Ebay munging item numbers?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by WorkTog, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. WorkTog

    WorkTog Guest

    OK, just been looking for some Ebay items and trying out Goofbay.

    Here's an interesting thing.

    Ebay item numbers are 10-digit. At least, all my completed auctions are

    But when I look at my auctions still running, they have 12-digit ID
    numbers. And Goofbay can't find them.

    Putting the full 12-digit number into Ebay's own search window brings
    up the item, though.

    So the question is this - is Ebay introducing 'null' numbers to combat
    Goofbay and similar programs? And if so, how does this work?
    WorkTog, Jun 29, 2006
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  2. WorkTog

    Nicknoxx Guest

    Ebay have recently introduced longer numbers. It seems to depend what
    category you're selling in as the gorgeous Mrs Brooks has items selling
    with different length numbers.

    Goofbay tools has been severly cripled by ebay in the last day or so.
    Nicknoxx, Jun 29, 2006
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  3. WorkTog

    Jon B Guest

    I'm not sure that it is in the sellers interest that that information is
    public, and I say this as a buyer and seller.
    Jon B, Jun 29, 2006
  4. WorkTog

    Dieseldes Guest

    Also from the beginning of June eBay have removed the option to
    login/access login-required pages without using SSL (Secure Sockets) -
    previously it was optional'.. and that has knackered Moosell another usefull
    selling tool, so either eBay are bringingout their own tools, and don't like
    competition, or they think all these tools make the sellers/buyers lives
    too easy
    Dieseldes, Jun 29, 2006
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