The now infamous End of Summer Meet is nearly upon us. All are welcome as UKRM meet again to celebrate the end of summer. Much frolicking, a little nudity, plenty of drinking and eating of fine food served by Mike and Mu, the hosts, plus lots of luvvly local lasses. Plenty of good quality food will be served on Saturday evening, and a top breakfast is available on Sunday. On Saturday night we will observe 2 minutes hilarious laughing in memory of sir.tony, who will meet his demise at the hand of Atilla the Hungry earlier in the day. I will be using the tried and tested ticket system to ensure that everyone pays their way for the fine food etc. All rooms at the inn are booked and have been for some time, but there are some B+Bs locally that may have some rooms if needed. If camping is your bag, then there is a small garden outside that has room for at least 20 tents if they are erected sensibly. No doubt Sunday will herald yet another CIHAGM fest, in which ukrmers will thrash each others bikes to within a micron of being seized and then post derogatory comments about them. I personally plan to get very drunk and have lots of debauched liasons with however many women of the opposite sex I manage to pay/con into my room. If you intend to come along and have dinner and/or breakfast, then please email me at [email][/email] so I can inform Mu how many will require feeding. Lets see some more of you newbies and lurkers there this time OK, and lots more women with no morals. Date: September 11th and 12th Venue: The Black horse Inn, Hulland Ward, Derbyshire. DE6 3EE Phone: 01335 370206 Streetmap url : [URL][/URL] Hope to see you there, no matter who you are, unless you're a cunt.