Ebbetts Pass Hwy 4

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by jcshreve, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. jcshreve

    jcshreve Guest

    "Ashamed" is too powerful a word. I was more "disappointed" that I was
    the only motorcyclist in evidence east of Murphys on my way up to Bear
    Valley and Lake Alpine yesterday. Yes, it was chilly, around 40 much
    of the time; but look what you get: Dry, clear and fast twisties with
    beautiful scenery, clean air, and no traffic. With Ebbetts closed for
    the winter, the only users of the highway are Bear Valley skiers, and
    it's easy to avoid their morning and evening rush. I get in one these
    rides around Christmas every year or so, and it always ranks way up
    there in the grand scheme of quality motorcycling.
    jcshreve, Dec 23, 2004
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  2. jcshreve

    shakeybike Guest

    I apologize for GROUPS software NOT taking my nickname. Hopefully it
    TAKES this time...
    shakeybike, Dec 23, 2004
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  3. jcshreve

    B. Peg Guest

    Where exactly is the snowgate they close? I'm guessing past Lake Alpine
    but how much further can you go?

    B. Peg, Dec 23, 2004
  4. jcshreve

    Keith Winter Guest

    It's closed before (west of) Lake Alpine.

    '03 Blackbird
    Arnold, CA
    Keith Winter, Dec 23, 2004
  5. I'm with you in spirit but a broken leg prevents me from yanking throttle.
    I love this time of year for riding, and my family is pretty much resigned
    to seeing me dissappear after presents and breakfast on Christmas morning to
    take advantage of certain 100%-empty roads in Sonoma County. I should be
    good for riding by late jan, look for me up at Berryessa, Parrots Ferry, and
    Boonville. Red and white Yamaha, wearing a black waist-pack holding a
    Thermos o' hot joe and some heat-packs.
    Truly, 'tis the season.
    deniALEXcuses, Dec 24, 2004
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