I've had this bike for 9 years and it is very reliable, and once took me to Poland and back. I'm now making space for a Moto Guzzi so it has to go. Advertised in various places including ebay, where I have written a pretty comprehensive description: [URL]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7913678297[/URL] I've also got a pretty big spares collection which is to be sold off either piecemeal or wholesale, depending on interest and offers. Viewings of bike and/or spares are available during weekday evenings only, sorry but I'm tied up at the weekends at the mo. All located in NG7 area of Nottingham. Any questions please drop me a line at: user13954 at yahoo dot co dot uk Don't use reply address as it is just a spamcatcher.