Failed Ebay bid

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TOG, May 24, 2006.

  1. TOG

    SD Guest

    Not 'alf. Another bloke was selling a seat and tailpiece for a Silver
    CBX: £422.50 the pair. Bit rich for my taste.
    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/CBX1000Z
    |_\_____/_| ..79553../..21469.../..31308.
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 WG*
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 PM#5
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17 IbB#4 YTC#4 two#11
    '^' RBR'06 Points: 75 Miles: 317
    SD, May 24, 2006
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  2. TOG

    Hog Guest

    I was content to suck on her nipples
    Hog, May 25, 2006
    1. Advertisements

  3. *Snort*

    This could be funny.
    The Older Gentleman, May 25, 2006
  4. TOG

    ogden Guest

    "Could you please ship to Nigeria. Payment will be by Western Union..."
    ogden, May 25, 2006
  5. TOG

    darsy Guest

    I feel ill.
    darsy, May 25, 2006
  6. TOG

    Hog Guest

    Remove "large" please
    Hog, May 25, 2006
  7. TOG

    Cammo Guest

    Cammo, May 25, 2006
  8. TOG

    TOG Guest


    Been checking out another 1997-year 750 on Ebay - seller gave a mobile

    "How long have you had it?"

    'Since February...'

    "Is it registered to your name at the address where it can be seen or
    collected from?"

    'Er, no, it's still in my mate's name.'

    "Why isn't it in your name?"

    'Oh, I just haven't had the time. I bought it from my mate and I've
    only ridden it once. He's a bike dealer. I haven't got around to
    changing the logbook yet, but I've got all the paperwork....'

    TOG, May 25, 2006
  9. TOG

    Cab Guest

    Err, BiN? Wossthathen?
    Cab, May 25, 2006
  10. Buy it now - for a fixed price you can BIN, but the option to BIN
    disappears as soon as the first normal bid is entered.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 25, 2006
  11. TOG

    Cab Guest

    Ta for that.
    Cab, May 25, 2006
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