Exxon Mobil reports:

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mr. JayT, May 2, 2008.

  1. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    ..Houston.. ExxonMobil Corp, the worlds largest oil company reports that
    the record making crude oil prices helped its first-quarter profit to
    escalate to 17%.

    No wonder you 'bastards'. Shit, gas prices at the pump, are almost $4
    damn dollars.

    Those 'sumBithches, could care less about American Cit'uh'zens.

    If I'd been them, I would have not let that report get out. Most every
    other business's are struggling, because of high gas prices, and those
    'assHoles' are in high cotton, enjoying the high ass life....those F'ing
    (;>( MrJayTfuss.
    Mr. JayT, May 2, 2008
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  2. Mr. JayT

    tomorrow Guest

    It sher wud be better'n if dem MFrz wuz nationalize and takin over buy
    the gubmint to be run of the peeps, four the peeps & buy the peeps, we
    would haft lowered gas priceds and more moneys two.

    rectum sore?
    tomorrow, May 2, 2008
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  3. Mr. JayT

    lonestarlvn Guest

    Wow, mr jt, you really got mad. Believe it's the first time I've seen you
    this mad and for good cause too cause I also agree!!! Well, since Bush and
    Chenni chin chin both like oil and making profits too, no wonder things are
    in such a damn shape eh? Makes me want to jump up and dip snuff and spew it
    out my butt hole at somebody. For those who voted for Bush, I hope their
    dear hearts are still happy. Oh don't git me to keep on talkin' cause my
    blood is startin' to boil just thinkin' bout it all. Anuther thang is those
    CEO's are out buying $7000 shower curtains and most people can't even scrape
    up enough to buy gasoline and food...
    lonestarlvn, May 2, 2008
  4. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    ==== Hey ole racin' bad ass Tim,'Is your 'rectum' sore, too, about all
    this high ass gas prices, that's actually Bush's 'damn ass'
    fault....Hilliary will get the gas back down to 1.39.9 'in no
    time....do ya' rectum, son?
    heha.............MrJayTeeFuss. =
    bj_kana, May 2, 2008
  5. Mr. JayT

    Brian Walker Guest

    For me, I'm pretty well satisfied....

    I'm satisfied to know that the same people who are crying and slinging
    snot all over these gas pumps are the SAME ones who only 10 years
    earlier were having this country spend $400 BILLION DOLLARS to find
    that a married man will lie when asked on national television about
    getting his dick sucked by someone other than his wife. I could've
    saved this country an easy $100 billion and found the same thing.
    Nope, instead...everyone wanted "integrity" in the White House. I'm
    not pissed at Bush....he's done everything he said he was going to do
    when he first ran for the office. "Let's go to the tapes"....review
    what he said and you'll see he's done it.

    With me having so little buying of gas out of my own pocket these
    days, it affects me very little to have the prices where they are and
    where they're going. Back in '00 when the prices creeped to $2/gallon
    at the pumps, we had someone who was looking out for the people and
    not being distracted by the bullshit. He stepped up against harsh
    critics to keep the prices down and keep the gas companies from raping
    the people. How do all of you Republicans/non-voting Democrats/
    Independents like the "integrity" we have in the White House?

    What I see coming up is a repeat though. We have to staunch candidates
    in a fight for both their political careers and willing to step up and
    hopefully do something. Instead of this country getting behind them
    and staying on topic, we are having discussions about who came under
    sniper fire in an embellished war story told to a closed group of
    people and whether someone's pastor is racist and hates America. WTF?
    Anyone who tells some story to some friends "embellishes" the story.
    Those fish stories are whales who fought for over an hour on the line
    and finally got into the boat damn near sinking it, and turns out to
    be a 6" perch. And who agrees (like some zombie) with everything their
    pastor says in a church? The great thing about this country is I am
    free to go and find a church that suits me. If I don't agree with the
    majority, I'm free to leave and go find something else. If I find one,
    I would hope it woundn't be one that I'd agree 100% with. If I did,
    why even bother showing up? It's like going to take a test that you
    are given the answers to. WTF? Real quick, a good pastor is one who
    you feel comfortable around, you can share ideas with and someone
    who's there for you when you need him. Although I don't agree with the
    particular pastor in question and would likely never sit where he's
    at, I can't help but to know that this is a pastor who's not a "joe"
    but one who has a large following and is very respected in the
    theological community.

