embarrasing stories

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Damien, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. Damien

    Damien Guest

    BTH will appreciate the irony of this, given some of the things he's
    witnessed whilst riding with me in the past... :)

    Anyway...after five years of riding, and a number of close shaves at
    speed, I finally fell off the bike for the first time...in my backyard
    at about 5kph! :-S

    I usually park on a bit of concrete behind the house, that requires a
    sharpish turn-in to get on to. There is also a fair bit of
    gravel/grass...anyway, I came home, turned the corner, and then
    thought that perhaps it would be a good idea to hit the kill switch to
    stop the engine running whilst on its side. I was surprised at just
    how bloody quick it all happened, given the incredibly low speed.
    Climbing out from under the bike was a bit of fun (not as much fun as
    trying to pick the bloody thing up!), but the only damage was a 2-inch
    crack to the fairing near the right indicator, and some minor
    scratches to the lower fairing on the same side.

    I guess it just goes to show that you can't ever be too careful...even
    at 5kph in your own goddam backyard. :) ah well, it's all good as
    long as someone gets a laugh out of it, I suppose.

    GPX250 -> CBR600 -> F650/R1200GS (when the $$$ are there!)
    Damien, Oct 28, 2006
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  2. Damien

    RT Guest

    <sigh> well at least it was in your back yard, not in public.

    Parked crossways in the middle of the street (legally) in town. Came back
    to the bike in a hurry to leave, kicked it in and accelerated hard in the
    right turn the front wheel was already positioned for, to merge with the
    stream of traffic. No problem, racked it into the appropriate lane and
    straightened up. Wrong. The steering lock was still engaged - so down we
    went... <blush> (And that was after 20 years' riding :)
    RT, Oct 28, 2006
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  3. Damien

    MikeH Guest

    A few months ago I rolled the bike out the side gate onto footpath
    (grass, thank christ), and left it on side stand to return to shut gate.
    Whilst facing the other way, shutting gate, I heard a funny clunky
    noise. Turned and there's Suzi having a little lie down in the grass.

    Wasn't a major issue until a couple of cages drove up the street and saw
    the result. I'm standing there, geared up for a ride, helmet on etc and
    there's this loser's bike lying down on the grass having a rest before a
    day out to play.

    It's a tough call lifting 250kgs on bike back up and wheeling back
    through gate pretending as if nothing untoward really happened. Seemed
    like a huge traffic increase up the street during that 10 minutes too.

    Still don't know what happened.

    MikeH, Oct 28, 2006
  4. Damien

    Peter Guest

    Boxing day last year was a scorcher and I left my bike on it's centre stand
    only to find it in the gutter as the footpath had melted. Scratched fairing,
    broken indicator light and dented tank. GPX250.
    (warning for the hot days to come)

    Peter, Oct 28, 2006
  5. Damien

    Peter Wyzl Guest

    This whole thread is embarassing...

    Peter Wyzl, Oct 28, 2006
  6. Damien

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I've told the story here before but I used to have a 3-metre-long gate that
    I'd open a little and then pull closed behind me as I rode the bike out.
    I mistimed it this time and it hit my back wheel and bounced back open so I
    looped around and rode up the footpath reaching out with my right hand to
    heave it closed.
    I totally misjudged the inertia of a 3m gate though and my heave just
    pulled me off the bike!
    Naturally; all my neighbours had witnessed my spectacular display too!
    Knobdoodle, Oct 28, 2006
  7. Damien

    John Dwyer Guest

    Did you touch the front brake as you came to a stop and during the turn.
    That will do it.

    John Dwyer.
    John Dwyer, Oct 29, 2006
  8. Damien

    John Dwyer Guest

    John Dwyer.
    John Dwyer, Oct 29, 2006
  9. Came home a little complacent the other day, riding in through the
    driveway heading down the side of the garage as normal. Normally I don't
    have a rolled up roller door next to the driveway though. I aimed for
    the gap between the tree and roller door thinking, "ha, wouldn't it be
    funny if I didn't fit!". Sure enough, I clipped the tree with my
    handlebars, shifting my weight towards the roller door. Not being able
    to put my foot down any where, slowly as you like, the bike and I fell
    onto the roller door. So there's me, in my driveway, bent backwards over
    a roller door, with the bike trapping my legs on the other side of the
    door. I was quite amused at the situation actually, since I couldn't sit
    up to pick the bike up, and I couldn't turn to get out from underneath
    it. Would have been quite the sight to see me work for 10 mins to free a
    foot and finally regain my composure. Eventually I was up and sheepishly
    walking the bike through the gap to park.

    | *Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool* |
    | _\|/_ |
    |________________________________________m(. .)m_________|
    Heath Raftery, Oct 29, 2006
  10. Damien

    BT Humble Guest

    I'm trying, but the only one I can remember is following you on the
    Cotter road when you were trying to overtake a car.
    more, then one more for good measure, and discovered that it's not
    such a great idea to be doing 100kph in 1st gear on a GPX250. ;-)

    BT Humble, Oct 29, 2006
  11. Damien

    BT Humble Guest

    I kicked the "foldy bit" off my CT90 kick starter a couple of days ago
    - snapped the end clean off the shaft!

    It's a bit of a nuisance, but I know I've got a spare one on one of the
    wrecks at Tarago (And I was going to be without it in a couple of weeks

    BT Humble, Oct 29, 2006
  12. Damien

    Michael Guest

    A whole group of us got new bikes over a 12 month period, (8 bikes), 7
    fell off stands in the first 6 weeks, the other one ? wife knocked it
    over with the car.
    Michael, Oct 29, 2006
  13. Parked bike in driveway to check oil - called inside for tea - sent
    shopping - backed car into bike - bike on side - bent mudguard

    Brett Danvers, Oct 30, 2006
  14. Damien

    F Murtz Guest

    Left disc lock on so many times (must be mental abberation) that I made
    a metal device with a micro switch in series with start button .
    Umless the lock is not on the device the bike wont start
    F Murtz, Oct 30, 2006
  15. Damien

    Peter Guest

    I nearly did this but I have one of those disc locks with the built in
    alarm, this saved me.

    Peter, Oct 30, 2006
  16. Damien

    Nev.. Guest

    Wouldn't it be easier to just admit to yourself that a disc lock is not
    a suitable mechanism for securing your bike and just find another means
    of securing the bike?

    '04 CBR1100XX
    Nev.., Oct 30, 2006
  17. Damien

    bikerbetty Guest

    so far it's worked for me.... but I think I may be anal about that sort of
    thing (oh dear, and I don't even have an edag....)

    I'm thinking maybe ppl don't try to knock off GPX250s anyway.... <crossing

    bikerbetty, Oct 30, 2006
  18. Damien

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Someone (Jules?) told me to put it on the rear disk instead of the front.
    Much much less dangerous.
    Knobdoodle, Oct 30, 2006
  19. Damien

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Another trick is to put it BEHIND the forkleg. That way you can't get any
    rotation before it stops the wheel.
    Knobdoodle, Oct 30, 2006
  20. Damien

    BT Humble Guest

    Damien? I think you need to have a chat with Betty about the theft rate
    of GPX250s in Canberra...

    BT Humble, Oct 30, 2006
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