Educatiing Brian (was: Keith Schiffner)

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Road Glidin' Don, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. Road Glidin' Don

    Brian Walker Guest

    I figured you might've crawled back inside your little hole in the earth
    from whence you came and would think more cautiously about appearing
    again...I guess I was wrong.

    I never said you "wanted it to happen". I said by your words in postings and
    on your webpage you didn't do enough to keep it from happening. You already
    said you were afraid to stop to tell the woman to get out of the road. You
    already said you didn't want to stop. You already said you didn't intend to
    go into an emergency stop. You said what caused you to think this way was
    the area and the people living there. We didn't know about the woman being a
    native indian and it being on a reservation until you said it. Everything
    that's been said on this is what you've said.

    That being said, ass ****, there's a big difference between someone posting
    newsgroup postings and having discussions on "Lessons to be :Learned" and
    posting a website account of the incident and me having a daughter pass
    away. Your own character has been called into question based on your own
    account of the wreck and what you were thinking. Now for you to compare you
    hitting a woman pedestrian to saying I neglected my daughter and caused her
    death, it's opened up your entire character into the spotlight...and quite
    frankly, it doesn't look to good.

    I never posted on any newsgroup or created a webpage asking for "what do you
    think?" in regards to my daughter's death.

    Once again, you fucking nasty looking bigot bastard, I'm a better man than
    you'll ever dream of being...because I know the difference of what's off
    limits in discussions. How does that make you feel that the person you so
    despise and you regard as "trailer trash" (for the record I don't live in a
    trailer) is a way better man and human being than you'll ever be?

    Now, I'm losing my patience with you. As I've said before, my daughter
    didn't cause you to hit that woman and doesn't have anything to do with you
    hitting that woman. Bringing her into the discussion is simply your little
    twisted low life way of playing "smoke and mirrors". All you're showing is
    what quality of a person you are and proving exactly what I've come to the
    conclusion about you.
    Brian Walker, Jan 20, 2005
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  2. Road Glidin' Don

    Tony D Guest

    " (BTW, has anyone reading this *ever*
    Oh yeah. And I "shagged her rotten". Lighten up Don, them Walkers are just
    fuckin with ya.

    Tony D
    1971 R75/5 boxer
    2004 R1150 Rockster
    Philly Hoodlum©#37
    SENS (less) LFS#38 PHS
    Tony D, Jan 20, 2005
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  3. I respectfully disagree Tony. Having seen their character
    posted on Usenet for years. I'd say the Lying Cage Monkey's
    mean it...what I've read of theirs would have made me
    reconsider being a mason if I were one. It's a shame that
    they ride IMNSHO...

    AAMOF I do google what I've written for content and
    meaning...when warranted I have apologized. I've only felt
    an apology was warranted ONCE..
    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 20, 2005
  4. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    Slip... Slip... Slip.. Not to worry..
    Some do and others don't.. School yard acrobatics are transparent, aren't
    they ? ROTFL
    Bill Walker, Jan 20, 2005
  5. Unlike you, some of us have a life outside of usenet.

    Typical. On Jan 17, in this thread you said:

    "...running people over because he's too afraid of them based on their
    color of their skin..."

    "Second, the day I freely admit to deliberately hitting someone..."

    "That would make it deliberately hitting someone."

    Obviously, in your fevered mind, you can 'deliberately' hit someone
    without 'wanting' to...

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 21, 2005
  6. Road Glidin' Don

    Stephen! Guest

    (Road Glidin' Don) wrote in
    Would explain why yer a'feard of her... ;)
    Stephen!, Jan 21, 2005
  7. Oh, I see. In your mind, posting a dozen, unsolicited posts each day,
    day-after-day, bringing up the same subject each time (without being
    asked) is not what you call "exploiting" the tragedy.

    Perhaps you only did it "deliberately", but not "wanting" to...
    If you can't aknowledge the plain truth that unsubstantiated
    suppositions like that are motivated by vendetta (and not facts
    available), you are truly beyond redemption.
    Yeah and, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd have to word it
    so carefully that no one could possibly misconstrue it in the way two
    sick miscreants like you and your son have. It was a friggin' ride
    incident report, man - just like many people share. If we all had to
    employ lawyers to vet our articles, nobody would post anything.

