Ellen MacArthur

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Buzby, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. Buzby

    Robbo Guest

    Top bird.Well done.[1]
    I thought Dodger was on the Isle Of Dogs not the Wight !!



    Trophy 1200 1998
    BotaFOF #19. E.O.S.M 2001/2002/2003/2004.
    B.O.S.M 2003, 2004
    FURSWB#1 KotL..YTC449
    Robbo, Feb 8, 2005
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  2. Um, journos are usually the first to the bar.....
    The Older Gentleman, Feb 8, 2005
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  3. Absolutely. Hurrah! Rule Britannia! Remember Agincourt! etc.
    The Older Gentleman, Feb 8, 2005
  4. Buzby

    Chris Soanes Guest

    It just might inspire one or two kids to get off their arses, turn of
    the fscking goggle-box, and go out and learn to sail a dinghy. Which
    they just might develop a passion for, which just might stop them
    getting so bored in their teens that they try drugs, or summat.

    Chris Soanes, Feb 8, 2005
  5. Quite right. In fact, some of the money she raises goes into
    a charity whose aims are exactly that.
    Steve Brassett, Feb 8, 2005
  6. Buzby

    Salad Dodger Guest

    "it's for charity": the ultimate "I can't think of a good reason for
    doing something, but I'm going to do it anyway" excuse.
    Salad Dodger, Feb 8, 2005
  7. Buzby

    dwb Guest

    She certainly looks like one.
    dwb, Feb 8, 2005
  8. Buzby

    elyob Guest

    Just started reading Tony Hawks, Round Ireland with a fridge. He points out
    the GTDSBS syndrome[1].

    [1] Going To Do Something A Bit Silly syndrome

    I think it fits in quite nicely with what Ellen has done. And she took a
    fridge as well.
    elyob, Feb 8, 2005
  9. Buzby

    Chris Soanes Guest

    Bet you can't think of a better reason for riding a bike[1].

    [1] At least not a goldwing.
    Chris Soanes, Feb 8, 2005
  10. Buzby

    CT Guest

    DR wrote (of the pointlessness EMc's achievements):
    While I can see you point, I will at least try this tack.

    I would expect that some of the tecnology used during the trip
    will be at the leading edge of it's field - GPS/SatNav, telecoms,
    materials etc. Whilst we may not see a direct result of their use
    immediately I think that having all these items used in extreme
    conditions cause them to eventually be available to mere consumers
    such as us at a reasonable price.

    If you have any clothing containing GoreTex, then I would expect that
    a lot of it has been tested in extreme conditions and long distance,
    offshore yachting will be one of a number of options for this to be

    I don't recall thinking that advances such as engine management and
    traction control would ever make it from the F1 grid to run-of-the-mill
    family car but it did and it now benefts many of us at a reasonable

    Also, am I right in thinking that teflon was developed during by
    NASA during the space program. Did you think of that when
    you were frying your egg this morning, eh? :eek:)

    All the above IMO, of course.
    CT, Feb 8, 2005
  11. Buzby

    Chris Soanes Guest

    "When living on 3 hours sleep a day in 20 minute naps for 3 months you
    are, look this good, you will not".

    Chris Soanes, Feb 8, 2005
  12. Buzby

    platypus Guest

    Ged, yes. Must be like keeping up with ukrm...
    platypus, Feb 8, 2005
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