Engine Oil

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Spete, Jul 12, 2004.

  1. Spete

    Lozzo Guest

    Spete says...
    That's fucking good when you consider who you work for.
    Lozzo, Jul 12, 2004
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  2. Spete

    Spete Guest

    The others are paying me, I see no reason to give it back to them (plus my
    local garage doesn't stock it anyway)


    Occasionally, I'll be consistent
    Spete, Jul 12, 2004
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  3. Spete

    deadmail Guest

    I'm presuming here that you work for a Castrol competitor?

    If so, maybe you should consider loyalty to your employer? I'm with
    Lozzo on this one (if he was making a mild criticism).
    deadmail, Jul 18, 2004
  4. Spete

    Lozzo Guest

    I was
    Lozzo, Jul 18, 2004
  5. Spete

    deadmail Guest

    In which case I whole-heartedly support this.

    We're quick enough to criticise our employers when they don't support us
    and, yet, that support seems to be often lacking in the reverse
    deadmail, Jul 18, 2004
  6. Spete

    MattG Guest

    So you don't think that he should use the most appropriate product,
    regardless of the source?

    If I worked for a car manufacturer I might consider that a car made by
    another manufacturer suited my needs better, would it be wrong to buy
    that other car?
    MattG, Jul 18, 2004
  7. Spete

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Yeah, cause you'd get a flippin storming deal on a motor from your
    Ben Blaney, Jul 18, 2004
  8. Spete

    MattG Guest

    Ben Blaney says...
    Yes, but that's not quite the point.
    MattG, Jul 18, 2004
  9. MattG wrote
    Yes it is. You should at the very least mention to your employer that
    they don't build cars which are suitable for their employees, even when
    discounts are factored in and that is why you will be being disloyal.
    steve auvache, Jul 18, 2004
  10. Spete

    MattG Guest

    steve auvache says...
    I'd disagree. Without limiting the discussion to cars, I buy what I
    consider to be the most appropriate product for me. I might be inclined
    to mention why I had purchased the product of a rival organisation, but
    see no reason why I should choose an inferior product for my needs
    simply because I work for a company that makes such an item.

    I used to work in a pub, should I have only drunk in that pub?
    MattG, Jul 18, 2004
  11. MattG wrote
    Fine, spread it to the whole of business.

    Plain and simple good capitalistic practices. You do everything you can
    to make your company more successful. It is in your own long term
    financial interests to do so.

    You shouldn't drink. It ruins your eyesight and turns beautiful wimmin
    into ugly ones in under 12 hours.
    steve auvache, Jul 18, 2004
  12. Spete

    MattG Guest

    steve auvache says...
    If the company for which I work offers the best product, then I will buy
    it. It may be in the best interests of the company to do so, but not
    mine. You see, I work for the company, I do not own it. Yes, it is in my
    best interests that the company remains profitable, but I don't feel
    that I should settle for an inferior product in order to ensure that.

    I suppose I should point out that I do not work for a profit making
    organisation. My commitment to my employer is to work to the best of my
    ability, to contribute as much as I can to that organisation. This would
    not change if I were to work for a profit making organisation, I do my
    job and get paid for it. I would be more than happy to utilise the
    services of my employer, should they be needed, however, I would happily
    go to another organisation if I felt that my needs would be better
    Heh, I don't drink anymore, or rarely anyway and my woman remains
    beautiful regardless of my sobriety.
    MattG, Jul 18, 2004
  13. MattG wrote
    Oh but it is. A healthy happy company is a well paid continuously
    employed you.

    You own a part of it though surely? A good part of the profit of your
    labours is to be found in the value of the shares and the distribution
    of the profits not to own a slice of that is to deny only yourself.

    Nor should any of your customers and your companies products/services
    are not good enough for you they are not good enough for your customers.

    What a waste of your efforts or do you have a nice private income which
    enables you to be so philanthropic?
    steve auvache, Jul 18, 2004
  14. Spete

    MattG Guest

    steve auvache says...
    Yes, I appreciate that. However, the continued sucess of the company
    must be weighed against the benfits that I derive from purchasing from a
    rivial. I may feel that it is in my better interest to purchase from a
    rivial despite the loss to the company I work for.
    I own no shares in any companies. Nor do I wish to. I go to work, do my
    best, get paid, then I go home. I'm happy with that, well, not eniterly
    happy, as I am looking for another job at the moment. But I will act in
    the same fashion in my new job.
    Indeed, but if my company produce an inferior product I will not
    purchase it. Nor should anyone else, we, as a compnay, should improve
    that product. Although, a product which is inferior for me may be best
    for someone else.
    MattG, Jul 18, 2004
  15. Spete

    deadmail Guest

    If this was the case, yes. I thought that Lozzo's implication was that
    it appeared he worked for one oil manufacturer and choose to use
    products of another.
    Under those circumstances there'd be nothing wrong although in that
    situation I'd probably try to support my employer and take something
    close enough.
    deadmail, Jul 18, 2004
  16. Spete

    MattG Guest

    You may be right, although he may consider that the oil he bought is
    superior to that produced by the company he works for. I see no problem
    with this.
    Fair enough, I wouldn't. I'd buy the product I wanted, if it was made by
    the company I worked for, so much the better. Having never worked for a
    profit making organisation (outside of student working) I've not
    developed that sort of attitude.

    What you said above, about expecting support from an employer, but being
    unwilling to give it, means something different to me. I consider that I
    support my employer by working hard and to the best of my abilities. By
    keeping my knowledge current and ensuring best practice, and so on. I
    support my employer in that way, if I were working for a profit making
    organisation any support they received from my purchasing of their
    products would be entirely incidental.
    MattG, Jul 19, 2004
  17. Spete

    deadmail Guest

    It seems that you don't agree with the way I think.

    That's fine.

    But, this is really tedious. You admit that you've never worked for a
    profit making organisation and then try to take 'moral' positions based
    on something you've no experience of.

    Whatever, Altberg.
    deadmail, Jul 19, 2004
  18. Spete

    MattG Guest

    Well it entertained me for a couple of minutes. Got me thinking about
    corporate loyalty and such, anything that makes me think is a good
    I wasn't trying to take a moral position, it's just about a differing
    attitude. I'm not claiming I'm more 'right' than you, I'm interested in
    the way people think, so I ask questions.
    I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
    MattG, Jul 19, 2004
  19. Spete

    deadmail Guest

    You had a similar (well opposing) attitude IIRC to my experience with
    ordering boots from Altberg.
    deadmail, Jul 19, 2004
  20. Spete

    MattG Guest

    Did I? I don't remember that.

    Neither does google, it would seem.

    You may be confusing me with someone else, although I stand to be
    MattG, Jul 19, 2004
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