FA: Honda CB175

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by YTC#1, Aug 27, 2003.

  1. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    YTC#1, Aug 29, 2003
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  2. YTC#1

    sweller Guest

    Not necessarily. My machine has an accurate clock and I know I can place
    a bid in approx 20 secs on my connection.

    So about 30 secs from the end I hit "submit bid".

    Why pay for the snipe services when you can do it yourself.
    sweller, Aug 29, 2003
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  3. YTC#1

    Pip Guest

    I go closer than 30 seconds, myself.
    More fun doing it manually, too. *cough*
    Pip, Aug 29, 2003
  4. YTC#1

    Hog Guest

    YTC you missed out on the starting value option. You should open it (say)
    2/3 of the way to the value you want to achieve otherwise it can take an
    unfeasible amount of incremental bids to make your price. You may be able to
    amend or relist.

    What sort of miles BTW?
    Hog, Aug 29, 2003
  5. YTC#1

    tallbloke Guest

    <FX: Hugs saddle>

    You're just jealous
    tallbloke, Aug 30, 2003
  6. YTC#1

    Pip Guest

    There's a lot to be said for hermaphroditism - so says every Lumbricus
    I've spoken to, anyway.
    Pip, Aug 30, 2003
  7. YTC#1

    tallbloke Guest

    Pip <> spouted the following in

    The worm turns....
    tallbloke, Aug 30, 2003
  8. YTC#1

    Pip Guest

    ... ties itself in a knot and resumes smiling ...
    Pip, Aug 30, 2003
  9. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest


    Its got a starting value of £100. Which is apporx 2/3rds of what I want.
    So what did I miss ?
    Not now it has started I can't.
    As it says on the page :=} 11700

    Bruce Porter
    XJR1300SP, XJ900F, GSX750W, GS550, GSX250, CB175
    POTM#1(KoTL), WUSS#1 , YTC#1(bar), OSOS#2(KoTL) , DS#3 , IbW#18 ,Apostle#8
    "The internet is a huge and diverse community and not every one is friendly"
    http://www.ytc1.co.uk There *is* an alternative! http://www.openoffice.org/
    YTC#1, Aug 30, 2003
  10. YTC#1

    Hog Guest

    Oops, thought it would be more.
    Hog, Aug 30, 2003
  11. YTC#1

    tallbloke Guest

    That'd be a worm called Gordian then?
    tallbloke, Aug 30, 2003
  12. YTC#1

    YTC#1 Guest

    Big diff between what I want and what TOG thinks it will fetch :=}

    Bruce Porter
    XJR1300SP, XJ900F, GSX750W, GS550, GSX250, CB175
    POTM#1(KoTL), WUSS#1 , YTC#1(bar), OSOS#2(KoTL) , DS#3 , IbW#18 ,Apostle#8
    "The internet is a huge and diverse community and not every one is friendly"
    http://www.ytc1.co.uk There *is* an alternative! http://www.openoffice.org/
    YTC#1, Aug 30, 2003
  13. YTC#1

    Pip Guest

    In that case, he's fucked and you're quids in. 3 days to go yet.
    Pip, Aug 31, 2003
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