Endorsements of TMRA II

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Feb 17, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Several months ago, Sputnik Strain appeared at a political rally in
    Ft.Worth.. That meeting was organized and chaired by Tommy Smelser of the
    Texas Democratic Veterans .. Various candidates, incumbents and wannabe's
    were there and although the turnout wasn't as great as we all hoped for, it
    was a good meeting .. Quite a few of us were there on our motorcycles, to
    show our support for the president of TMRA II, as well as the candidates and
    incumbents of our choice.. In his speech, Sputnik made a comment that
    impressed me, but then caused some concern in my mind.. He stated, in my own
    words, something to the effect that "Bikers from all over this state are fed
    up with the status quo and intend to do something about it.. If the
    political parties would care to join them, fine, otherwise they better get
    out of the way"..I got a warm and fuzzy feeling when I heard that.. Then ..
    it occurred to me that, due to their very nature, controlling any group of
    Bikers is like herding a flock of guineas, back on the farm.. Sputnik also
    assured Tommy Smelser that Boozefighters had pledged to support his
    appearance by riding with us on that day.. He told Tommy that he could have
    2 or 300 riders in the city park within 15 minutes, as the Boozefighters
    were in their clubhouse just a few minutes away.. He made the call.. No one
    showed..Since that day, I have anticipated the announcement from TMRA II,
    especially Sputnik, of who the organization would support in the upcoming
    elections.. No announcements.. Gary Brookman, who attends meetings of TMRA
    II across the state.. who also never fails to introduce himself as the head
    honcho of "The Warrior" will more than likely publish this information
    during the month following the elections.. Dammit.. I don't want to wait
    until after the elections to know who these leaders are supporting and
    recommending.. I want to know before the fact, so that I can either follow
    the recommendations or make another choice.. If this steamroller of bikers
    is going to take back the government, then somebody better figure out how to
    herd this flock of guineas and get them going in the same direction.. A good
    start would be for Brookman and Sputnik to commence to publish their
    recommendations and inform the membership so that their votes can be
    effective in the best interests of all..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Feb 17, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    fullstate Guest

    I agree with you on that. Is there any reason that Brookman or
    Sputnik are NOT making their recommendations known?

    BTW - while I think it's impossible to ignore bikers as a whole, we
    still represent a relative minor amount of the population as a whole.
    My guess is that most politicians don't perceive us as a serious
    threat to their nomination / election one way or the other.

    Sort of like how a politician will ignore an entire demographic
    because they don't feel it makes a difference - but they still have a
    good shot at winning.

    fullstate, Feb 17, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Neither have confided in me as to what is on their minds..
    With the numbers of motorcycles registered in this state.. the numbers of
    voter turnout ..some of our elections have been decided by as little as 47
    votes in a state senators seat.. There are approx. 375,000 motorcycles
    registered in the state.. That is an imposing force.. if only 5% would vote
    in a block.. Most of our elections would be won with that margin..
    Wanna see a politician sit up and take notice.. Let a group of as many as 25
    bikers roll up to one of their gatherings or meetings.. That is a show that
    get everyone's attention.. Imagine the turnout in Austin during the ROT
    rally each year.. 10% of those bikers rolling in a block is impressive..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Feb 17, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    Wanna see a politician sit up and take notice.. Let a group of as many as 25
    Especially if I know I can count on their for other issues, in addition
    to just bike-supporting ones. Typically gun owners are faced with the
    same attacks as riders. In fact it's the riders who are now being
    attacked using the playbook written by those who have spent that last 30
    years attacking gun owners. The similarities have to do with the
    sheeple mindset. Neither of the two groups gives power mongers a "warm
    fuzzy" feeling as their trying to control people remotely.

    Mark Johnson, Fort Worth, Texas; IBA #?; CM #1; DoD #2021
    2003 FJR1300 "E²"

    Bownse, Feb 17, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL.. you should see the look of terror in their eyes when I remind them
    that they work for me.. I always do it in a crowd and it strikes fear in
    their hearts to think that the constituents are beginning to realize that we
    have a huge club to hold over their heads...
    Bill Walker, Feb 17, 2004
  6. Go to http://www.tmra2.org and you will see the info on the front page.
    Elmer McKeegan, Feb 18, 2004
  7. I go and say something like that above and find the info moved off of the
    front page. So to make it easier here is the info...

    With 15 Senate seats up for election only 5 are contested. To our detriment,
    Senators Chris Harris and Robert Duncan did not have any regret at playing
    lap dog to the powers that be and are not being challenged so we are stuck
    with them for another four years. Our only hope with them would be to get
    another Governor next time.

    Dist. 06 Mario Gallegos Jr. (D) Dist. 26 Leticia VanDePutte (D)
    Dist. 30 Craig Estes (R)

    These three incumbents are highly recommended to receive our support in this
    election. The first two have been there for us from day one. Senator Estes
    has proven himself in the short time he has been there.

    Dist. 10 Andrew Hill (D) Kim Brimer (R)
    (817)538-4143 (817)426-6300

    We are still trying to get in touch with Mr. Hill. Senator Brimer had no
    chance to show whether he would vote for any of our issues thanks to Perry.
    When asked about our Equal Access Bill he said "You didn't do anything for
    me." He did appear to revel in the Republicans show of arrogance each day on
    the Floor. He voted to give the governor unprecedented power to spend money
    with the Enterprise Fund ($290 million) and says it has already brought
    Toyota and A $3 billion research lab to Texas. Pretty good for a Bill that
    hadn't even taken effect before these interests were finalized. He also
    voted to strip the Comptroller of most of her duties and pass them to the

    Dist. 21 Judith Zaffirini (D) Raymond Bruni (D)
    (956)724-8379 956-723-0632

    No contact yet with Mr. Bruni. Senator Zaffirini has introduced many Bills
    to give government more control over every facet of our lives. She opposed
    the Helmet Amendment Bill and the Right to Carry Bill. We have never been
    able to discuss any Bill with her personally. We shall report on Mr. Bruni
    as soon as possible. If you make contact with either Mr. Hill or Mr. Bruni
    please contact the office. Working on the House races now.

    Dist.31 Kel Seliger - Mr Seliger was mayor of Amarillo, is an avid
    motorcyclists and a member of HOG. Everyone is aware that this contest is
    seen as the Permian Basin against Amarillo or oil against agriculture. We
    strongly urge our members in the southern part of this district to give
    support to this candidate despite this.

    Dist.01 Paul Sadler - Mr Sadler has political experience and will stand up
    for what he believes to be right. His opponent however has been hand picked
    by current leaders to maintain the status quo. Those in NE Texas please get
    involved in this campaign.

    Your chairman will be personally involved in the dist.01 campaign along with
    the campaign in for our Warrior, Dan Ellis in district 18(liberty, Polk, and
    parts of Montgomery county.) Anyone in those counties give me a shout and
    let's get busy there. We can't let a Warrior lose.
    Elmer McKeegan, Feb 18, 2004
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