[QUOTE] Youm may not have initiated it, but is formed one of the reasons you gave to justify your abuse report. If you recall, you said: "He's only here to push his stuff..." To which I say, so what?[/QUOTE] If he wants to push his stuff, eBay is a good place for him. He can advertise all he wants in uk.adverts.other, obviously - as long as he stays there. As an aside, I believe it is against eBay's T&Cs to place ads like this.[QUOTE] Great. He *might* post some more ebay ads, so that justifies me sending an abuse email off. I don't think so. If you had evidence of a continued trend of this chap doing this, I might think differently. But he's posted two separate ads, and anyone clown can see that he's selling his own bike, and the top box that came from it.[/QUOTE] So it _appears_. I dip into eBay from time to time, and it is surprising how many times the same names come up in connection with similar items, or how many people sell "their own bike" ... three times in five weeks.[QUOTE] Commercial posts - yes, that's why they're not allowed. Private sellers, they're fine IMO. Over zealous net-kops, hmm....[/QUOTE] GAF. Want any mobile phone spares?