EOSM 2006 hijack

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Beelzebub, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. DoetNietComputeren wrote
    What are these "off motorway" speed limits of which you speak?
    steve auvache, Jan 28, 2006
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  2. Beelzebub

    BGN Guest

    Happy birthday.
    BGN, Jan 28, 2006
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  3. Well quite - I mean, speed limits onkly apply between the white lines
    used by gatsos right?


    B1200 - +30bhp ~|~ ZZR1100 - faster when upright
    V2300 - flat cap and rug ~|~ A6 2.5TDi V6 Quattro Sport

    MIB#26 two#54(soiled) UKRMMA#26 BOTAFOT#153 X-FOT#003
    DoetNietComputeren, Jan 28, 2006
  4. In uk.rec.motorcycles, YTC#1 amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom:
    I agree a MOSM would be better; not that the E or B should change but
    just that there should be a MOSM, too with beer and dancing girls etc.
    Whinging Courier, Jan 28, 2006
  5. Beelzebub

    BGN Guest

    Don't forget the wind and rain.
    BGN, Jan 28, 2006
  6. Beelzebub

    DR Guest

    Carlisle is my parish, Nick - keep me informed.
    DR, Jan 28, 2006
  7. Beelzebub

    YTC#1 Guest

    Maybe it should be called OSM, or just SM
    YTC#1, Jan 28, 2006
  8. Beelzebub

    BGN Guest

    There's more info at <http://b12.batcave.net/bgn/index.html> - I'm
    sure something will be posted closer to the time so we can see what
    everyone is doing.

    We still need to sort out overnight hotels, B&Bs or crash space for
    the Jogle group. The arrangements for us to get to John o'Groats are
    a bit more casual, but I've got over 800 miles to travel from Kent so
    I'll probably do it over two days. I'll be travelling up with SeanH.
    Big Dave is doing something similar, Scraggy is making his way from
    somewhere near Wales. There are a lot of miles there.
    BGN, Jan 28, 2006
  9. Beelzebub

    R obbo Guest

    Bit early sonny jim.........
    R obbo, Jan 28, 2006
  10. Beelzebub

    BGN Guest

    I'll have forgotten by then, granddad.
    BGN, Jan 28, 2006
  11. Beelzebub

    platypus Guest

    platypus, Jan 28, 2006
  12. Beelzebub

    platypus Guest

    No, it's a fair estimate. Door-to-door for a couple of parties in the Beds
    area worked out at about 40mph average. This is over A and B roads, some
    dual carriageways, and an aggressive transit of the Milton Keynes
    Metropolitan Area.

    ....on a Z200.
    platypus, Jan 28, 2006
  13. Champ wrote

    See that is the trouble with you racer types, you haven't got a fucking
    clue how to ride under a hundred miles an hour have you.

    Ask a fucking courier, he'll tell you how to Make Progress. If it is
    any help I used to average a tad under 35 on a 30 mile commute into and
    out of Central London 5 days a week 40 odd weeks a year riding for two
    hours a day in a yard wide gravel strewn band with NO fucking margin for
    error and the couriers left me like I was standing still.
    steve auvache, Jan 28, 2006
  14. <waves>
    eric the brave, Jan 28, 2006
  15. Beelzebub

    R obbo Guest

    Bloody kids tday.......no respec..............no self
    esteem..............can't fekin ride a bike to save their lives.

    A good slap is what they need........
    R obbo, Jan 28, 2006
  16. Beelzebub

    Muck Guest

    I beat a bloke on a FJ1300 across Brighton on my CG125 not so long ago.
    I don't know what my speed was, but it was full CG125 steam ahead! Ahoy
    you car drivers... oops... mind that door mirror... :eek:))
    Muck, Jan 28, 2006
  17. Muck wrote
    Piss taking aside the biggest problem with long distance high speed
    stuff is maintaining the your concentration like your life depended on
    it for hours at a time. Not everybody can do this, there is a lot of
    them can't do a whole one let alone many. Mind you they tend not to
    ride bikes anyway so it isn't an issue.
    steve auvache, Jan 28, 2006
  18. Champ wrote
    That explains why you have a reputation from being quick in the past
    then. Shame when it goes innit eh?
    steve auvache, Jan 28, 2006
  19. Beelzebub

    Muck Guest

    Hmm.. I ride at my speed, which is never high speed, so it's not really
    an issue for me.

    Hat off to the couriers though... I do keep an eye out for them and dive
    into a suitable gap to let them past as and when.
    Muck, Jan 28, 2006
  20. Muck wrote
    I ride at my speed, for everything else I use a cage.
    steve auvache, Jan 29, 2006
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