Engine out.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Simian, Sep 20, 2003.

  1. Simian

    Simian Guest

    Phew, got the bloody bolt out, engine lowered to waiting cardboard
    and polystyrene mat, home mechanic now too knackered to even cook lunch.

    Later I might have recovered enough to tidy up the garage.

    Tomorrow: Episode VII "The Positioning", in which our hero puts the new
    engine under the bike ready for his wayward side kick to give him a hand
    installing the bugger.
    Simian, Sep 20, 2003
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  2. Simian

    dwb Guest

    Cunning - do it while TOG's away...
    dwb, Sep 20, 2003
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  3. Simian

    Muck Guest

    Heavy I should think. I've had to do that sort of thing to smaller bikes,
    not any large machines though.
    You'll have it running in no time.
    Muck, Sep 21, 2003
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