OK, time to tap the collective wisdom of you all. I've got to bite the bullet and do some serious carbie maintenance - it'll probably involve taking the carbs out several times, farkin' with 'em, then putting them back in for a test. Problem is, I've taken the carbs out of this bike once before, and proceeded to spend for-fucking-ever (along with about 0 in the swear jar) putting them back in. So, I'm hoping someone out there has some hints on making carbie reinsertion (removal isn't too bad) a little easier. And I'm talking about inserting them on the bike, you dirty buggers <g>. The arrangement, if you don't know the GT in particular, is 4 pots hanging between the inlets and airbox. Fairly common on old bikes like this. Nothing new and sexy like you get nowadays (more's the fscking pity). Any style tips from the pros? Or even aus.moto regulars. <g> - Matt GT750 and Proud!