Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Gareth Slee, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. Gareth Slee

    SteveH Guest

    Heh. I see your point, but, having worked in Llanelli and Carmarthen,
    (OK Llanelli might not be a particularly good example), don't you find
    them all a bit 'nationalist', so to speak? - I mean, you'll never know
    when you'll 'come home to a real fire', IYSWIM.
    Last time I spoke to him, he was stuck in a traffic jam with a limo full
    of screaming kids who were late for ice-skating or something.
    SteveH, Dec 1, 2005
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  2. Gareth Slee

    SteveH Guest

    Heh, well, I suppose I am.

    Because it is, really.

    And they're all a bit odd out there.
    SteveH, Dec 1, 2005
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  3. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    Ah! Good lad, he's forgiven. A bike like that should be on the road.

    Or in my garage.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - There are few things in life more sinister than a
    public toilet with the lid closed.

    SBS#39 OMF#6 Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Suzuki TS250 "The Africa Single" Yamaha GTS1000
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Dec 1, 2005
  4. Gareth Slee

    wessie Guest

    SteveH emerged from their own little world to say
    I lived in Herefordshire and worked in the Forest of Dean. The people of
    Mid Wales seem reasonably normal to me.

    I'm a country boy at heart. The mid Wales towns like Lampeter are more akin
    to the market towns I grew up in, even if the cattle markets are no longer

    The industrial towns like Tredegar still bear the scars of centuries of
    exploitation of the landscape and population. This does not, IMV, make them
    attractive places to live. The socially mobile move out leaving behind
    those on lower incomes and we end up with an ever-ageing population of ex-
    miners and steel workers. Gradually, as property prices in the M4 corridor
    rise further these towns will become attractive to developers. At the
    moment the are concentrating their efforts in your neck of the woods. I
    haven't been to YM recently but I was in Blackwood. Compared to Newbridge
    across the valley it seemed to be thriving.

    So for me, if I settle permanently in Wales it will either be rural Mid
    Wales or in the centre of Cardiff. Two extremes but both are compromises I
    can live with.
    wessie, Dec 1, 2005
  5. Gareth Slee

    SP Guest

    Oh, I dunno. A pair going for ?4.99 seemed a good proposition, but
    then I recalled I do have lots of gloves, including a very nice pair of
    HG that I purchased a couple of months ago, therefore I do not need
    another set of gloves.

    So, I'm not having them. Which means you won't be getting a
    user-review about them from me, either.

    SBS#11 (with oak-leaf cluster)
    BONY#54P BOB#18
    Real burds don't take hormones, they rage naturally
    SP, Dec 1, 2005
  6. Wicked Uncle Nigel wrote
    I think that the subject of your garage and the blatant neglect of the
    motorcycles parked therein is a matter of grave public concern. When,
    for example, was the last time you sat upon all of them and went "Vroom
    steve auvache, Dec 2, 2005
  7. Gareth Slee

    raden Guest

    One of mine used to be a "Odd job man" around town

    I remember when I was a kild doing bob-a-job, getting 2/6d for sawing
    the legs off a bed

    ... the things you remember, eh ?
    raden, Dec 2, 2005
  8. Gareth Slee

    SteveH Guest

    Having worked in both places I find that rather too many customers
    switch to speaking Welsh when they realise there's an English person
    serving them.... that may or may not be as a result of the kind of
    customer my former employers attracted, though.
    Never really 'visited' Lampeter - it's just somewhere I go through to
    get to the west Wales coast.
    SteveH, Dec 2, 2005
  9. SP wrote
    I might. I reckon they are worth a tenner and have told ebay to make it
    steve auvache, Dec 2, 2005
  10. Oh I completely agree. It's a tragedy really when someone is reduced
    to selling off their old clothes to keep body and soul together.

    Includes local area labour force survey - annual (Mar 2002 - Feb 2003)
    - Nomis

    I can get you some up to date ones if you'd like? If you wait until
    tomorrow I'll able to get you the draft figures from current as yet
    unpublished research.
    Don't **** with researchers.
    Work in progress, Dec 2, 2005
  11. Gareth Slee

    wessie Guest

    SteveH emerged from their own little world to say

    As I was born on a dairy farm in Mid Wales I can pretend I know what I'm
    talking about: despite never actually being a farmer myself.

    As Loz H said, the rural towns are populated by a cosmopolitan bunch now.
    The younger locals tend to move off to better paid jobs in the cities.
    However, unlike the Valleys, this does not leave behind an ageing
    population as there is an influx of people from urban areas looking for the
    rural idyll.
    wessie, Dec 2, 2005
  12. Gareth Slee

    raden Guest

    26.5k in November - why do you ask ?
    raden, Dec 2, 2005
  13. Gareth Slee

    raden Guest

    Stained ?
    raden, Dec 2, 2005
  14. Gareth Slee

    Stuart Gray Guest

    I never knew Belstaffs could be so exciting
    Stuart Gray, Dec 2, 2005
  15. Jeez, that's harsh.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Dec 2, 2005
  16. Gareth Slee

    muddy Guest

    muddy, Dec 2, 2005
  17. A twonk forced to sell his clothing. Next?
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 2, 2005
  18. Gareth Slee

    BGN Guest

    He's so far back in the closet he's in fucking Narnia.
    BGN, Dec 2, 2005
  19. You have a strange definition of humour.

    But then you are in IT.

    Phil Launchbury, Dec 2, 2005
  20. Gareth Slee

    Jackie Guest

    Well having read the rest of the thread about the abysmal bits of
    Wales, I popped into Llanrumney on the way to Cardiff last night. What
    a dive.

    I went to see Feeder,who were excellent.
    Supporting them were GLC who were bloody hilarious - especially so as
    some of the Welsh audience didn't realise it was them they were taking
    the piss out of. Some people just didn't 'get it'.

    Top night out.
    Jackie, Dec 2, 2005
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