Ebay Madness

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by deadmail, Nov 29, 2003.

  1. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    What is it about people buying stuff on Ebay?

    I mean look at this:


    Tidy enough, sure. But it doesn't run isn't taxed or MOTd. The seller
    *says* it's the fuel pump and a tired battery; on its own that lot will
    cost you about 120- plus then you're getting an old bike with >110k on
    the clock.

    Even running it's probably not worth much more than 750- to a grand.
    Why do people bid so much?

    And, yes, I did want to pick it up cheaply.
    deadmail, Nov 29, 2003
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  2. deadmail

    Dave Eades Guest

    I wish i could get hold of some cheap luggage/topbox for my K100, the bike
    longs to be toured, but i can't even find anywhere to put my sarnies.
    Dave Eades, Nov 29, 2003
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  3. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    Cheap? Well I just flogged a set for 100- on ebay.

    The BMW panniers are very good, it must be said.
    deadmail, Nov 29, 2003
  4. deadmail

    Mike Fleming Guest

    Mike Fleming, Nov 30, 2003
  5. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    No, you're right. That bit came from an email exchange with the vendor.
    deadmail, Nov 30, 2003
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