Educatiing Brian (was: Keith Schiffner)

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Road Glidin' Don, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. <snip>

    Hope I'm not cutting into your Martin Luther Day celebrations, ya
    racist red-neck.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
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    98 FLTRI
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  2. Road Glidin' Don

    Brian Walker Guest

    To be honest, that comment doesn't even bother me.

    First, it's Martin Luther King Jr...Reverend at that. Your comment about him
    speaks for itself.

    Second, the day I freely admit to deliberately hitting someone because I'm
    too afraid of their background or their race, then you'll have something to
    compare me to you. Otherwise, it stands on it's own merits. You're not
    correcting what you said if it's in it must be correct. Live with
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
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  3. Don't get ahead of yourself, boy. Start with something easier first:
    Like the day you freely admit to your long history of maliciously
    generating lies about other people.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
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    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 18, 2005
  4. Road Glidin' Don

    Brian Walker Guest

    What part am I lying about you?

    All this is what you said. You said you had no intentions of stopping. It
    was your ride and your choice. Right?

    That would make it deliberately hitting someone.

    End of story. I've heard enough from you and your bigoted shit. Had you
    pulled that crap down here, you'd be sitting in a penitentiary...if not sued
    to the hilt. What started out funny has turned disgusting.

    Live with it....because I'm sure a true bigot such as yourself is "proud" he
    hit 'em one!
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  5. Oh, the part about saying it was deliberate; when the only accounts of
    it has always stated that she waited until the last instant before
    running into the roadway to block my path.
    I *said* I had no intentions of stopping to pick her up *prior* to her
    jumping into the middle of the road to block me. ****, learn how to

    And, while you're at it, learn to ride a motorcycle too. Then you'll
    know that when you maximum-brake, you can only do so in a straight
    line. Since she persisted in holding her position and I could see I
    wasn't going to stop in time to avoid colliding with her, I released
    the brakes and swerved hard to the left. Fuckin' good thing I did
    too, or else she would be dead.
    "Deliberately" There you go again.

    Your twisting of the account is as justified as when people have
    decided to accuse you of *deliberately* letting your daughter die out
    of neglect, you pitiable, imitation of a man.

    ****, you're a blinded hypocrite.
    I suspect you are the one who has unresolved regrets to live with;
    which is what has made you so mentally ill.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
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    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 18, 2005
  6. Maybe in context of where you live, James. If it was construed that
    way, it's my mistake and I apologize.

    I was insinuating that Brian is probably not really so concerned about
    racial justice as he is pretending to be. He is, after all, clearly a
    person obsessed and consumed by his own hatred for others. Much worse
    than a racist, actually, so I guess I under-shot the criticism!

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
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    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 18, 2005
  7. Road Glidin' Don

    Brian Walker Guest

    There you go again, bringing up my daughter. She didn't make you hit that
    woman. She doesn't have anything to do with this.

    I didn't bring your wife into this and still haven't....even though you did
    everything you could to bait me into it. Only remark I made was wondering
    why you, or anyone, would refer to your wife as "treaty status". That makes
    me the better man. Deal with it.
    Nah, I (as well as many in these two newsgroups) just spotted an ignorant
    bigot who hit a woman because he refused to stop when she was in his way.
    That same ignorant bigot ("you", in case you might not figure it out) even
    went so far as to say he had no intentions of stopping because he was afraid
    of her. Deal with it.
    Perhaps, but I'm not the one who deliberately hit a woman because of where
    she was or where her background was at. I'm not the one who bragged about
    hitting the woman because of her race and then when it was pointed out about
    the race playing issue in you hitting her, took exception and began
    screaming about the American Indians. I'm not the one who when the American
    Indian thing didn't work, began making further racial remarks about blacks
    in this country.

    The more you say, the worse it gets for you. I don't believe you're
    intelligent enough to know this, Road Plow.
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  8. Road Glidin' Don

    Brian Walker Guest

    And you know about these "racist" things...personally?

    You can't figure this one out, can you Road Plow?
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  9. In light of the above, there might be one thing that you and I can
    agree on. You could still get a whole lot more nasty and hurtful
    towards me and I could still get a whole lot more nasty and hurtful
    towards you. That's an obvious fact.

    But it's also completely unnecessary. I have told you that I did not
    deliberately hit the woman and you (plus your father) are choosing to
    reintroduce that same charge (of what amounts to attempted murder)
    over and over and over again, each and every post, day after day.

    Okay, now you've said it many times, so you shouldn't need to repeat
    it any longer. It really is your choice.

    But, if you do choose to continue, then I assure you that all bets
    will be off and I will decide there is nothing at all out of bounds
    regarding you (regardless of the negative consequences I am certain
    will come back at me). Not because I want us to go there, but because
    you will show yourself deserving of as much personal pain as I can
    inflict on you (and that too will be repeated over and over and over,
    until it makes you very miserable as well).

