Election: AMC survey

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Zebee Johnstone, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. Australian Motorcycle Council Federal Election Survey

    The AMC is attempting to provide motorcyclists with information to
    assist them to make a more informed choice on Election Day. The AMC is
    sending a survey to all 2007 Election candidates and will be collating
    the results and presenting them on its website as responses arrive.
    For more information on the survey and the results to go www.amc.asn.au

    The AMC will also be having meetings with relevant ministers, shadow
    ministers and party spokespersons to determine their views on motorcycle
    issues. The outcomes of these meetings will be made available on this

    You can do your bit by making riders aware that the AMC is doing this
    by distributing this message to as many websites and email groups as

    Thanks for your help,
    Zebee Johnstone, Oct 20, 2007
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  2. Zebee Johnstone

    boyds Guest

    When I looked the other day there were only about three responses, and
    those from riders in parliament. Bloody pathetic.
    If that is all they are going to get then its not worth the effort.
    Unfortunately it just shows the level of interest pollies have in us
    as a group.
    We aren't big/organised enough to threaten their votes so they can
    safely ignore us.

    Zebee I encourage the NSWMCC in their efforts to make the bastards
    notice us, but I am not confident that they will have much effect. And
    unfortunately NSW seems to have the only group having any effect at

    boyds, Oct 20, 2007
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  3. Zebee Johnstone

    Nev.. Guest

    What impact does the federal election result have on motorcycling? I
    thought almost all government policy which affected motorcyclists would
    be at a state level.

    Nev.., Oct 22, 2007
  4. In aus.motorcycles on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:03:14 +1000
    The feds can, and have, coerced states by threatening to withhold
    federal funds. That's how cycling and motorcycling helmet laws got

    They also are responsible for a fair bit of road funding, meaning they
    have a say in things like wire rope barriers.

    They are the ones who gazette ADRs, meaning the kinds of bikes that
    can get into the country, as well as rules about various 2nd hand
    imports and customs duties.

    They would be responsible for things like protective clothing having
    mandated standards.

    Zebee Johnstone, Oct 22, 2007
  5. Zebee Johnstone

    bikerbetty Guest

    Transport's a bit odd - the Commonwealth acts as a sort of "friendly uncle"
    (if you can believe that!) to try and "assist" the states & territories to
    work towards national consistency in many areas that aren't actually
    regulated by the Commonwealth. Not sure how that would relate to things that
    affect motorcyclists - perhaps things like differential speed limits,
    licensing, LAMS etc????

    Also, lots of state & territory transport stuff - safety as well as
    security - feeds into bodies like SCOT (Standing Committee on Transport) and
    ATC (Australian Transport Council) . Again, not sure how much of it is
    motorcycle relevant - but when the ATSB (a division of DOTARS) publishes
    reports about motorcycle safety and draws on crash stats that are
    nationwide, you know that the Federal Government has a finger in the pie

    Don't know whether it will actually HELP us if we speak up, but I'm sure it
    can't HURT.....

    betty, thinking out loud
    bikerbetty, Oct 22, 2007
  6. Zebee Johnstone

    CrazyCam Guest


    Please get serious.

    I am faced with the choice of voting for John Howard, a lying wee
    rodent, or Maxine Mackew (or however it is spelt).

    I want to see wee Johnnie's lower lip tremble when he has been beaten.

    CrazyCam, Oct 22, 2007
  7. Zebee Johnstone

    Tex Guest

    So vote for David Leyonhjelm as your no.1, then stick Maxine ahead of Howard
    Tex, Oct 22, 2007
  8. Zebee Johnstone

    CrazyCam Guest

    No, Tex, you miss my point.

    If John H. promised every licenced motorcycle rider would be issued with
    a new Guzzi (or whatever!), would it be sensible to believe him given
    his history.

    Equally, assume Maxine made some promise, would it be believable given
    she's a newbie to the party and wouldn't have the clout to fulfill a
    promise even if she wanted to.

    So asking any of them what they might do for motorcyclists is a bit of a
    waste of time, IMHO.

    BTW, who is this David Leyonhjelm? I don't like his chances of getting
    his snout in the trough.

    CrazyCam, Oct 22, 2007
  9. Zebee Johnstone

    Biggus..... Guest

    It wouldnt matter.. 12 mths into the job, he would become "trained" to
    being same as all the rest.
    Biggus....., Oct 22, 2007
  10. Zebee Johnstone

    tropicus Guest

    No, I got it.
    tropicus, Oct 23, 2007
  11. Zebee Johnstone

    tropicus Guest

    Uh, no. The libertarians definitely don't want to be the same as "the
    tropicus, Oct 23, 2007
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