F*kd up again

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wpj, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. wpj

    wpj Guest

    Two problems here .....
    Well three is you count buying a Honda Deuaville!!

    1. How can I check the history of my machine when I don't know the
    insurance company who may have written it off? Done the usual RAC/AA etc.
    searches and they reveal nothing. I now know the bike was sold as a write
    off, but cannot prove it.

    2. Same machine. What would be causing tremendous front end vibration
    between 80 and 100mph??

    I realise I have been a complete twat buying this machine and am deserving
    of all brickbats heading my way, but I would like to try to recoup some
    dignity in being able to stick it up the cnut who I bought it from.

    Head down (mostly in shame!)
    wpj, Jul 21, 2004
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  2. wpj

    wessie Guest

    wpj wrote in
    If the bike was written off then it is a matter of public record. The
    insurance company concerned will not make a total loss payment until
    they have the V5 document and they will notify DVLA.

    Did you carry out a HPI check? It's the only one worth doing. Shows up
    history of theft, outstanding finance and many insurance issues.
    Could be something as simple as an unbalanced wheel or a flat spot on a
    tyre from a lock up. Could be more serious.
    If the bike was sold to you without disclosure of its history then you
    have protection from some legislation. However, most of it only applies
    to traders. Seek advice from your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
    wessie, Jul 21, 2004
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  3. wpj

    Pip Guest

    HPI check. http://www.hpicheck.com/
    Wheel balance.
    Pip, Jul 21, 2004
  4. wpj

    mups Guest

    wpj says...
    Did you HPI it? If HPI get it wrong you can claim back any losses
    through their guarantee.
    Its a deuaville, its probably scared.

    Seriously though if its a rebuild write off it could be anything from a
    badly balanced wheel to a snapped frame. Get it checked by SWK.
    Caveat Empor
    mups, Jul 21, 2004
  5. Hm. If it's been written off the AA/RAC searches (like HPI searches)
    should turn it up. oops.
    Wheel out of balance.

    If it was a private sale, there's not much you can do unless you can
    prove he misrepresented the bike.
    The Older Gentleman, Jul 22, 2004
  6. wpj

    Verdigris Guest

    I think a lot (not all) of the consumer protection would apply to a
    private sale in theory, but it's an awful lot more difficult to make use
    of it and much less likely to actually prove a case and then get something
    out of it. If you've got clear documentary evidence that you've been lied
    to it might be worth considering using the small claims process.
    Verdigris, Jul 23, 2004
  7. wpj

    Dark Star Guest

    1. How can I check the history of my machine when I don't know the
    Do a HPI - Hire purchase (to see if there is money owed on it) and Insurance
    (as you asked)

    Around £30 or possibly more from when I last checked the price and from
    where you will get it from.
    Rough guess driving a c*r most of the time - balancing or it being out of

    Not sure about the bike - better than my wreck though I suppose. :(

    Beastiality: 9 out of 10 cats said their owners prefered it.
    He's cracked! You keep him talking - I'll get a net.
    Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done.

    Dark Star, Jul 23, 2004
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