
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Slider, May 31, 2004.

  1. Slider

    Slider Guest

    Even the holy CG125 can't achieve 180mpg!

    "Employing state-of-the-art mechanical and electrical design technology,
    eCycle is developing a 180mpg motorcycle. The motorcycle features a 219cc
    direct injected, multifuel engine (petrodiesel, biodiesel, kerosene) and an
    8kW brushless motor drive. The weight is 230lbs, with a top speed of 80mph
    and acceleration of 0-60 mph in 6 seconds."

    Ok, so 6 seconds is VERY slow and in keeping with the car hybrids, it's also
    pig ugly, but the idea is sound.
    Slider, May 31, 2004
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  2. Slider

    darsy Guest

    I'd have one for commuting, deffo.

    Well, I would if they lose the camel-hump style tank.
    darsy, Jun 1, 2004
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