    Sheesh, if the wording seemed a bit unclear or ambiguous to you, you
    could have asked for clarification and, if I really meant what you
    understood, I certainly would have confirmed it. After all, like you
    said, I wasn't hiding it since I put it on a Web page!

    And I didn't just put that up. On the same Website
    ( I also have 3 pages of
    EFI wiring diagrams and instructions on how to retrieve trouble codes
    from a malfunctioning EFI bike on the road (without the need of a
    scanalyzer). I also have another page providing detailed steps (c/w
    audio) on how to do the top-end and replace the lifters on an Evo. I
    have instructions on how to build a home-made bike lift and how to use
    it. Another page details a month-long ride to Alaska and back. A
    hunting story. Tons of stuff.

    It's people like you - only bent on destroying other peoples'
    repuations - who poison the well for everyone who might have been
    inclined to share information with other riders.

    This is where you become absolutely cowardly - making accusations, yet
    refusing to view the evidence that vindicates the person you are

    You have refused to look at the pictures of the accident scene at

    (Using the weak excuse that the photos could have viruses - as if!
    Sure, I would infect everyone else's computer with a virus, just to
    get yours, right?)

    If you make the charge, you have a duty to look at the evidence.

    And, if you *looked* at the photos, you would never sustain your
    ridiculous charge of "showboating" because you would see (as everyone
    else has), from the layout of the land, that there's simply nothing
    and no one to showboat for!

    And you know where the photos come from? Still-shots pulled off
    video. That's right. I also have video of the scene which I could
    put back on the Website (a small video camera is all I had with me).
    That will show there's barely a car every 5 minutes on that road and
    no people in the area.

    You should be ashamed of trying to perpetuate your false 'showboating'
    accusation. As if people just sit on the side of a road like that one
    to watch vehicles go by!

    Yes. Your charge that I was afraid of native people is so groundless
    and completely at odds with the facts that it is clearly nonsense.

    Oh. So, if I said you shit your drawers this morning and you don't
    deny a ridiculous fabrication like that, it means it is true?

    Un-fucking-believable! And you presume to teach me and others? You
    should have your license taken away for incompetence and being a
    danger to others.

    Had you low-sided your bike in the situation I was in at 60 mph and
    you likely *would* have killed her! And, in *that* case, I think the
    lawyers probably *would* have good grounds to sue your silly ass!

    With that statement, Bill, you have proven to every knowledgable rider
    here that you do not even know the first thing about how to handle a
    motorcycle in an emergency situation. You actually presume to lecture

    Tell me something, Mr. Self-appointed Motorcycle Safety Instructor:
    How fast does a motorcycle decelerate while it is sliding on its side
    along asphalt?

    Now how fast does a bike decelerate when kept on its tires and with
    the full braking force of those tires in effect to the last instant,
    compared to your idiocy of metal sliding on pavement, Bill?

    And, given the differential between the 2 deceleration rates, which
    method will cause you to hit the obstacle at a slower speed, Bill?

    And, with you and your bike sliding along its side on the road,
    heading towards an object you are soon going to hit... Just how much
    are you able to alter the course of your bike's direction, so as to
    maybe still miss the object, Bill? You're sliding on your side, you
    fucking fool! You can't do nothing!

    With your uninformed, unsafe advice, there would be no chance of
    missing the pedestrian.

    With mine, I stood a chance! And actually got away with just a
    glancing blow at that (bike staying under control and the pedestrian
    not killed or hit dead-on in front of the wheel). ****! That oughta
    be proof right there of how important it is to keep your bike upright
    and under control!

