DVLA Fees for a V5 Reg Doc

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by riccip, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. riccip

    riccip Guest

    Bought another old Yammie recently that came without docs so I
    called in at the Post Office for a V62 application form (for a
    Registration Doc). It used to be free if you did not receive a V5
    from the previous owner. It now costs NINETEEN F***ING POUNDS..!!

    Consider that figure. This hasn't been carefully costed out or it
    would be something like 48p including postage. Some twat at the
    DVLA has decided that 20 squid would be a nice figure to extort
    but let's knock off a pound as a psychological sweetener.

    Since they re-branded themselves from a Centre to an "Authority"
    they've forgotten that their principal role is to offer a public
    service. We already pay more than enough in road tax, fuel tax
    and speeding fines to fund the DVLA several times over. This is
    taking the piss IMHO.

    riccip, Oct 24, 2004
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  2. ?

    What has it got to do with public service? They are there to
    administer a part of the law and to collect revenue. Due to the number
    of cheats the law has been tightened to a pretty ludicrous extent (IMO).
    Therefore it all costs more - next time you buy a bike without a V5 you
    know to extract the £19 from the seller.

    Most of the posts on here about the DVLA seem to (a) express horror at
    the new system and (b) say that the DVLA tends to do what it says it
    will do in the time it says it will do it. Blame the government for
    (a) if you want to and I don't see an issue concerning (b).

    Oh and we typically don't have hypothecation of taxation revenues so it
    is irrelevant whether car / bike related taxes and penalties exceed the
    amount it costs to provide car / bike related services. It all just
    goes in the government pot.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 24, 2004
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  3. riccip

    Tealc Guest

    you are a dickhead for buying a bike with no sign of a V5
    Tealc, Oct 24, 2004
  4. riccip

    Lozzo Guest

    Paul Corfield says...
    Good call.
    Lozzo, Oct 24, 2004
  5. riccip

    Ben Guest

    I wonder why he bought a bike with no V5 in the first place. Not
    something I'd do.
    Ben, Oct 24, 2004
  6. riccip

    mb Guest

    <fx: Fetches popcorn>
    mb, Oct 24, 2004
  7. Thank you for your insight. Only problem is that I didn't buy the bike.

    Now toddle off and try reading the post again.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 24, 2004
  8. No, he isn't. You're the dickhead for:

    (a) Being semi-literate

    (b) Posting to the wrong person - someone else has kindly shown you the
    whole thread, for you to appreciate the error of your ways.

    (c) Not snipping sigs.

    (d) Not appreciating what it's like buying old bikes. I've bought a few
    ancient things with no docs, because they've been forgotten in sheds for
    decades and papers get lost. Buying something like a nearly-new sports
    bike or Harley is different, but then the OP wasn't doing that.

    (e) Being ugly. Somehow I just guessed.

    Have you any more pearls of wisdowm to cast before us swine?
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 24, 2004
  9. riccip

    riccip Guest

    But there have always been road tax dodgers, that's the official
    justification for the high rates of fuel tax. At what point would
    you be prepared to believe we're paying over the odds? You may
    not be aware but this 19 UKP charge was slipped in quietly in
    February of this year while several existing licencing charges
    were loaded by an average of 50%. The good news is that at age 70
    your licence renewal will be free (previously 6 UKP) provided
    they haven't worked you to death in the absence of a pension.
    Don't blame the govt, blame the appalling apathy displayed by ppl
    like yourself. So long as we're a nation of put-up-and-shut-ups
    we'll continue to be shafted.

    riccip, Oct 24, 2004
  10. riccip

    riccip Guest

    LOL. As a pikey I'd stick two fingers up, pinch some number
    plates then call in a human-rights solicitor if they had the
    bottle to nick me. It's not "just" the nineteen pounds. It's
    because it's effectively another stealth tax. I must have a V5 by
    law so I have no choice but to cough up an unreasonable sum for a
    previously free computer print-out.

    riccip, Oct 24, 2004
  11. riccip

    Pip Guest

    And you're a proven fuckwit.

    Pip, Oct 24, 2004
  12. riccip

    WavyDavy Guest

    Just to be picky: The 'A' stands for 'Agency', not Authority.

