FA: Suzuki GSX750F

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Peter, Jan 25, 2004.

  1. Peter

    Peter Guest

    Peter, Jan 25, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  2. Peter

    Cane Guest

    Posts like these make me think of those charity collectors who bother you in
    the pub.
    Cane, Jan 25, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. Peter

    Pip Guest

    Now then Mr. "ktrader" This looks like a commercial post and
    therefore contarvenes the charter of uk.r.m.

    Abuse report to on its way.
    Pip, Jan 25, 2004
  4. Peter

    Kiran Guest

    Please explain why is this a commercial post?
    Kiran, Jan 25, 2004
  5. Peter

    mb Guest

    How is this different to any of the 'regulars' advertising ebay auctions
    mb, Jan 25, 2004
  6. Peter

    Pip Guest

    Here, take my hand ... right then: the OP isn't a regular. He's only
    here to push his stuff, which if you were interested in you would have
    found on eBay anyway.

    The OP's eBay username is "uktrader" which suggests commercialism to
    me - and just to reinforce that, he's posted again subsequently, with
    another of his auctions. Now, if you want to see uk.r.m. disappear
    under a mass of eBay auctions, offers and links - you sit on your
    hands and let it ... but don't ask me to, OK?
    Pip, Jan 25, 2004
  7. Peter

    Pip Guest

    Kindly see my reply to mb.

    Then have a look at the OP's next thread.
    Pip, Jan 25, 2004
  8. Peter

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I'd like to see a total of zero ebay ads. Ebay is so dull.
    Ben Blaney, Jan 25, 2004
  9. Peter

    Kiran Guest

    Nope, your explanation doesn't really ad up. These ads seems no different
    to others here flogging their stuff on UKRM. It looks like a private
    individual selling his bike and top box on ebay. The matters you point to
    are all fairly irrelevant:

    1. The fact he's not a "regular". So what, this is a public

    2. The fact that his ebay ID is "uktrader101" means fa - I
    presume you had a look at his history and noticed that for the last 20
    items or so, he was the buyer?

    3. UKRM flooding under a load of ads etc. When has that stopped
    anyone. What next - you'll want to stop people posting crap? :)
    Kiran, Jan 25, 2004
  10. Peter

    mb Guest

    Ho hum, I know he's not a regular which is why I posed my question like
    Then why allow *any* ebay auction postings ?
    mb, Jan 25, 2004
  11. Peter

    Cane Guest

    oh shit.
    Cane, Jan 25, 2004
  12. Peter

    Pip Guest

    I didn't initiate that - take that up with mb, ta.
    It was the "see my other auctions for more motorcycle stuff" that
    stood out to me. He hasn't a lot there atm, but who knows/
    Crap is fine, K. Ads are a different thing. How many times do you
    want the OP to initiate a thread selling more of his stuff?
    Pip, Jan 25, 2004
  13. Peter

    Pip Guest

    Then why ask? He's only here to punt his stuff. I resent that.
    **** me, this is real shallow end stuff, isn't it? Nobody is in any
    position to allow or disallow *anything* to be posted. I reserve my
    right to object to the content, however.
    Pip, Jan 25, 2004
  14. Ben Blaney wrote
    It would appear though that we are in a minority as when we last had
    this discussion it was agreed that Joe Public could push his tat here as
    much as he liked but of course traders would be spoken firmly at.
    steve auvache, Jan 25, 2004
  15. Peter

    mb Guest

    "It's a public newgroup"
    But you've sent an abuse report anyway?
    Fairy nuff.
    mb, Jan 25, 2004
  16. Peter

    Kiran Guest

    Youm may not have initiated it, but is formed one of the reasons you gave
    to justify your abuse report. If you recall, you said:

    "He's only here to push his stuff..."

    To which I say, so what?

    Great. He *might* post some more ebay ads, so that justifies me sending
    an abuse email off. I don't think so. If you had evidence of a continued
    trend of this chap doing this, I might think differently. But he's posted
    two separate ads, and anyone clown can see that he's selling his own
    bike, and the top box that came from it.
    Commercial posts - yes, that's why they're not allowed. Private sellers,
    they're fine IMO. Over zealous net-kops, hmm....
    Kiran, Jan 25, 2004
  17. Peter

    Kiran Guest

    I wish we could have a ban on all dull posters, but apparently, it's not a
    crime to be dull. ;-)
    Kiran, Jan 25, 2004
  18. Peter

    Cane Guest

    You'd get life ;)
    Cane, Jan 25, 2004
  19. Peter

    Kiran Guest

    ****, they'd have to bring back hanging for you.
    Kiran, Jan 25, 2004
  20. Peter

    Pip Guest

    How is that "disallowing"?
    Pip, Jan 25, 2004
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