    (and, btw, the incident also showed that a crash guard on your bike
    can save you a broken leg - which I surely would have had, were one
    not there)

    Keeping the bike upright not only slowed my speed more; it also gave
    me options to keep trying to avoid the accident, right up to the last
    second. And, indeed, I swerved enough that I would have completely
    missed the pedestrian - had she not dove toward the bike to get hit

    It's really fucking hard to believe that a rider like you - totally
    misinformed about the safe handling of a motorcycle under emergency
    situations - can criticize another rider; a rider who avoided injury
    by propery emergency handling technique.

    And then you even use the fact that I managed to avoid injury as
    further grounds to charge me with wrong-doing! Un-fucking-believable.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 21, 2005
  8. Road Glidin' Don

    Calgary Guest

    Sorry to piggy back on your post Don, but I missed this pearl of
    wisdom from the elder Walker.

    To Bill and anyone foolish enough to listen to the Bozo.

    Brakes used effectively and properly will always, I repeat always stop
    a bike faster than grinding shiny bits and assorted metal pieces on
    the asphalt. A side benefit is you also maintain control.

    Your Friend in Calgary
    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 21, 2005
  9. Road Glidin' Don

    Calgary Guest

    Yikes I should have made the proper attribute too. My Bad

    Your Friend in Calgary
    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 21, 2005
  10. "Road Glidin' Don"


    All true Don. But what is hilarious(to me anyway) is how he
    has chickened out on PROVING all his claims about me. What
    is up with that? Oh yeah he sicked that lying snake of a son
    on me. The little Cage Monkey even went so far as to morph
    his addy AND post from a library some supposed claims using
    snippets that are readily available on google news. Yet when
    challenged has shut his lying mouth..WHY because both of
    them are lying little Cage Monkey's.

    So have your fun Don...remember to laugh your ass off as you
    cast your line in the water. This is better than fishing at
    a trout farm!

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 21, 2005
  11. Heh, heh, heh. Okay Stephen, you got me. I admit it!!!

    (she's a darn good shot with a .243 too ;)

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
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    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 21, 2005

  12. Yep and to dumb it down for you Billy...

    Anyone who lays the bike down like you claim is an idiot.
    Matter of fact...that describes Billy Walker almost as well
    as "Lying Cage Monkey"

    somebody pith him before he strokes out.

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 21, 2005
  13. On that subject, noticed the obvious parallel with a Detroit reeky
    poster cut from the same cloth? ;)
    I think I'll post Bill's advice (and the rebuttal of it) separately to
    reeky. At least as an uninformed, utter fool, he'll be of some use;
    just as an excuse to put an important discussion about safe motorcycle
    handling onto the table.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 21, 2005
  14. Road Glidin' Don

    Calgary Guest

    I can't believe there is anyone left who even pretends to be a rider
    who is still perpetuating that old myth about laying a bike down to
    avoid an accident.

    When I first started riding (in my teens) we used to sit around
    getting drunk and trading stories like the guy we knew who avoided a
    crash by laying his ride down. Being young, gullible and drunk we
    believed it. I wonder what Bill's excuse is?

    Your Friend in Calgary
    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 21, 2005
  15. Old, gullible, self-important and too stupid to learn is my guess. ;)

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 21, 2005
  16. Road Glidin' Don

    Stephen! Guest

    (Road Glidin' Don) wrote in

    I had a buddy who was married to a rather "large" woman... As a favor to
    him I gave her a ride on my '76 GL1000 somewhere she needed to go one
    day. The first stop light we came to she swung her leg down to try to
    put her foot on the ground... There was nothing I could do but get out
    of the way of 300 lbs of woman and 800 lbs of dressed GL...
    Stephen!, Jan 21, 2005
  17. Road Glidin' Don

    Brian Walker Guest

    I can't believe I'm about to go into the difference between deliberately and

    Wanting an accident to happen would be going to look for one and making it
    work where it would happen. Deliberately hitting someone would be not making
    any attempts to stop it from happening.

    You're too stupid to know the difference, aren't you?
    Brian Walker, Jan 21, 2005
  18. Road Glidin' Don

    Stephen! Guest

    (Road Glidin' Don) wrote in

    Might fine round, but if you REALLY want to reach out and touch someone,
    might I suggest this little popgun:
    Stephen!, Jan 21, 2005
  19. Road Glidin' Don

    Brian Walker Guest

    It was labelled "Lessons to be Learned". Are you suggesting everyone else
    out here hit pedestrians? What lessons have you learned?

