Fair Warning

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Thomas, May 9, 2011.

  1. Thomas

    boxerboy Guest

    Not really you drive to roughly the area and walk in and climb to
    where you feel you have a view. The bit SWMBO liked best was in the
    middle of FW where they rode up a rain gully alongside a flight of
    steps in town. I preferred the bit by Strontian. If the lad is not in
    to trials he may quickly get a bit bored, cold and tired in the middle
    on no where. I appreciated the skill, SWMBO mainly looked at the
    scenery. Mind relations were strained as she had a full toys out of
    the pram when I had a full on game of tag with a Post Office Van down
    the Strontian peninsula earlier in the day

    boxerboy, May 10, 2011
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  2. Thomas

    Hog. Guest

    He rides his own Sherco 125 hence the interest.

    I also find some women don't like the Schumacher antics. Great area to be
    going for it though and too far for them to get out and walk home.
    Hog., May 10, 2011
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  3. Thomas

    Andy B Guest

    I don't blame you, if you've got the time and you're here you might as
    well do the tourist bits. JoG isn't as bad as LE where they charge you
    to go the last mile or so but there isn't much to see at either end. If
    I were you I'd avoid the 'fastest route' and take in stuff like Cape
    Wrath as well because you'll see some massive cliffs and truly
    spectacular scenery.

    If you're over when we're doing the classic bike racing at Chimay in
    Belgium (mid July) and fancy tagging along with the regulars then let us
    know and we can sort you out camping kit and book your crossings & hotel
    for you in advance so all you have to do is meet up with us and then
    spend a few days drinking Chimay beer and watching the races. It's a
    good weekend and the racing is on proper road circuits where you can sit
    on walls and watch the bikes go past as you get more and more pissed.
    Andy B, May 10, 2011
  4. Thomas

    Simon Wilson Guest

    There's one not far from us, but I can't remember the name of it -
    paging Brownz, what's the name of the place just through Abingdon?

    There's also Boxhill, but I've never been there - I've always imagined
    it to be a bit of a power ranger's place - what say the foak?
    Simon Wilson, May 10, 2011
  5. Thomas

    Hog. Guest

    Chimay is a really great experience.
    Hog., May 10, 2011
  6. Thomas

    boxerboy Guest

    Then he will enjoy it but will need to get his head around that there
    may be a long walk in to some sections. The most sorted spectators
    had taken small to mid size trail bikes with them and rode in as far
    as they could. On the two half days we watched there were walks of up
    to 2 miles from the main road. Skoda Fabia estates are practical but
    not set up for off road driving - well mine isn't

    boxerboy, May 10, 2011
  7. Thomas

    eamo Guest


    eamo, May 10, 2011
  8. Thomas

    ogden Guest

    Depends. They do themed days so there's occasionally something vaguely
    interesting parked outside. But it's mostly just a dodgy cafe trading on
    past glories.
    ogden, May 10, 2011
  9. Thomas

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Eloquently put.
    Colin Irvine, May 10, 2011
  10. Thomas

    boots Guest

    Several colleagues worked there for extended periods 2yrs+, they've
    not got a high opinion.
    fair point, I just have no desire to go back & dealing on a regular
    basis with contractors in india does little to change that opinion.
    boots, May 10, 2011
  11. Thomas

    ogden Guest

    A bit. It's pretty dead these days, certainly nothing like it was when I
    started going there in the early/mid 90s. They've put in a speed limit,
    cameras and marked off one of the lanes as well, so it's not even as if
    the Mickleham Bends are worth riding anymore.

    Really, the south east is a great place to live but a fairly crap place
    to ride a bike.
    ogden, May 10, 2011
  12. Thomas

    Simon Wilson Guest

    Simon Wilson, May 10, 2011
  13. Thomas

    ogden Guest

    ogden, May 10, 2011
  14. Thomas

    Simon Wilson Guest

    A nice cup of tea and bacon sarnie iirc though.
    Simon Wilson, May 10, 2011
  15. Thomas

    SteveH Guest

    Also West End at Llandovery.

    Away from Wales, I've also been to Loomies Cafe - half way betwen
    Petersfield and Winchester - half decent food and lots of bikes.
    SteveH, May 10, 2011
  16. Thomas

    ginge Guest

    I got a case of 'india' 3 days in... it was a frightful experience.
    ginge, May 10, 2011
  17. Thomas

    Krusty Guest

    Makes a nice change from 'go **** yourself'.
    Krusty, May 10, 2011
  18. Grimly Curmudgeon, May 10, 2011
  19. Apropos of buggerall - the only place in Scotland to have an element
    named after it, unless you count Deepfrium.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 10, 2011
  20. Thomas

    petrolcan Guest

    Go **** yourself!


    BTW, what's the score on the lenses etc?
    petrolcan, May 10, 2011
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