    Now, these two topics are as relevent to what affects you/I in day to
    day life as whether Pres. Bill Clinton got a "blow job". Get your
    heads out of your asses and stay on topic. You want to get this
    country back on track, that's how to do it. Otherwise, and while you
    want all this "integrity in the White House", all you people wanting
    to vote "for the man" are going to keep paying the high gas prices,
    having shit for health care, enjoying the planet being destroyed, and
    watching our soldiers being killed in a bullshit mess we never
    should've been in (and I'd like to point out that I was never "for it
    before against it" and was against it a lot longer than Obama ever
    thought of).

    As for me, I thought a little ahead and got myself in a position to
    not be too affected by those prices. So, go sling your tears and snot
    on those ballots this November and remember what you're really voting
    for. It's not about whether someone can visit Selma and only have
    white guys in suits show up, or who can embellish as war story, or
    even what somenoe's pastor once said. It seems the only time anyone
    wants something done by the government is when it affects them
    Brian Walker, May 2, 2008
  6. Mr. JayT

    tomorrow Guest

    I cain't wait for Hilray or Ubamda to git us back to$1.39 or even 39
    cent gas. Aslo, those oil comanys will final be outta bidness. Then I
    will buy an American SUV with a big v8 egin in it and drive it
    tomorrow, May 2, 2008
  7. Mr. JayT

    Wakko Guest

    As long as there's more and more people wanting to buy gas, the price won't
    It won't take the Chinese long to match us in consumption.
    Wakko, May 2, 2008
  8. Mr. JayT

    tomorrow Guest

    BUt we all know that it is only Mr. Mission Accomplished and his
    greety buds what is keeping the gast prices up. Soon as we throwed
    him outta the while house, gast priced are going back to norm. For
    tomorrow, May 2, 2008
  9. Mr. JayT

    louie Guest

    I can hardly wait.
    I'm also anxious to get some help with the loans that these greedy bastards
    are now saying I need to pay back.

    louie, May 3, 2008
  10. Mr. JayT

    bj_kana Guest

    ==so, in other words, you agree that the Bushes cannot too' soon,get
    the hail outa Wash'ing'ton. However, if folks like Vic, and that other
    actual Race Rider, Tim2Morrow, vote John Boring Ma'Cain in come
    'lection time, the rest of us will have to put up with a third ass
    term of that big spender B.S. Bush. (redneckin' Hi'tech laff,
    bj_kana, May 3, 2008
  11. Mr. JayT

    tomorrow Guest

    Mister Fussy; I have awready publickly declared that I will vote for
    Barrack if he is on the ballet on Nov. Now, that declaration may just
    be imaginerry like all those other claims ive made in the past but it
    might jist be true.
    tomorrow, May 3, 2008
  12. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    The Lonestarlyn comments: Mrjt...''since Bush and Chenni chin chin both
    like oil and making profits too, no wonder things are in such a damn
    shape eh?

    ==Aint that the truth. It's fellers like those over on the east side of
    the country, Virginia, and them places, that think Bush is
    something.......boy. Aint no doubt in my little' feeble mind, that our
    leaders could do something about the high cost of a gallon of gas in the
    US-of-A. You know, we dont live in no' foreign places, we live here.
    Our dern government should do something....I really feel for the
    truckers out there'a, cosing 'em up to $1500 to fill up their tanks. And
    that trinkles down to higher prices for my much needed habitual coffee
    breaks, and milk for the cereals.....hehehehhe
    Mr. JayT, May 3, 2008
  13. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    ==we dont give no shit about no chinese, hail' what's that got to do
    with nothing. Theres 'nuff oil in the ground in Texas, and Alasker, to
    take care of Americans.... MrJayT=
    Mr. JayT, May 3, 2008
  14. Mr. JayT

