Exhaust collars

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by gazzafield, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. gazzafield

    gazzafield Guest

    The little collars (probably not the correct technical name) [1] at the head
    end of the downpipes collapsed on my bike today. :-( Starting ticking again
    then just sounded like a burst arse.

    The exhaust is a Neta. Anyone know if these little collar things are
    available separately. I really don't want to have to spend £250 on a new
    exhaust when only these bits have rusted to nothing.

    [1] The little tubes that push the downpipe to the exhaust port.
    gazzafield, Apr 22, 2005
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  2. gazzafield

    Lozzo Guest

    gazzafield says...
    You cannot buy them seperately. I have made them myself for two Motad
    systems in the past by hand beating them from flat sheet and beating a
    lip on one end. You need to make two for each pipe as it's impossible
    to get a one piece one in there without removing the end of the
    Lozzo, Apr 22, 2005
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  3. gazzafield

    WavyDavy Guest

    Can you not just remove the downpipe from the collector and drop 'em off at
    that end?

    Assuming the downpipes aren't rusted/seized in the collector joint, just
    that I recall when fitting the Motad to the CB that the collars and
    everything were packed separately and that's how they were put on the pipes.

    WavyDavy, Apr 22, 2005
  4. gazzafield

    Lozzo Guest

    WavyDavy says...
    Trouble with anything Motad make is that they corrode badly. If the
    collars are that rusted then don't even attempt to remove the pipes
    from the collector box. I fabricated collars for the ex-TOG/Eddie GT750
    just after Statto acquired it, and for the CB as well. The CB Motad was
    only about 2 1/2 years old by the time the collars rusted through, and
    there are a plethora of welded plates all along it now as well.
    Lozzo, Apr 22, 2005
  5. gazzafield

    Gav Guest

    What does that sound like?
    Gav, Apr 23, 2005
  6. gazzafield

    Lozzo Guest

    mubbueth says...
    Yours maybe didn't, but mine have lasted longer than the original Motad
    ones. I made mine from a bit of beaten flat, very knackered Renault 21
    exhaust pipe that had its fair share of corrosion before I started.
    Lozzo, Apr 23, 2005
  7. gazzafield

    gazzafield Guest

    Like a very loud fart.
    gazzafield, Apr 23, 2005
  8. gazzafield

    gazzafield Guest

    Thanks mubbueth. I'm not surprised at them not being cheap. As I posted
    before, £32 + VAT for a carb inlet rubber! Porbably the same now for the
    exhaust part too.
    gazzafield, Apr 23, 2005
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