Ebayers be aware

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by tallbloke, Nov 13, 2004.

  1. tallbloke

    MattG Guest

    Cane says...
    If there had been an abortion of a miscarriage, would you still
    think it was cool then?
    MattG, Nov 14, 2004
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  2. tallbloke

    John Higgins Guest

    Well, we discussed it at length at the time and could think of no
    conscious action we had taken to inform them. I did have a similar
    thought to you when the package arrived, that it was potentially risky
    ground. The test kit and change in shopping habits was merely my
    assumption of what triggered it.
    John Higgins, Nov 14, 2004
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  3. tallbloke

    John Higgins Guest

    I don't recall sending you the URL.
    John Higgins, Nov 14, 2004
  4. tallbloke

    AndrewR Guest

    AndrewR, Nov 14, 2004
  5. Whinging Courier, Nov 14, 2004
  6. tallbloke

    Ferger Guest

    Bear secured a place in history by writing:
    I have a degree of faith that those that govern will wake up to the
    realities of risk compensation, finding that enforced cosseting of the
    human condition by banning all today's dangers will just result in people
    going out and indulging in new ones. But I have only a gut feel that this
    is the way things will progress anyway; I might be entirely wrong.
    Ferger, Nov 14, 2004
  7. tallbloke

    Ben Blaney Guest

    I'm learning.
    Ben Blaney, Nov 15, 2004
  8. tallbloke

    Ben Blaney Guest

    And we all used to leave our front doors open in the olden days, and
    it used to be okay for bobbies to clip people round the ear, and there
    was no such thing as child abuse, and we were happy then - though we
    were poor. Because we were poor.


    You're getting old.
    Ben Blaney, Nov 15, 2004
  9. tallbloke

    Bobby Guest

    I read somewhere that with the speed they are going thought mobile phone
    numbers they where thinking of giving you a number for life.
    So when they pull up all you information they will be able to tell where you
    are as well

    Ever who they are

    I don't have a problem with id cards. like everyone has said if they want my
    info they will get it.

    I just don't fancy the idea of being nicked for not carrying the id card

    Bobby, Nov 15, 2004
  10. tallbloke

    tallbloke Guest

    Welcome to the self policed parade.
    Fight against compulsory id cards then.
    tallbloke, Nov 15, 2004
  11. tallbloke

    Eiron Guest

    #Welcome to the neo-golden age.
    Eiron, Nov 15, 2004
  12. tallbloke

    Lozzo Guest

    Ben Blaney says...
    I was still leaving my front door unlocked when I lived in Worksop 3
    years ago. There had never been a burglary in our street in the 15 years
    it had been built. I only started locking it after my mad ex-
    girlfriend/stalker drove 100 miles to watch me sleep one night.
    Lozzo, Nov 15, 2004
  13. tallbloke

    Bobby Guest

    I don't have a problem with id cards. like everyone has said if they
    I don't want an id card but I don't have anything to hide either
    The response you get when you argue the point of why have them is usually if
    you don't want one you must have something to hide
    If they ask my opinion (yeah right) I will say that I don't think it will be
    the cure they think it will be

    But then is it to stop terrorists or is it just another way to keep the
    great unwashed public in check. or possibly another stealth tax as they will
    probably fine people who leave home with out it

    They have id cards in the states and did they have a slight problems with
    terrorists not to long back


    Bobby, Nov 15, 2004
  14. tallbloke

    Bobby Guest

    Have you ever sold anything on eBay?
    I have stuff in my garage that I paid way less for than it goes for on eBay
    I have seen stuff go for more on eBay than you pay for it new in the shops!
    Bobby, Nov 15, 2004

  15. I know. Lovely, isn't it? :)))
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 15, 2004
  16. tallbloke

    tallbloke Guest

    Yep, the first recourse of the fascist. Criminalize the citizen who
    insists on civil liberty.
    And charge to replace lost/stolen/damaged ones too.
    Given that the terrorists involved in the slight problems mostly had
    paperwork allowing them to be in America, it's hard to see how ID cards
    would have made any difference. They had their passports with them when
    they boarded the planes anyway.
    tallbloke, Nov 15, 2004
  17. tallbloke

    riccip Guest

    That's very true so you'd assume you have nothing to worry about.
    However if the IR think you're telling porkies (on ANY matter)
    you are guilty, full stop. It's up to you to prove your innocence
    in which case you will require the services of a good accountant
    and solicitor which will cost you plenty.

    Even then a positive outcome is far from guaranteed. Go to court
    to challenge their decision. You will be stunned to discover how
    little protection the law offers when the Taxman makes a mistake.

    riccip, Nov 16, 2004
  18. tallbloke

    Ferger Guest

    riccip secured a place in history by writing:
    Fair comment, if a little more black/white than I believe the truth to be.
    Ferger, Nov 16, 2004
  19. tallbloke

    riccip Guest

    Just as I used to believe. When I was armed with a solicitor and
    nobody from IR turned up to contest the case I assumed I was home
    and dry. Then the district judge informed me that whereas he
    accepted the IR's claim was unwarranted he hadn't the power to
    reject it, them being crown agents an' all. So he was awarding
    the bastards judgement in their absence. In other words you can
    have no defence, it's that black & white. Easier just to cough up
    whatever they ask for from the start, as I will next time.

    riccip, Nov 16, 2004
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