    So think about it, Brian. You can drop the subject and another word
    concerning it ever being brought up by me again. Everything has been
    said; nothing to gain by repeating ad infinitum, but a big down-side
    for both you and I, if you can't restrain yourself on this matter.

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
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    98 FLTRI
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 18, 2005
  10. Road Glidin' Don

    Brian Walker Guest

    Oh, let's back up a second here, Road Plow. You keep bringing my daughter
    into this and now you say you "could" get more nasty?

    **** you.

    How's that for nasty? And to think, I didn't even have to bring up anyone in
    your family's death to do it....
    You didn't "deliberately stop" either. It was your choice and your ride,
    right? Isn't that what you said? You had no intentions of going into an
    emergency stop, right? Isn't that what you said?

    If you were being as analytical as you claim in all your writings, you
    must've recognized the danger of killing this woman for your "choice".

    I'm starting to feel like Perry Mason here...
    As long as you keep sitting on the other end denying it and trying to get me
    to back off thus giving the illusion that I agree, it will be repeated. It's
    your choice. As long as you're here in harrassing others, I'll
    continue harrassing you. It's your choice.

    I didn't go looking for you. You thought you had a dog in this fight....
    You've been given many opportunities to stop this and go home without
    further problems. You chose to get into this fight and you chose to stay.
    So now we're down to "if you don't stop picking on me, I'll get pretty mean
    with you"?

    <I did that in my best flaming voice....I know how you guys do it better,
    but I'm trying>

    I haven't said anything that wasn't true or that you hadn't already said. If
    you don't like what it looks like in the mirror, perhaps you should consider
    plastic surgery....or buy a new mirror (or how ever that saying goes).

    BTW, if you're the "top of the food chain", I'd hate to see the bottom....
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  11. Road Glidin' Don

    Bownse Guest

    X-No-archive: yes
    Not at all. It's well established that you can't be prejudiced against
    white people. They're just getting what they deserve.
    Bownse, Jan 18, 2005
  12. Jim, I think you need to get your sarcasm meter
    recalibrated. 8^) I've been bit by that very same line in
    the past...made even funnier because the man who said it was
    A) a police officer B) Guild representative C) Black D)
    smiling like the cat that ate the canary...I miss that guy.
    Best punster I've ever read, wicked sense of humour AND the
    most unbiased person I ever met. Sadly a good man died
    because of a damn ford.

    There are some friends that leave as big a hole in your life
    as family does...

    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 18, 2005
  13. Road Glidin' Don

    Bownse Guest

    X-No-archive: yes

    He fell into a "deep, steep-walled, U-shaped valley formed by erosion
    by a glacier and submerged with seawater" while in Norway?
    Bownse, Jan 18, 2005
  14. Uh, NO. It was ford explorer...if you wish details ping me.
    Short story is...well there isn't any short story.
    Nefarious Necrologist 42nd Degree
    Some people ride, some just like to show off their butt
    jewelry once in a while.
    Dum vivimus, vivamus
    <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )3~ <:(3 )~ <:(3 )~
    Keith Schiffner, Jan 18, 2005
  15. <>?<>--X-No-archive: yes
    Keith Schiffner wrote:
    Sadly a good man died because of a damn ford.
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 18, 2005
  16. Road Glidin' Don

    Bownse Guest

    A ford and not a fjord, eh?

    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, TX
    "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
    arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather
    to skid in sideways, cigar in one hand, favorite beverage in the
    other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming WOO
    HOO - What a Ride!" --- Anonymous
    Bownse, Jan 19, 2005
  17. Road Glidin' Don

    NZMSC Guest


    James, you have *no* sense of humour...
    NZMSC, Jan 19, 2005
  18. Hope I'm not cutting into your Martin Luther Day celebrations, ya racist
    Is this comment not a example of predjuce (sp?) sorry, its late & I'm
    James Wilson------------------------------------------------

    Maybe in context of where you live, James. If it was construed that way,
    it's my mistake and I apologize.
    I was insinuating that Brian is probably not really so concerned about
    racial justice as he is pretending to be. He is, after all, clearly a
    person obsessed and consumed by his own hatred for others. Much worse
    than a racist, actually, so I guess I under-shot the criticism!
    -- Road Glidin' Don----
    ••••Hey there, don't you think saying ''hatred'' is a bit strong
    for a NG comment to someone? > Cuss 'em, call em' bad names, call em'
    the worst name yo Mommy taught you...but don't accuse any one in here of
    ''hating folks'.''>Don, to me, that makes you appear kinda stupid. Not
    ignorant, there's a difference in being Stupid and
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 19, 2005
  19. The utter despicableness of the Walkers' exploiting peoples' tragedies
    and deserving whatever comes back on them as a result was precisely my
    point as well.

