FAOK: DVLA and SORN stuff

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TMack, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. TMack

    TMack Guest

    I have SOB that I bought for spares about two years ago. As it was a
    complete bike but partially dismantled. I got a V5 with it so I registered
    it in my name. Since then I have had no prompt from DVLA for either tax or
    SORN - my guess is that it was taken off road before SORN regulations came
    into force.

    It was cluttering up the garden so on impulse I decide to re-commission it.
    Its not complete yet but it has ocurred to me that it might get difficult
    when it comes to the point of taxing it as it has neither recent tax nor
    recent SORN. Anyone been in this situation or know the best way to proceed?
    I know I could ring DVLA but I don't want to put my head above the parapet
    until I have some idea of the likely issues.
    TMack, Mar 12, 2009
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  2. TMack

    A.Lee Guest

    I asked this a couple of months ago.
    Vehicles that were not taxed , and havent been taxed since the SORN
    thing started, are not on the SORN register, and have no need to be.

    To tax it, you take the docs to the PO, then fill in a form, possibly a
    V10 You could probably do it online so long as the MOT and Insurance
    status have been updated on their database.
    A.Lee, Mar 12, 2009
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  3. TMack

    Adrian Guest

    Have a look on www.vehiclelicence.gov.uk - that'll tell you when it was
    last taxed. If it was before (IIRC) '98, you're fine.
    Insure it.
    MOT it.
    Tax it.

    Just as normal.
    Adrian, Mar 12, 2009
  4. TMack

    crn Guest

    It depends on how long it has been off the road and which way the wind is
    blowing. Sometimes they ask to do an engine/frame number inspection when
    you try to tax it but the new style MOT should be enough as they should
    check the numbers before they enter it onto the computer system.
    crn, Mar 12, 2009
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