Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Laura Smith, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. Laura Smith

    Pip Guest

    And that, boys and girls, is the one Gotcha.

    I believe that Platy has one more to play - but he'll probably never
    need it.
    Pip, Sep 7, 2004
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  2. Laura Smith

    Mark Olson Guest

    I'd say there are easily enough humourless twats on UKRM to knock
    your assertion into a cocked hat.
    Mark Olson, Sep 8, 2004
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  3. Laura Smith

    Muck Guest

    Well, shit still happens if you smile or frown. I just see more
    advantages in being able to smile when shit happens, that's all.
    Muck, Sep 8, 2004
  4. Laura Smith

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Sep 8, 2004
  5. Laura Smith

    platypus Guest

    No hurry - I won't be riding or driving for 6 weeks or so. Anyway, apart
    from the new bits I've put on it, the RT's a bit of a shitheap. I may get
    something else instead.
    platypus, Sep 8, 2004
  6. Laura Smith

    platypus Guest

    I'm sure it would.
    platypus, Sep 8, 2004
  7. Owen wrote
    No Owen we won't laugh at you. Do you know why Owen? It is because you
    are special, isn't that right Owen? We don't laugh at special people
    do we Owen?
    steve auvache, Sep 8, 2004
  8. Laura Smith

    Owen Guest

    I suppose you'll be wanting the handle ber wiring bits back? Shall I
    bring it up to the EOSM?
    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Sep 8, 2004
  9. Laura Smith

    Owen Guest

    Would our SR250 qualify for the Morocco run?
    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Sep 8, 2004
  10. Laura Smith

    Owen Guest

    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Sep 8, 2004
  11. Laura Smith

    MattG Guest

    steve auvache says...
    We just get Petrolcan to take care of them.

    Bed bath anyone?
    MattG, Sep 8, 2004
  12. Laura Smith

    platypus Guest

    Heh. They were itching to do some sort of hospital hygiene number on me,
    but I wasn't having any.
    platypus, Sep 8, 2004

  13. "Special massage, Mr Monotreme? From one of our student nurses?"
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 9, 2004
  14. Laura Smith

    Gyp Guest

    If you're quick there's a nice looking drifter on eBay at the moment
    Gyp, Sep 9, 2004
  15. Laura Smith

    marina Guest

    It's got to. I bought one. One of the shitest bikes I've ever known.
    Nice soft engine, but no power whatsoever, soggy handling, no comfort,
    no speed and definitely no brakes.[/QUOTE]

    As we are leaving early this evening on our way oop north[1], Owen
    won't be replying to this. However, let me explain the Mayes-comfort
    factor. He rides it sitting on the pillion seat and says it's very
    comfy. I ride it sitting on the proper seat and it's very comfy for me
    too. The rest, however, is true. Especially the brakes. The first time
    Owen rode it to work was, erm, interesting after the Bandit. Owen came
    home saying he'd have to work on the brakes. I said they'd always been
    bad; the bike needs advance warning in triplicate of intention to
    stop. He's got used to it now.
    Yeah, fun aren't they?

    [1]We arrive tonight at my uncle's house near Leicester, tomorrow we
    are staying in Halifax with my daughter Jeni, then we will be at EOSM
    on Saturday. Oh yeah, and we will perforce be in the car, we can't
    both sit on the SR250, the BMW is fucked, the VZ800 also, and Owen
    can't ride the Bandit that far because of damaged wrists (also I
    wouldn't want to ride pillion that far on it).

    Marina Mayes - Reading, UK. To email me remove XX from my address
    SR250 - on the road again. BOTAFOT12, BOD#2, BOTAFOS#2
    KotLBOD#s, KotLBOTAFOS#s,IMC#2, Tart#10-19, SR#3
    Original Sinergy - wicked T-shirts for a wicked world: www.originalsinergy.com
    I never give in to fear or blackmail; I always give in to temptation.
    "You're a national treasure" - porl, 18.1.03
    marina, Sep 9, 2004
  16. Laura Smith

    platypus Guest

    I might have been tempted, had I been a) an ex-pupil of St Custards, and b)
    even remotely interested in the same old biddy who fitted the polysling
    platypus, Sep 9, 2004
  17. Laura Smith

    platypus Guest

    I shall treat that suggestion with the contempt it deserves.

    <cancels post>
    platypus, Sep 9, 2004
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