    As everyone will agree, the most basic principle of morality is to "Do
    unto others as you would have them do unto you". For that reason, I
    think it was highly appropriate (even necessary) for me to invite
    Brian to consider whether he would approve of people exploiting his
    tragedy; since he does so repeatedly in my case.

    And keep in mind, James, that while he *was* exploiting my tragedy, I
    was only suggesting he consider how he would feel *if* I exploited

    So, to be crystal clear, Brian is *actually* exploiting someone's
    tragedy, while I am pointing out to him what that is tantamount to.
    That is an vital distinction that you were wrong to ignore when you
    cast your one-sided allegation.

    And, although having a person nearly kill you by attempting to commit
    suicide in front of your bike is not the equal of losing a family
    member, it is definitely not an exaggeration to it was a very tragic
    circumstance (for both parties). Even the Walkers say so.

    The way Brian goes out of his way to repeatedly and maliciously
    exploit the tragedy exactly mirrors what (I have seen) being done to
    him. That is: Brian is not just satisfied with simply making light of
    the plight of the people involved - he goes that extra, vicious mile,
    accusing the victim of purposely and intentionally wanting it to

    Well, we're all riders here and I think we all know that bad things
    can happen to any of us.

    If a car chooses to pull out across our path at just the most
    inopportune time, I don't think it would be appropriate to charge our
    brothers with wrong. And certainly not, when seeing someone here with
    a vendetta against the other, to support that person charging the
    rider with causing the accident on purpose. Not only unfair, it's
    ridiculous. People on bikes don't go hitting big objects on purpose.

    Given enough miles of riding, even uncommon things can happen on the
    road as well. While unusual, pedestrians have attempted suicide,
    jumping in front of vehicles. People high on drugs have thought
    themselves able to do anything. To say such things happen is not like
    asking people to believe aliens from outer space dropped out of the
    sky and did something.

    But that's okay. You are free to believe Brian if you want, James.
    But, in order to do so, remember that you will also have to believe
    the following things:

    1. Although I had just come from staying the weekend (including
    overnights) at an Indian Reservation and have been married to a native
    woman for 29 years now, you must believe Brian's childish allegation
    that I didn't stop to give a 300 lb woman a ride on my bike because I
    was "afraid of native people" (BTW, has anyone reading this *ever*
    stopped and given a 300 lb woman a ride?)

    2. Although I had managed to transition from about a second of
    maximum-braking to an extreme, left-hand swerve at 60 mph, glance off
    a 300 lb woman, stay on the road and keep the bike from going down,
    you must believe the product of the Walkers' imagination that the
    accident was really caused because I "froze."

    3. Even though the right highway peg (which is about 1 foot off the
    ground) was sheared off and ended up inside the woman's right arm and
    her left hand hit my right mirror, you must believe Brian (who wasn't
    there, in case you forgot) when he says she did not dive towards the
    bike as I swerved left in a desperate attempt to avoid her.

    4. You must also believe that the RCMP, who didn't charge me were
    simply being racists. The fact that one of them volunteered to drive
    all the way from High Prairie to Edmonton to testify against the woman
    (if my case came to court) must only further prove how filled with
    racial hatred the RCMP are.

    5. Although a private investigator (who I was foolish enough, without
    my lawyer's approval, to give a taped interview to) and a team of
    lawyers who attempted to sue for $300,000 damages had to drop their
    lawsuit after concluding they stood no chance of getting even a small
    percentage of guilt ($$$) assigned to me, you must believe that the
    well-heeled, well-educated and accomplished, amateur, trailer park
    lawyers known as the Walkers could have easily proven the case!

    6. You must also believe that I had no regard for my personal safety
    (death being a possible outcome for me as well) or the damage that
    would occur to an expensive bike (my insurance policy has a $3,000
    deductable, btw). Instead you must believe that I, on some homicidal,
    racist rampage, intentionally hit the woman, as Brian says.

    7. You must also believe that the Walkers - from their trailer park
    headquarters in Texas - have miraculously acquired some secret
    document that shows me saying I ran into the woman because she was in
    my way and I simply did not want to stop - rather than the only
    document available to the rest of us, which stated I did not want to
    stop to give the woman a *ride* when I saw her ahead, on the *side* of
    the road, motioning for me to give her a ride (the whole part about
    her charging into the middle of the road at the last instant, just
    before I passed her, having occurred after that). Add to that the
    history of the Walkers proving they are dumb as a sack of hammers and
    misread and misconstrue other written material with incredible
    frequency and regularly disseminate unproven lies and vitriol about

    Your choice.

    And have a nice day!

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
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    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 20, 2005
  20. Road Glidin' Don

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whew.. your personal relationship with Bill Walker and Brian certainly
    qualifies your comment.
    Very good..

