Far out, that list is mind-boggling. Never been in an earthquake [1] and really don't think I want to. 8.8! Wahhh. Kev [1] I was ling in Sydney in 1989 when the Newcastle 5.6 earthquake hit, which did quite a bit of damage, but nothing to extent of Haiti or Chile obviously. I totally missed it as I was cabling a new video edit suite and lying on my back under a heap of rack gear and plugging BNC cables into routers. The company I was working for had the largest sound stage in Australia and our lighting guy was up on a scissor lift in the main studio and said it was rather entertaining as the scissor lift started swaying all over the place. Pass.
On the plus side, there's unlikely to be any shortage of hardcore when it comes to laying the foundations for your new gaff.
Yes indeed. At least there is some comfort that there have been building standards mandated and revised since 1949 (IIRC). Which explains why so many buildings are standing in Chile.
We were talking with friends about earthquakes when we were there in January. They have small tremors all the time, like Japan, and now and again a biggie. Apparently, all buildings have to be constructed to cope with Richter Strength (whatever - I forget). "If it's any more than that, we're fucked anyway," I was told, with a grin and a shrug. So Chilean buildings tend to be, indeed, very well built. Which is nice. I think the casualty figures are amazingly low, considering it was Richter 8.8, which is Fucking Big.
http://www.inhabitat.com/2009/07/20/wooden-house-can-withstand-severe-earthquakes/ Wood looks like the way to go. If you've a few acres, some sort of sprawling single-storey wooden hacienda thing, with courtyard gardens, lots of glass and light etc. It's what I'd do.
Exactly what I was thinking. The Richter Scale is logartihmic. 8.8 makes Haiti look like a walk in the park. Yet at the moment they are only talking 1% of the fatalities that Haiti suffered. Hopefully the capital injection into Haiti will get them to build properly. Kev
Charities like these 'tend' to end up with poor people in rich countries giving money that ends up with rich people in poor countries.
You expect a bunch of Caribbean types to do something properly *snort* Even if we re-build the entire island for them it will only get fucked up later.