    You keep forgetting that a number of other people have looked at this and
    all say what we are saying. You even acknowledged that I'm in good company
    of others who previously have went through this with you.
    You're silly as shit!

    Actually, he did look at the photos. The photos show a clear view. They show
    a long distance to the house from the road and they show a distance from the
    shoulder to the middle (or even the other side) of the road. They don't show
    a 300lbs woman, so we can only take size into account from our own
    assumptions....that's a big woman who doesn't move like a rabbit or a deer.
    Keeping in mind also that she's on drugs and drunk. People are very
    predictable when dealing with them on the roads. You can read their
    expressions and get an idea of their intentions. If the woman was leaned
    back on a car with her thumb out, and at the last second when you were right
    there dove into you, you might have a good story. Your story though was she
    was in the road and flagging you down and you stayed on the gas right up to
    her and she got into you. If that's not what happened, then you wrote
    something completely different on the website and on the postings.

    Now, with you getting right up to her at 60mph, you should've been alot more
    cautious. You weren't and that's why you hit her. It was your choice and
    your ride that you hit her. People who are drunk and on drugs can't think
    about their actions to the point to be so unpredictable. Ask any police
    officer who's dealt with drunks on the side of a highway.
    We did.
    You said it. I wasn't the one who invented it. You said it.
    That's what many are saying about you and you hitting this woman.
    Funny, but we've already concluded you weren't on the brakes when you hit
    this what's this "slower speed" shit? Did you hit the woman at
    60mph or not?

    I'm getting tired of you switching back and forth. First you never touched
    the brakes because you had no intentions and now you're decellerating
    quickly to avoid hitting someone in your direct line of path. Which is it?
    Do you want a "good boy" award?
    Which part of the lane were you in when you came up to her? Was she in the
    lane or not?

    Let me put it to you this way, because obviously you're too stupid to
    identify problems in your riding and your story. If you come up on a
    pedestrian who's standing on the shoulder of a highway, you should always
    move to the farthest part of the lane away from the person. If the person
    gets into the street, you should ALWAYS plan on stopping because the danger
    exists that the person could somehow get into your path. If you're in the
    farthest part of the lane away from the person on the shoulder, you still
    have the opportunity to go into the next lane if the person comes up on the
    road. Since, as you say, there aren't any cars out there, you had the
    opportunity to get as far away from this person as possible. If you're doing
    this, the person would have to travel a total of about 12 feet (minimum
    distance) to even get where the person would be in the path before you'd
    have to avoid an accident. If you're travelling 60mph and the person gets
    into your path, you're doing something wrong...especially if you throw
    300lbs and drunk/drugged into the equation. There's just not enough time if
    you're paying attention.

    Do you see the problem, or are you still too stupid and too self righteous
    to get it?
    You didn't do any "emergency handling techniques" hit the woman. You
    failed. How many ways do you have to have that told to you before you get
    it? You were too close to the woman to avoid her when she got into the
    street with you. Do you not understand that?
    Sorry, Road Plow...but you WERE wrong.

    There was an incident here not long ago where 6 of us bikes were out riding
    winding highways having a good time. We came up on a bicyclist and his wife
    out in the lane we were riding in. All 6 of us had to avoid an accident
    since this bicyclist was weaving from the shoulder to the middle stripe.

    You're not the only one here who's ever encountered pedestrians or
    bicyclists or cars or whatever that might get into the path of a motorcycle.
    You're the first I've ever known to hit a pedestrian who's drunk and drugged
    up and claimed she was trying to commit suicide.

    And yes, I believe you're a bigot too.
    Brian Walker, Jan 21, 2005
  20. Road Glidin' Don

    Brian Walker Guest

    Before you get too carried away there, ass monkey bigot bastard...keep in
    mind that Bill Walker has NEVER hit a pedestrian....
    Brian Walker, Jan 21, 2005
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