
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Robbo, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. Robbo

    Robbo Guest

    Good turnout.
    Blindingly brilliant grub.
    Great beer,
    Piss poor weather Saturday evening.
    Usual tomfoolery on Sunday morning CIHAGM fest.
    Much bollerx talked, much crap and idiocy done.
    Various bikes fettled and tuned.
    Staff and Hosts their usual tolerant and helpful selves serving all the
    food, beer and insult retorts with expertise and skill.

    Can't wait for BOSM in April...........

    See U all there.


    1500GL 1988 Goldwing (Halfway rebuilt)
    BMW K100 RS 1984
    "Fairly Quick" status. Silver level
    BotaFOF #19. E.O.S.M 2001/2002/2003/2004.
    B.O.S.M 2003, 2004 .FURSWB#1 KotL..YTC449
    Robbo, Sep 12, 2004
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  2. Robbo

    Robbo Guest

    You are *such* a peasant at times

    Wait and see..........................................


    1500GL 1988 Goldwing (Halfway rebuilt)
    BMW K100 RS 1984
    "Fairly Quick" status. Silver level
    BotaFOF #19. E.O.S.M 2001/2002/2003/2004.
    B.O.S.M 2003, 2004 .FURSWB#1 KotL..YTC449
    Robbo, Sep 12, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. Robbo

    Robbo Guest

    ROFLLMAO !!!!

    Well I *did* think she looked good, but even I have to stop somewhere.......
    Her friend was a very nice lady and quite sexy too.


    1500GL 1988 Goldwing (Halfway rebuilt)
    BMW K100 RS 1984
    "Fairly Quick" status. Silver level
    BotaFOF #19. E.O.S.M 2001/2002/2003/2004.
    B.O.S.M 2003, 2004 .FURSWB#1 KotL..YTC449
    Robbo, Sep 12, 2004
  4. Robbo

    Molly Guest

    I'm saving myself for you.
    Molly, Sep 12, 2004
  5. Robbo

    Molly Guest


    Molly, Sep 12, 2004
  6. Robbo

    dwb Guest

    Of all the people who might actually know, I wouldn't put Robbo high on the

    dwb, Sep 12, 2004
  7. Robbo

    MANDY Guest

    Have you booked your B&B ?
    MANDY, Sep 12, 2004
  8. Robbo

    AndrewR Guest

    Does he need to?

    Are you taking bookings on your daughters yet?

    (It's only a joke, please don't hurt me).

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Sep 12, 2004
  9. Robbo

    MANDY Guest

    Me hurt you never !!
    MANDY, Sep 12, 2004
  10. Robbo

    Fr Jack Guest

    Mandy won't hurt you - but the daughters might... ;-)


    Fr Jack
    96 Tiger.
    Fr Jack, Sep 12, 2004
  11. Robbo

    Molly Guest

    Well thank you kind sir.
    She thought you were rather cute and despite my warnings ;), she still
    Molly, Sep 12, 2004
  12. Robbo

    tallbloke Guest

    Au contraire, I thought it was very civilised of it to wait until we'd all
    gone inside to eat before it pissed down. And even better that it stopped
    again before we were all chucked out after closing time.

    Couldn't have been better really.
    tallbloke, Sep 12, 2004
  13. Robbo

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, tallbloke

    That'll have been Champ's presence having its usual effect.

    Cheers, that Weather God.
    Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Nigel Eaton, Sep 12, 2004
  14. Robbo

    Champ Guest

    No probs.

    I had an, er, interesting ride home, on mostly dry roads. The
    'interesting' bit was when I tried to find the route out of Lichfield
    that *didn't* take me down the new M6 toll road. Apparently, you
    *have* to use it now, cos there aren't any signs to the fucking M42.
    So I ended up going into Sutton Coldfield, and out through Solihull.
    Ho hum.

    Still, not a drop of rain until I was 5 minutes from my door.
    Champ, Sep 13, 2004
  15. Robbo

    Ginge Guest

    But there are signs for the A38, and A446, with a map you'd find it.
    Ginge, Sep 13, 2004
  16. Robbo

    Champ Guest

    Yersh. Perhaps I should have stopped and looked at the map I had with
    Champ, Sep 13, 2004
  17. Robbo

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Champ
    Whaaaat? Admit defeat like that? Never!
    Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Nigel Eaton, Sep 13, 2004
  18. Robbo

    Champ Guest

    Quite so. And I was distracted by the fact that I drove past two open
    petrol stations, and then didn't see anymore until I arrived in
    Lichfield, qith the trip showing 30 miles since the light had started
    flashing. And could I find a petrol station in Lichfield? No, I
    couldn't - I eventually limped into a Tescos with 32 miles on the
    trip. I put 17.8 litres into the (nominally 18 litre tank).
    Champ, Sep 13, 2004
  19. Robbo

    Molly Guest

    I've always wanted to know how far I could ride on reserve, the
    furthest so far has been around 25 miles but 32 is cutting it a bit

    It was nice to meet you, so to speak. You wouldn't believe how nervous
    I was.
    Molly, Sep 13, 2004
  20. Robbo

    porl Guest

    You know how Champ feels about chicks on bikes.
    porl, Sep 13, 2004
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