g'day, awright, so iv'e had me cruiser nearly 4 months. 12k service due as well, so it ain't no w/e toy bs. It's a workin' bike. It's me primary vehicle. i have no car (but i did get 1 at the cheque cash joint for me ol' shitbox (got 0 from the wrecker)). 20 bucks better than expected so.. sweet! yup, she's a workin' bike, crankin' out 133k's, 5 days a week, return. That'd be 665k's every workin' week, in loose figures (an' yeah I am a fat boy (real life), an' that's just work figures. Add another 100k for me general day-2-day crap. So hey.. is there a hard an' fast rule re tyre tread, and at how many k's one should swap out at? Or.. is that little bit o' drift on the back tyre, on a corner, a subtle hint, to take a closer look? Still feels ok, by an' large, but i know a swapout is pending. Really is just a question of is there a -recommended benchmark-, given what I've outlined. cheers lsd da-jam-daddy ps- Sorry for bein' dumb