    Ed Hart Guest

    Hey Jerry? Let's vote Hillery or OBamma in and watch the gas go down to
    $1.50 a gallon as someone has already said.And still many will not admit,all
    the politicians are basically the same.Wanna see a sign of gas at $1.50 a
    gallon again? Look at an old pic of a station.We will never get it that
    cheap again.Just like the healthcare issues.Conservative or liberal.None
    have corrected it.All have a fix,as they say.An't happened and won't till
    the politicians are voted out of office.Term limit all the thieves.
    There is an old saying that I am sure all that read the newsgroup have seen
    or heard at least once in their lives.
    "We must educate ourselves on our past or we will be bound to repeat it".
    And we must learn from our mistakes.
    I predict, as many others have in the past,we will repeat our mistakes over
    and over again.
    And I predict that by the year 2012,oil will be $250.00 a barrell and gas
    will be over $10.00 per gallon.

    Have I got an "AMEN" people.All you posters and non-posters.


    Big Ed
    Ed Hart, May 3, 2008
  15. Mr. JayT

    Anonymous Guest

    What he said.... But, I'm not sure about the $250 a
    barrel / $10 a gallon prediction though.

    Actually, I'm really not sure why many are bitchin'
    about the gas prices. I certainly recall in many years
    past how the EU crowd has long suggested that the
    US gas pricing should mirror that of Europe.

    Well, that's pretty much what we've got, so where's
    the problem. The only issue remaining is liter pricing.

    I guess everything is relative:

    Alternatively, I guess one could move to one of the
    countries cited as having gas as cheap as $.12/gallon.

    BTW. Where the **** is Swaziland anyway?
    Anonymous, May 3, 2008
  16. Mr. JayT

    tomorrow Guest

    How cum were inportant nighon 60% frum them arabs now then? Yer
    smartness gots me all befuddled!
    tomorrow, May 3, 2008
  17. Mr. JayT

    tomorrow Guest

    Mebbe are gubmint could rebate to us the extra money were spendin on
    gas. Mayjustbe Umbamba will do that, thats why im votin four him!
    tomorrow, May 3, 2008
  18. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Brian: ''==so, in other words, you agree that the Bushes cannot too'
    soon,get the hail outa Wash'ing'ton. However, if folks like Vic, and
    that other actual Race Rider, Tim2Morrow, vote John Boring Ma'Cain in
    come 'lection time, the rest of us will have to put up with a third ass
    term of that big spender B.S. Bush.   (redneckin' Hi'tech laff,

    that I will vote for Barrack if he is on the ballet on Nov. Now, that
    declaration may just be imaginerry like all those other claims ive made
    in the past but it might jist be true.''

    ==2Morrow, my ole' usenetter buddy from the east: You aint never
    publicly said nothing' about who you like over here on these Texas
    discussions......(that I recall)
    -noneTheless, I mentioned Hilliary, thinking a feller like you wouldnt
    want a N-Word for a President.

    Actually, Tim, earlier I liked him better than Hilliary, up till lately,
    <now> I sorta like 'her better, that's the way we indy'pen'dents are.

    Either one would be interesting to have as President. ‘‘A Woman, or
    a black' Man.’’ What say you? MrjayT=
    Mr. JayT, May 4, 2008
  19. Mr. JayT

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Say Ed, I am impressed with your assesement, and your words and phrases,
    instead of your witty one-liners....
    Amen....I agree, there aint two bits worth of difference in any of them
    polly'ticians, if and when they are elected. It don't take but about 6
    months, and you'd swear that the same fool is back in there....hehehe

    That's why I vote every other president election; like... for one party;
    next time, the other one. It dont make much difference. heheh

    I dont want any of 'em in there more than 4 years...and certainly, Not 8
    dern years, that's wayyyyyy too long, for any of em to have a chance to
    **** stuff up. MrJayT=
    Mr. JayT, May 4, 2008
  20. Mr. JayT

    BiffB Guest

    There ya go, if you wanna blame somebody, blame the Chinese, and all the
    other formerly backwards ass countries that industrializing and using up
    all the oil that it is our god given right to burn.

    I suppose if you don't like the price of gas, you can always buy a
    bicycle. And stop buying chinese shit from wal-mart.
    BiffB, May 4, 2008
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