Fair Warning

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Thomas, May 9, 2011.

  1. Thomas

    petrolcan Guest

    What body is it again? I'm sure I've got a set of batteries round here you can
    have rather than spend £10 on a new set for a few pics.
    petrolcan, May 11, 2011
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  2. Thomas

    rick Guest

    Watch out - there's a feral apostrophe policeman about.
    rick, May 11, 2011
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  3. Thomas

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Nice indeed.
    Colin Irvine, May 11, 2011
  4. Thomas

    davethedave Guest

    I must admit I was very dissapointed when I saw stonehenge. I thought it
    would be bigger. I would go see it though if I was on a biking holiday
    around the UK.
    Free car park. It's the way to go. It's not like you get to go up and
    stroke and fondle the stones in an interacting with history kind of
    And there's a pub in the middle. :)
    davethedave, May 11, 2011
  5. Thomas

    Krusty Guest

    Err... I can't remember!
    I think it takes a couple of CR2s, so only a few quid. I'm pretty sure
    I've got some in my stray battery pot, which unfortunately has gone
    Krusty, May 11, 2011
  6. Yes but it isn't. I have actual contextually placed in the right part of
    the timeline personal experience of the Ace and those things that make the
    myth what it is today and my time and the experiences gained during it is
    at the very end of it's time. Those blokes who chased us down the road and
    kicked seven colours of shit out of us are gone, as are unreliable the
    machines they rode upon. Although what with you being trained to buy
    nostalgia as a part of your patriotic duty you will probably love all the
    tacky plastic and high by any standards prices you find there now.
    steve auvache, May 11, 2011
  7. Thomas

    Krusty Guest

    Is it? If the exchange rate was 1:1, would you get the same amount of
    petrol for 1 euro in France as you would for $1 in the US?
    Krusty, May 11, 2011
  8. Indeed no but there is no need for him to break his own heart over a
    barrel of unfulfilled expectations that have started to go off in the
    midday sun is there. Do the touristy bits that everyone knows so you can
    have tales of palaces and grand monuments and mighty forests and shit to
    tell the folks back home by all means but avoid completely having your own
    cherished mental images smashed by poorly presented out and out tourist
    rip off trash.
    steve auvache, May 11, 2011
  9. Thomas

    Paul - xxx Guest

    I dunno, I quite like Stonehenge and it's environs.

    A couple of years ago we 'did' the green lanes around there and stopped
    off at Stonehenge. Having gone round it a few times previously I was
    expecting a boring hour ... dunno why but on that day something 'got
    hold' of me and I just wanted to stay and see more of it. Finally left
    after 4 hours .... having taken a couple of SD cards worth of pics,
    even a few videos! and just feeling completely awe-struck!

    Been back since and it didn't hit me in quite the same way, I guess the
    Ley Lines (sp?) were having a day off maybe .. ;)
    Paul - xxx, May 11, 2011
  10. Thomas

    Ace Guest

    No idea at the moment, TBH, but let's assume not, then stretch your
    comparison to a point where, say, the US dollar was worth two euros,
    or three, or whatever it takes.

    The point is simple - price comparisons from one currency to another
    can _only_ be made relative to a specified rate of exchange between
    Ace, May 11, 2011
  11. Thomas

    Krusty Guest

    I have to disagree. E.g. a pint of beer in a bar in Benidorm might cost
    Thomas say $3. A pint of beer in a bar in Monte Carlo is more likely to
    be $15. They both use Euros so the difference can't be due to the
    exchange rate. Monte Carlo is a very expensive place to visit compared
    to Benidorm simply due to the base cost of things, & I suspect the UK
    is quite expensive compared to the US for the same reason (over & above
    the exchange rate).
    Krusty, May 11, 2011
  12. Thomas

    Adrian Guest

    Yes - and no.

    If a pint is €3 in Benidorm and £3 in the UK, is the UK expensive or
    cheap compared to Benidorm?

    Will your answer change if £1=€1 or £1=€2?
    Adrian, May 11, 2011
  13. Thomas

    Ace Guest

    What part of "from one currency to another" did you fail to

    Nonono. You don't seem to get it at all! If the exchange rate were ten
    pounds to the dollar would it still be expensive?
    Ace, May 11, 2011
  14. Thomas

    Krusty Guest

    None of it, hence the bit I put below.
    I think I do. I've even written code to calculate differences in the
    cost of things excluding exchange rate fluctuations.
    I'm not saying the exchange rate doesn't affect it (obviously). I'm
    saying that the base cost of things in some countries is fundamentally
    higher due to tax or whatever, & that also has an impact.

    If you're seriously suggesting that someone who lived in say Bulgaria
    would find Monte Carlo expensive purely because of the exchange rate,
    I'll have to suggest that you've had a bang on the head.
    Krusty, May 11, 2011
  15. Thomas

    Krusty Guest

    I have no idea.
    No, I'd still have no idea. I don't think of Spain as being a
    particularly cheap or expensive country compared to the UK.
    Krusty, May 11, 2011
  16. Thomas

    davethedave Guest

    The real one is admittedly a little larger than that one. As an aside
    did you notice the IMDB rating out of 10 goes up to 11 on Spinal Tap?

    davethedave, May 11, 2011
  17. Thomas

    Ben Guest

    Oh, superb. Shame you can't actually select 11 though.
    Ben, May 11, 2011
  18. Krusty escribió:
    Not much in it. Beer's cheaper, but other living costs are much higher like
    leccy and internet. White goods cost loads more. Petrol's cheaper, but here
    the banks still charge to use each others machines and one still has to pay
    to sign up for anything ie; leccy or telephone. Insurance is more expensive.
    Food's about the same, but clothes are dearer. Banks charge for anything
    including paying money in. Taxes are higher. I want to go self-employed but
    basic rate stamp starts at 250 euros per month, so I won't for a while.
    Paul Carmichael, May 11, 2011
  19. Thomas

    Andy B Guest

    I'd go to India but it'd take a serious amount of money to get me to go
    back to Pakistan.

    I could compile a list of places I never want to go to either again or
    for the first time and india wouldn't even make the top twenty.

    Of places I've been to before the top three (in no particular order)
    have to be Pakistan, Nigeria & Angola. Shit holes in a way India could
    never get near.
    Andy B, May 11, 2011
  20. Thomas

    wessie Guest

    Often, yes. The Grog & Gruel with the lovely Dark Island ale from Orkney
    was a welcome relief in Fort William last time I was there. Seems a number
    of ale breweries have sprung up in the Highlands & Islands.
    wessie, May 11, 2011
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