
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Casanunda, Nov 9, 2003.

  1. Casanunda

    Casanunda Guest

    Am I alone in thinking that it was the best thing to happen to Sci-Fi
    in the last 5 years?

    A riveting romance, tentacled things and irreverance by the



    ZX9R, CBR250
    Ex-SKoGA#3, YTC#13
    BONY#47, SBS#22, BOTAFOF#26, BOTAFOT#102, MRO#23.

    "Vince: more repulsive than Ginge"
    Casanunda, Nov 9, 2003
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  2. Casanunda

    Alan.T.Gower Guest



    "Kneesliders Sponsored by Cane"
    GSX-R1000 , Triumph Thunderbird, ZXR750L2 Racer(gone), GHPOTHUF#27
    TGF, UKRMFBC#7, Two#24, BOTAFOF#11, YTC#9, GYASB#1. SbS#23.
    DFWAG#2, DS#2, DIAABTCOD#20. remove "thisbit" in the reply
    http://sportsbike.org (our own endurance team) http://Team-ukrm.com
    "Nemo repente fuit turpissimus"
    Alan.T.Gower, Nov 9, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. Casanunda

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    Bugger, I knew I forgot something.

    Arkshirley, I had a bit too much to drink and the bed wouldn't keep


    "Kneesliders Sponsored by Cane"
    GSX-R1000 , Triumph Thunderbird, ZXR750L2 Racer(gone), GHPOTHUF#27
    TGF, UKRMFBC#7, Two#24, BOTAFOF#11, YTC#9, GYASB#1. SbS#23.
    DFWAG#2, DS#2, DIAABTCOD#20. remove "thisbit" in the reply
    http://sportsbike.org (our own endurance team) http://Team-ukrm.com
    "Nemo repente fuit turpissimus"
    Alan.T.Gower, Nov 9, 2003
  4. Pretty damned good. Knocked spots off most off the wild majority of
    other similar offerings at the time. Even the bug-eyed and betentacled
    monsters were sexy. Shame they decided to chop it, but if they don't
    leave it too long, for the dust to blow away into that peacefully
    endless sea, they could surely resurrect from where they left off.

    Dave OSOS#24 Remove my gerbil for email replies

    Yamaha XJ900S & Wessex sidecar, the sexy one
    Yamaha XJ900F & Watsonian Monaco, the comfortable one

    Dave Swindell, Nov 9, 2003
  5. Casanunda

    Rexx Guest

    It was pretty good, though I think bbc2 should have cut the last episode
    short, being as there'll likely never be another series.
    Rexx, Nov 9, 2003
  6. Casanunda

    Wik Guest

    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2000 ZX12R-A1 -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Nov 9, 2003
  7. Trevor George, Nov 9, 2003
  8. Casanunda

    Frank_Leake Guest

    Frank_Leake, Nov 9, 2003
  9. Casanunda

    christofire Guest

    christofire, Nov 9, 2003
  10. Casanunda

    Wik Guest

    That was actually the intention but my mouse finger slipped and clicked
    "copy image location" instead of "copy link location".

    Well done, mind.
    I don't even want to think about it...
    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2000 ZX12R-A1 -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Nov 9, 2003
  11. Casanunda

    Casanunda Guest

    Casanunda, Nov 9, 2003
  12. Casanunda

    Ginge Guest

    ....."honest, Suze"
    Ginge, Nov 9, 2003
  13. Casanunda

    mb Guest

    Top tip for room spinning:
    Hang your head over the edge of the bed or pillow (don't fall out...)
    Miraculously, the room will stop that irritating spinning.
    mb, Nov 9, 2003
  14. Hello Vince. I finally got around to replacing the "Turbo" Superdream
    with a proper bike, a ZZR 600.
    Justine Rogers, Nov 9, 2003
  15. Casanunda

    Wik Guest

    Hey! Look everybody, it's Justine!


    Hi Justine!

    How long you had the ZZR, then?
    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2000 ZX12R-A1 -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Nov 9, 2003
  16. Casanunda

    Casanunda Guest

    Cool. Like it?



    ZX9R, CBR250
    Ex-SKoGA#3, YTC#13
    BONY#47, SBS#22, BOTAFOF#26, BOTAFOT#102, MRO#23.

    "Vince: more repulsive than Ginge"
    Casanunda, Nov 9, 2003
  17. Casanunda

    jsp Guest

    Probably not.
    I wouldn't have minded a riveting romance with Erin, myself. MAde it
    worth watching, she did, until I could cope no longer..


    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Nov 9, 2003
  18. Casanunda

    Alan.T.Gower Guest

    But place a bucket there first?


    "Kneesliders Sponsored by Cane"
    GSX-R1000 , Triumph Thunderbird, ZXR750L2 Racer(gone), GHPOTHUF#27
    TGF, UKRMFBC#7, Two#24, BOTAFOF#11, YTC#9, GYASB#1. SbS#23.
    DFWAG#2, DS#2, DIAABTCOD#20. remove "thisbit" in the reply
    http://sportsbike.org (our own endurance team) http://Team-ukrm.com
    "Nemo repente fuit turpissimus"
    Alan.T.Gower, Nov 9, 2003
  19. Casanunda

    mb Guest

    Ah, silly me. Should have said that you have to hang it *back* over the
    But don't forget the bucket....
    mb, Nov 9, 2003
  20. Casanunda

    Platypus Guest


    Phwoarr! Look at the size of that contact lens...

    Platypus - Faster Than Champ
    VN800 Drifter, R80RT
    BOB#1 SBS#35 ANORAK#18 TWA#15
    Platypus, Nov 10, 2003
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