[QUOTE] Fuck, you're an idiot George. But amusing. Theo[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Oh, there you go again Theo, warbling off into the sunset I said I installed it as described well over six onths ago and it is still working without the meltdown you seem to think has already happened[/QUOTE] No, I don't think it will melt down, but only because resistor ratings are way understated. I'm just amused by your comment of "Don't give a stuff what mister ohm said" I did it this way so this is the only correct way to do it. George, your static load is 60 watts, your wattage rating is 30 watts per reisistor, you put 10W resistors in there and you still insist your way is the only way, and those idiots out there are, well, idiots for not doing it your way. Anybody wishing to do this should listen to you rather than to someone who actually knows what they are doing and who actually did it to his ute 2 years ago. Now tell us that with a 60 watt load the flash rate is still the same as it was before you did this. As I said before, Fuck, you're an idiot George. Theo