Exceedingly firm thigh

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by platypus, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. platypus

    platypus Guest

    Actually, I managed about 5 hours, which is some kind of record for me,
    especially this last week.
    platypus, Sep 14, 2004
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  2. platypus

    dwb Guest

    Like you can hear me from Bristol.

    (You can't can you?)
    dwb, Sep 14, 2004
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  3. platypus

    Molly Guest

    Molly, Sep 14, 2004
  4. There are some new NSAIDs out that have less severe side effects, such as
    Vioxx (http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/medicines/100002764.html) - I got moved
    on to this from brufen after it started upsetting my stomach. Might be
    worth mentioning them to your doc.
    David Johnston, Sep 14, 2004
  5. LOL

    Did you make any friends?
    Whinging Courier, Sep 14, 2004
  6. platypus

    platypus Guest

    Friends? Moi?
    platypus, Sep 14, 2004
  7. Yes, you seem like a fairly amicable sort of chap.

    You know, the sort of "**** me, this trolly's wreaking havoc with me
    piles" sort of friends, or "I wish they'd turn the lights down, it's
    hurting my eyes" sort of stuff.
    Whinging Courier, Sep 14, 2004
  8. Feline pawly?

    Actually, I don't much fancy cats, either.
    Whinging Courier, Sep 14, 2004
  9. Velvet morning's a fave of mine, too.
    Whinging Courier, Sep 14, 2004
  10. platypus

    platypus Guest

    Well, it was the dead of fucking 1AM on a Tuesday morning. There was a
    woman in the next cage who'd probably tried to top herself - she was a bit
    quiet. Also quiet was someone up the far end who had just died, although
    the rellies were having a wee snivel. The father-in-law and I had an
    extended conversation on cars we had known...
    platypus, Sep 14, 2004
  11. Ah, I see. A personal frenzy.
    You should've shown her your thigh ;-)
    As good a way of passing the time as any.
    Whinging Courier, Sep 15, 2004
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