more to me that
    way if I break what's left and Ebay it.
    Boots Blakeley, Sep 16, 2005
  14. Boots Blakeley

    MikeH Guest

    <snip scary bits>


    My only off with pillion has been after looking at a new car, pulled out
    into traffic then stopped dead as the dirty great Abus Granit U-lock
    completed its revolution at the back of the forks. Had a great "What
    the.." moment followed by toppling over.[1]

    [1] My left leg cannot support ms, SO and a K1100RS past 10 degrees.[2]
    [2] Is this a legnote instead of a footnote?
    MikeH, Sep 16, 2005
  15. Boots Blakeley

    Jeremy Guest

    Sorry to hear about the off, GWS to both of you.. didn't your Fazer have
    something like 50K miles on it?

    '02 Fazer 600 in blue
    jeremy0505 at gmail.com
    Jeremy, Sep 16, 2005
  16. Boots Blakeley

    Cab Guest


    That SMIDSY crap is really fucking stupid. The dozy **** just didn't

    Fucking stick her in an Electric chair and turn the fucker on. You can
    claim you didn't see her, when she fries.
    Cab, Sep 16, 2005
  17. Boots Blakeley

    Cab Guest

    That seems to be the norm in Paris. The dozy cunts move over, without
    looking or if they do, without looking properly. I don't know what it
    is. I think it's a "I'm bigger than you, I'm moving over. Whether you
    like it or not" case, most of the time.
    Cab, Sep 16, 2005
  18. Boots Blakeley

    Lady Nina Guest


    Binning it with one of the kids on the back is the one that I hope
    never happens.

    Glad it is not too serious, GWS to both of you.
    Lady Nina, Sep 16, 2005
  19. Boots Blakeley

    JackH Guest

    If only they hadn't fitted the Fazer with the brakes off an R1, eh. ;-)

    Bad luck, and hope you both GWS.
    JackH, Sep 16, 2005
  20. Boots Blakeley

    RT Guest

    That really fucks me off, that statement should be followed automatically by
    a "Driving without due care and attention and a danger to other road users"
    charge then any extra charges as necessary.

    Hope it all ends well for you.
    RT, Sep 16, 2005
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