explanation please

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Racing' started by Michael Sierchio, Jun 12, 2005.

  1. How are constructor points awarded in MotoGP? It seems points are only
    allocated to the winning bike. Which seems completely absurd.
    Michael Sierchio, Jun 12, 2005
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  2. Michael Sierchio

    Bill Smith Guest

    If it were awarded to other finishers, the manufacturer with the most
    bikes entered would win most of the time. The way it is, having a lot
    of bikes entered does increases the chances of winning, but the team
    with one bike and a really good program still has a chance for the
    constructors championship. What would you suggest?

    Bill Smith
    Bill Smith, Jun 14, 2005
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  3. You have a point -- it's not like F1, where the teams are the constructors,
    other teams can buy Honda/Ducati/Yamaka, etc.

    But the current system doesn't seem to me to be an adequate measure
    of the superiority of the bike. Maybe I would award points to the
    podium places? I dunno.
    Michael Sierchio, Jun 14, 2005
  4. Michael Sierchio

    Tsja Guest

    I agree. I think the Honda is still the better bike. If Rossi were to ride
    it, and his competitors would ride the Yamaha, he would destroy them
    Tsja, Jun 14, 2005
  5. Michael Sierchio

    Bill Smith Guest

    They obviously only need one bike.

    Bill Smith
    Bill Smith, Jun 14, 2005
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