    And the building itsself (or rather the two odd towers on a hill (tall one
    at the top of the hill short one at the bottom, natch, so the link bridge
    goes from near the top of the lower tower to, IIRC, floor 1 of the taller
    tower...)) is the 'Centre'....

    Apart from that, I kind of agree with the sentiment, although the realist in
    me would point out that the internal market system and insistence on
    Agencies, started by Thatcher and continued by Major & Blair, just adds to
    the beaurocracy and ramps up the processing costs for everyone...

    WavyDavy, Oct 24, 2004
  13. why would I want to?
    Paul Corfield, Oct 24, 2004
  14. I'm sensing a lot of stress in your life and unresolved issues.
    In the greater scheme of things there are far more important things to
    worry about. It's nothing to do with apathy - it's to do with
    priorities. Quite why I need to give myself a seizure on behalf of
    society I do not know. Why you feel the need to turn into a ranting
    dervish I don't know either - it's £19. Peanuts. Personally I'd quite
    like it if the fee was £100 and then the surplus could go towards
    funding better NHS dentistry or education or something like that. Call
    it a tax on the stupid.

    Whether you believe it or not administration of these systems cost money
    - why the bloody hell should I pay for someone's incompetence out of
    general taxation? If idiots lose their paperwork and then buyers don't
    cover the cost in the sales transactions then why do I pay for that?
    Paul Corfield, Oct 24, 2004
  15. riccip

    riccip Guest

    You'll find that they've been a "Centre", an "Authority" and an
    "Agency" at various times. The Home Office still refers to them
    as "the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Authority".
    Harold Wilson's government started the original DVLC. Major at
    least introduced a charter, long since binned, in an attempt to
    make them work for a living. Blair/Brown raised them to "agency"
    status with instructions to start getting revenue, and lots of it
    - no questions asked. Pretty much as they did with HM Customs.

    riccip, Oct 24, 2004
  16. riccip

    riccip Guest

    We'll call that poetic licence. That's nineteen pounds please!
    Agreed. It's the principle not the amount, and anyway I had 4
    numbers on the lottery yesterday.

    Just concerned that it's another sign of things to come. We know
    they're considering a system of charging us per mile on every
    journey. If we allow the small increases to slip by unnoticed
    we'll collectively make little or no protest when they spring the
    big one on us.
    You mean to create the same dramatic improvements as all the
    additional tax we've paid over the last few years?
    The fact is you already do. You just don't realise it.

    riccip, Oct 24, 2004
  17. riccip

    John Higgins Guest

    Pah, you don't know when you're well off. Here in Ontario when you buy
    a used vehicle you have to pay sales tax (like VAT) on the sale price,
    you need to pay a fee to transfer the ownership and you need to buy a
    new plate sticker (like road tax) no matter how long was left on it
    John Higgins, Oct 24, 2004
  18. riccip

    Timo Geusch Guest

    ["Followup-To:" header set to uk.rec.motorcycles.classic.]
    Andy Wegg was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever:
    I believe the correct reaction is "It never arrived here, that'll be
    nineteen quid then". When this happened to me earlier this year I was
    supposed to send in the New Keeper Supplement as this would mean that
    they'd waive the fee.

    For some reason I sent *that* recorded delivery...
    Timo Geusch, Oct 24, 2004
  19. riccip

    sweller Guest

    Heh. Before the charter was introduced on the railways we used to
    deliberately knock coaches out of the formations. Then we'd go and watch
    the poor saps trying to cram into the smaller train. Fucking hilarious.

    Of course Major and his charter stopped all that nonsense.
    sweller, Oct 24, 2004
  20. riccip

    riccip Guest

    Bike was a "barn find", legit but keys & docs lost years ago.

    A V5 isn't as safe as you think. I can get a genuine blank V5 for
    a tenner at a local pub, one of 2.6 MILLION currently circulating
    on the black market as a result of a scandelous DVLA blunder. If
    you bought a stolen bike supported by one of these documents do
    you think the DVLA would compensate you?

    riccip, Oct 24, 2004
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