Several months ago, Sputnik Strain appeared at a political rally in Ft.Worth.. That meeting was organized and chaired by Tommy Smelser of the Texas Democratic Veterans .. Various candidates, incumbents and wannabe's were there and although the turnout wasn't as great as we all hoped for, it was a good meeting .. Quite a few of us were there on our motorcycles, to show our support for the president of TMRA II, as well as the candidates and incumbents of our choice.. In his speech, Sputnik made a comment that impressed me, but then caused some concern in my mind.. He stated, in my own words, something to the effect that "Bikers from all over this state are fed up with the status quo and intend to do something about it.. If the political parties would care to join them, fine, otherwise they better get out of the way"..I got a warm and fuzzy feeling when I heard that.. Then .. it occurred to me that, due to their very nature, controlling any group of Bikers is like herding a flock of guineas, back on the farm.. Sputnik also assured Tommy Smelser that Boozefighters had pledged to support his appearance by riding with us on that day.. He told Tommy that he could have 2 or 300 riders in the city park within 15 minutes, as the Boozefighters were in their clubhouse just a few minutes away.. He made the call.. No one showed..Since that day, I have anticipated the announcement from TMRA II, especially Sputnik, of who the organization would support in the upcoming elections.. No announcements.. Gary Brookman, who attends meetings of TMRA II across the state.. who also never fails to introduce himself as the head honcho of "The Warrior" will more than likely publish this information during the month following the elections.. Dammit.. I don't want to wait until after the elections to know who these leaders are supporting and recommending.. I want to know before the fact, so that I can either follow the recommendations or make another choice.. If this steamroller of bikers is going to take back the government, then somebody better figure out how to herd this flock of guineas and get them going in the same direction.. A good start would be for Brookman and Sputnik to commence to publish their recommendations and inform the membership so that their votes can be effective in the best interests of all.. Your friend in Irving Bill Walker