Ear Plugs

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Matt, Oct 7, 2003.

  1. Matt

    Matt Guest

    I've got a helmet that makes a hell of a lot of wind noise, and I was
    wondering what types/brands of ear plugs people would recommend.
    I've tried the gum type that mold to the ear, but they are a bitch to use
    and tend to lose their stick to quickly. I also have the problem that when
    the helmet goes on, the plugs fall out.

    Matt, Oct 7, 2003
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  2. Matt

    What The! Guest

    if you need to use them that often and you are serious about comfort and
    noise reduction you could weigh up the costs of getting some custom made
    ones from an ear doctor that will be comfortable, or as it would happen,
    probably work out cheaper to buy a new helmet that doesn't make lots of wind
    noise ...
    What The!, Oct 7, 2003
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  3. Matt

    Matt Guest

    Would a new helmet fix the problem? I was under the impression that
    most/all helmets have a fair degree of wind noise? I am serious about noise
    reduction because I have a mate who has been riding a lot longer and is
    starting to notice a reduction in his hearing.
    Matt, Oct 7, 2003
  4. Matt

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Squishy foam ones from your chemist, hardware store or Big W.
    Less than $1 a pair.
    Knobdoodle, Oct 7, 2003

  5. Even less if you can "Borrow" from work

    The Happy Drunk
    The Happy Drunk, Oct 7, 2003
  6. Matt

    What The! Guest

    From what i've been told (not being a biker myself) there are lots of
    helmets that have a much lower wind noise factor. this i beleive to be
    through better reseach. You may pay up to 1200 bucks for a good Shoei
    helmet, but from what i've been told, the difference in wind noise between a
    "cheap" helmet and a higher model branded helmet is substantial. but it will
    never be as quiet as riding in a cage, but the cheap "$1 per pair" foam ones
    from the chemist might be enough to create almost silence with a new helmet.
    I don't know what store policies are about letting people take out a hemlet
    for a "test ride"... lol.
    What The!, Oct 7, 2003
  7. Matt

    Steel Golem Guest

    Currently I have an Arai RX7-RR4 probably one the best helmets that money
    can buy...and at $1200 probably one of the $$$...and probably one of the
    noisiest helmets around...anyway I use cheap reusable plugs (no idea of the
    brand) they work rather well...most problems with the plugs falling out can
    be fixed rather simply however, one has to learn how to insert them
    Steel Golem, Oct 7, 2003
  8. Max Leights, they don't fall out when i put my helmet on.


    "Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurks the skid demon. "

    Remove *ME* before replying
    Alan Pennykid, Oct 7, 2003
  9. The foam ones don't work nearly as well as silicone, but the helmet must
    be wrong - there shouldn't be such high levels of wind noise. Plus,
    around town especially, you need your hearing for such things as
    emergency vehicle sirens. Try another helmet? Cheers, just back from
    200kms on a loudish bike with an old open-face helmet.
    Classic Car Fair, Oct 7, 2003
  10. Matt

    Tony tony Guest

    Actually I'd like to know where I can buy the opposite.

    ie. I recently bought a new Shoei and it's not as V4 friendly as my old helmet

    go tiges
    yellow and black VFR ..
    Tony tony, Oct 7, 2003
  11. Matt is of the opinion:
    A better helmet *will* do a lot to reduce wind noise, but you're always
    going to get a fair whistle. For instance, my 'learner' helmet was a
    base-model AGV - big pods on the side, and it was bloody noisy. The HJC
    CL-12 I got after it (no pods, nothing to make noise with, really) was
    significantly quieter - surprised the hell out of me first time on the
    highway. But, when doing freeway work (ghod they're boring pieces of road)
    I still stick the earplugs in - I use the tube o' foam type. Work well
    enough for me, as long as I jam 'em right in.

    The CL-14 (my next purchase once the f**king insurance company pays up) will
    likely be similarly quiet.

    - Matt
    Matthew Palmer, Oct 7, 2003
  12. What The! is of the opinion:
    I asked at one store, and the answer was a very, very quick "hell no", for
    all the expected reasons - once it's out of their sight, they have no idea
    what is going on with it, whether it's actually going to be the same helmet
    that comes back, problems with it starting to mould to someone's head shape,
    all that sort of thing.

    It's a pity, because I know that different helmets do different things for
    different people, and pulling it on for 30 seconds in the shop doesn't tell
    you if it's going to start pressing hard on your forehead after a half hour
    of use at speed (a problem for my old AGV).

    - Matt
    Matthew Palmer, Oct 7, 2003
  13. Matt

    Alan Halsted Guest

    After my big tour over the weekend, I used the squshy foam industrial
    earplugs (got 'em from work) and they made such a huge difference! They are
    the ones you roll into a little worm, insert them in your ear and they
    expand to fill the space. And the helmet does not dislodge them. Brilliant
    and they even reduce overall fatigue. Feel pretty good about my 2500 k
    adventure over 4 days! And my $500 Shoi helmet is very noisy compared to my
    old AGV.

    Alan Halsted, Oct 7, 2003
  14. Matt

    Dale Porter Guest


    Dale Porter
    Dale Porter, Oct 7, 2003
  15. Matt

    Knobdoodle Guest

    I don't think they're gonna' want 'em back!
    Knobdoodle, Oct 7, 2003
  16. Matt

    Knobdoodle Guest

    It's V4 Victory. (F 4 Friendly)
    (always glad to help)
    Knobdoodle, Oct 7, 2003
  17. Matt

    Knobdoodle Guest

    The place out near Ipswich Q (whose name I can't remember) were happy to let you me take a few for a 100kmh
    run up the highway.
    (And I found the one I liked and then bought it elsewhere... I'm an arsehole)
    Knobdoodle, Oct 7, 2003
  18. Matt

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Just squirt your ears full of Silicone and then wait an hour.
    Hey presto; custom fit earplugs for a fraction of the price!!
    Knobdoodle, Oct 7, 2003
  19. Matt

    smack Guest

    35c at Buttsworth Engineering in Walker Street.

    Hey Leon, can ya drop around and grab me some


    "Then I'll be insignificant no more!...Conehead"
    "Thats right... I aren't sure"... kiwipete

    smack, Oct 7, 2003
  20. Matt

    Frank Warner Guest

    Having your cake and eating it too?

    1) they don't work
    2) they work so well as to cut out all sounds...

    The truth ... the foam ones cut noise by around 30 dB. And you can hear
    sirens and horns and people talking loudly to you. But it will help
    prevent hearing damage. Ware 'em.
    Frank Warner, Oct 7, 2003
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