Dropped my Trophy

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Jeremy Solly, May 10, 2004.

  1. Jeremy Solly

    Jeremy Solly Guest

    Thanks to a lunatic mini-bus driver coming at me on a single track country
    road with tall grass banks, I dropped my Triumph Trophy 900 onto the road,
    thankfully at low speed after a lot of heavy braking and resulting in no

    I'm replacing the smashed indicator, but has anyone found an economical way
    to replace the lower fairing panel? It's quite scratched up from the short
    slide and I'd like to restore the bike's looks - but not at retail price!
    Any advice?

    Well... I guess the 'right of passage' as a motorcyclist is when you scrape
    the 'hero blobs'... well I've snapped mine right off - does that make me a

    Any advice on where to get a replacement lower fairing panel in the UK
    gratefully received.

    Jeremy Solly, May 10, 2004
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  2. Jeremy Solly

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Why were you going so fast on a single track country road that you
    couldn't stop quickly and keep the bike upright?
    Ben Blaney, May 10, 2004
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  3. Jeremy Solly

    Steve P Guest

    Ebay! Worked for me anyway. Other than that if the damage isn't too bad
    get it re-sprayed, Bike Medic or someone like that aren't too bad.
    Steve P, May 10, 2004
  4. Jeremy Solly

    Jeremy Solly Guest

    Who said anything about going "so fast" I couldn't stop quickly? The
    mini-bus was going too fast and couldn't have stopped in time. As I was on
    a bike I was able to squeeze to its side whilst stopping. Had I been in a
    car, stationary or moving, the bus would have hit me, judging by where she
    eventually stopped. I came off not through speed, but because of the fact
    that I hit the steep bank at the side of the road whilst still in motion.
    If you're unsure of why I couldn't keep the bike upright, please go ahead
    and bury your left boot in a steep grass covered (earth) bank and see how
    you get on. I make no claims of being a skilled rider, by the way, however
    the only alternative was to hit the bus. Not a difficult choice in my mind.

    Jeremy Solly, May 10, 2004
  5. In uk.rec.motorcycles, Jeremy Solly said:
    Them Triumph trophy drivers are dangerous on the road and should be
    Whinging Courier, May 10, 2004
  6. Jeremy Solly wrote
    You haven't quite got the hang of ukrm yet have you? A more appropriate
    reply would have been something along the lines of: "Because I fucking
    wanted to."
    steve auvache, May 10, 2004
  7. Jeremy Solly

    darsy Guest

    in that case, wouldn't it have been more sensible to just let your
    boot sink into the bank and gently lay the bike down onto the bank,
    rather than over-compensate and sling it onto the road?

    Just a thought, like.
    darsy, May 10, 2004
  8. Jeremy Solly

    wessie Guest

    darsy wrote in
    Yeah. Broken legs & ankles are fixed for free.
    wessie, May 10, 2004
  9. Jeremy Solly

    darsy Guest

    seriously - why would lowering a bike down break your leg or ankle?

    I've fallen off bikes and got trapped underneath - worst injury a bit
    of grazing/ripped jeans trying to get my leg out from underneath.
    darsy, May 10, 2004
  10. Jeremy Solly

    dwb Guest

    The ones with working motorcycles at any rate.
    dwb, May 10, 2004
  11. Jeremy Solly

    wessie Guest

    darsy wrote in
    Seriously, I wasn't being serious. It would have to be a very odd shaped
    bank for me to get a trapped leg with my sticky out cylinders.
    wessie, May 10, 2004
  12. Jeremy Solly

    darsy Guest

    ah - it's hard to tell sometimes, around here.
    well, yeah, if you fall under an RGS, just just crawl out, I expect.
    darsy, May 10, 2004
  13. Jeremy Solly

    wessie Guest

    darsy wrote in
    I like being enigmatic
    Well, to paraphrase, in the unlikely event of it happening I'll try not
    to do myself serious damage.
    wessie, May 10, 2004
  14. Jeremy Solly

    Spete Guest

    Any working bike at that, no discrimination on brands... Dangerous they are


    Occasionally, I'll be consistent
    Spete, May 10, 2004
  15. Jeremy Solly

    Tim Guest

    Stop complaining and learn from your mistake.
    Tim two#21, YGL#3 & BOTAFOT#84

    Due to the limitations of current email, the lip movements may be
    out of synchronisation as you move your finger under the text while reading.

    tim dot ukrm2 at dsl dot pipex dot com
    Tim, May 10, 2004
  16. Jeremy Solly

    Alan Guest

    What, the mistake of expecting sympathy on ukrm? :)
    Alan, May 10, 2004
  17. Jeremy Solly

    platypus Guest

    Trophies are big, top-heavy fuckers. If mine started to go its own way, and
    I couldn't get avay fast enough, I'd expect fractures.
    platypus, May 10, 2004
  18. Jeremy Solly

    Owen Guest

    Take affected pannel off bike. Clean up the deep scratches. Fill with
    body-stopper. Sand out the lighter scratches and excess stopper with
    180 grit, preferably with a sander/DA. If you rub down by hand, don't
    use your fingers under the grit, try to use the palm of your hand.
    Take pannel to a bodyshop and let them prime/filler-prime and paint
    affected areas. If you do the priming yourself, use 4 or 5 light coats
    rather than 2 or 3 heavy coats: do this in warm and dust free
    conditions, leave for 15 mins between coats to allow the solvents to
    evaporate. Job done...

    If you want to talk direct, email me you tel. no. .....

    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, May 11, 2004
  19. Jeremy Solly

    Jeremy Solly Guest

    Tim, you possibly took that the wrong way - would have helped if I'd
    included a smily in there - was tongue in cheek.
    Jeremy Solly, May 11, 2004
  20. Jeremy Solly

    Jeremy Solly Guest

    Thanks Owen, glad someone understood the real purpose of my post :eek:)
    Jeremy Solly, May 11, 2004
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