    For that reason, I
    The manner in which the tragedy of losing a much loved child can't possibly
    be construed as comparable to your own motorcycle traffic accident which you
    were involved in.. That is certainly twisted logic, and very telling of your
    own character..
    No one "exploited" your so called tragedy, but yourself.. You were the one
    who posted it and the one who pasted it on your own website.. You tried to
    exploit your so-called tragedy to enhance your own image.. The tragedy
    wasn't yours, it was the woman you hit on your motorcycle..

    Nossir.. you attempted to follow through on another like you had already
    used the tragedy of my grand daughters' death to cause harm..
    If someone attacks your family because the don't like you, you got a gripe..
    So far, no one has accused you of neglecting or abusing you child and
    causing her death.. I questioned you account of the accident and suggested
    that you froze and hit a woman ..
    Your own account of that woman's tragedy when you hit her is more than "one
    sided" and far from "allegation".. You posted it on a newsgroup and your own your own words..
    Since you obviously did not sustain injuries, the woman certainly did, that
    burden of tragedy is a little misconstrued.. You certainly were not the
    "injured" party you've tried to impress everyone..

    Even the Walkers say so.

    Bill Walker has said that your version of the events leading up to that
    accident are highly questionable and there are more probable explanations
    for what were the actual sequence of events..
    Your outrage is well documented, isn't it ? Where ? Your comments about the
    loss of an innocent child are posted on this newsgroup, this week..

    That is: Brian is not just satisfied with simply making light of
    Your own accounts of the accident have led to speculation about the veracity
    of that account.. Brian has questioned your integrity in making those
    That is exactly right.. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong..
    These types of things do happen, especially when riding on city streets ..
    Not quite as often on rural highways.. Most of us have barely escaped
    collisions of that sort many times..

    And certainly not, when seeing someone here with
    Now .. you are touching on what this is all about.. You elected to join into
    a "flame war" that was engineered and designed to discredit and humiliate
    someone.. The "vendetta" was being waged against the Walkers on another
    newsgroup.. Neither one of us addressed you directly or indirectly until you
    bounced into that flame war to help out your usenet buddies.. I was not even
    aware of that accident, until it was brought to my attention.. You began to
    justify your account of it and I even went to your website and read what
    you'd posted there..

    Not only unfair, it's
    For one, I don't believe you hit that woman "on purpose".. I believe that
    you were showboating for the people who were watching the motorcycle, and
    froze during a crisis..
    Your account would have been more acceptable, had the accident occured on a
    traffic busy city street with pedestrians bustling.. On an isolated rural
    highway, not likely..
    That has not been disputed by you.. That woman did not magically appear on
    that isolated highway.. There were no obstructions that she hid behind..
    Visibility distances were sufficient that you should have been thinking
    about all the "possibilities" that could develop..
    Some bikers have been known to "lay one down" rather than risk the
    collision.. Everyone walked away and the bike was minimally damaged.. hmmm..
    Maybe you were actually reloading as you so boastfully claim in your
    signature line..
    Racism never entered the discussion until you commenced referring to it..
    I.. for one didn't know the woman was a member of one of the tribes.. until
    you finally came out with it..

    The fact that one of them volunteered to drive
    There again, that is strictly your one-sided usenet account ..
    Most accident cases are settled in pre-trial or sooner.. I'm not familiar
    with the judicial system in Canada, but most accident cases in Texas never
    get to the courtroom.. My contention is that your insurance company, more
    than likely settled with that woman and the case was dismissed.. Even
    though you deny that, there isn't much evidence to dispute a common sense
    deduction ..

    you must believe that the
    It doesn't matter if anyone lives in a mobile home park or on Ross Perot's
    estate.. Your account of that accident has a very bad smell.. You might be
    greatly surprised to find out how many question that account even before any
    comment by any Walker..
    Smoke and mirrors are not acceptable.. I've never even suggested you hit the
    woman on purpose.. I've suggested that you were showboating for the people
    on that rural highway and froze in an emergency .. hit the woman and damned
    near killed her.. You haven't disproved it, you've only substantiated it..
    Your own arrogant comments are what is being used to dispute your account of
    that accident.. No documents necessary.. Your constant referral and contempt
    for mobile homes and the parks where they are located is furthur
    demonstration of that arrogance ..

    - rather than the only
    Your account of that accident contains several inconsistencies that you have
    not explained other than to hysterically call people liars, attempt to
    insult where they live, insinuate that you've killed someone in a fist
    fight, etc.. etc.. The added insult about the contemptible comments
    regarding the death of a child only adds to the speculation of your own lack
    of character or defense..

    Add to that the
    There goes that "vendetta" thing . again.. contention that you
    were showboating on your motorcycle and froze in the face of an emergency is
    probably more than accurate.. Your continued hysterical defense of this
    accident is also very revealing..
    Bill Walker, Jan 20, 2005
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