Durango 1

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Wakko, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. Wakko

    Wakko Guest

    The road from Mazatlan to Durango across the Sierra Madres is primo.
    Even making extremely good time we were still on that road several
    hours. The road condition was good to excellent Weather cool but
    mild. Traffic hair raising at times. It's easily made my top ten North
    America roads despite that.

    Myself and the Mouse on the Ultra Chicken, Morgan Kane on his hopped
    up Harley, and Bill Walker on the Green One made this part of the trip
    having separated from Buddy Helscel outside of Mazatlan that morning
    as he made his way up the coast.

    The road winds itself around tree festooned peaks, giving particularly
    good views of the canyons below, on both sides of the road no less.
    Extremely curvy. Clear air revealed mountains to the horizon. Slowing
    down in remote mountainside pueblitas, all eyes turn to follow the
    bikes as they rumble through. Kids waving. One teen we passed revealed
    his knowledge of English, exclaiming "Oh, my god!". No shit.

    Buying gas at a store with the word "Gasolina" scrawled across a piece
    of wood tacked to one outside wall, we tank up out of jugs an old man
    drug out onto the dusty porch, his dog taking a siesta in the shade.

    We tackle those sinuous curve with conviction and concentration.
    Scraping floorboards on both sides, hammering the throttle as we made
    noisy but graceful work of each corner. Passing slow moving trucks we
    leave the local logging, commercial, and personal traffic behind.

    Our reward afterwards consisted of some carne, beans and
    tortillas....and a table full of grins.
    Wakko, Mar 27, 2006
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  2. Wakko

    Wakko Guest

    Topes suck! Especially when you haven't learned the word "despacio"
    My Mouse went airborne once, but landed back on her seat.

    Bill came back with us. He's at home now. We all returned safely.
    Wakko, Mar 27, 2006
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  3. Wakko

    BJayKana Guest

    Fun ride huh.

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Mar 27, 2006
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