Drop in fuel mileage

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Bryan, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. Bryan

    Bob Myers Guest


    Well, if we're supposed to judge according to the evidence, the
    best theory would seem to be that God's favorite critter was the
    cockroach, and he really wanted THEM to thrive...

    Bob M.
    Bob Myers, Sep 30, 2005
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  2. Bryan

    Bob Myers Guest

    Actually, I understand those basic beliefs quite well (and I
    suspect I understand the basic beliefs of quite a few more
    religions than you, but I really have no way to tell).

    Those who use the "just a theory" defense have basically no idea
    what the word "theory" means in a scientific context. The models
    we have for gravity, electromagnetic phenomena, etc., etc., are
    ALL "just" theories, and yet we get along quite well treating them
    as "true" (at least in the sense of being a model which explains the
    observed evidence well, and is of predictive value in further
    scientific investigation). A "theory," in science, is NEVER proven;
    the best the one can ever hope for is that a given model survives
    repeated attempts to DISprove it. Which, unfortunately, has not
    been the case for the alternatives so far presented here.
    Actually, there's verifiable "proof " that we've been around considerably
    longer than that - or, to use the correct term, evidence - and that
    same evidence strongly suggests that yes, we HAVE in fact evolved.
    We apparently continue to do so to some degree, even over the very
    short period of time that anyone has actually been keeping records,
    although it's also apparent that humans (unlike other species) have also
    to a large degree taken control of their own evolutionary path, through
    the influence of medicine.

    What's always overlooked here is that evolution is actually NOT the
    theory - evolution is the observation; we see evidence of earlier forms
    of life which are not the same as those current forms which are clearly
    related but different. Somehow, something has changed, and we refer
    to that OBSERVED change as "evolution." The theory (or at least one
    of the theories which have been proposed to account for this change)
    is called "natural selection."

    True. And note that I'm not trying to deny you your beliefs. I'm
    simply pointing out some errors in the arguments.

    Bob M.
    Bob Myers, Sep 30, 2005
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  3. Oh, dear, you're not that bright, are you?

    Answer: yes, we have evolved in that time. We've got noticeably taller
    and generally larger, as a species.

    A mere 40 centuries is an impossibly short time in evolution, anyway.
    Something like 100 generations. You can now trace mankind and its
    ancestors back something like 500,000 years and on that sort of
    timeframe, *yes*, we have evolved considerably.

    Would you like a target painted on your foot, so you can aim at it even
    more accurately?
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 30, 2005
  4. Yup. I'm with William of Ockham on this.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 30, 2005
  5. Bryan

    Bob Myers Guest

    Please re-read the above, more carefully. You can "prove" that
    gravity exists (more accurately, you can demonstrate that an
    attractive force is present between two masses, at the time of the
    observation, which behaves in pretty good agreement with the
    predictions of the current models for gravity), but that's not "proving
    the theory." You have made an observation; the results of that
    observation are evidence, or data. The "theory," however, in
    the context of a scientific discussion, is simply the model which
    attempts to explain how the observed phenomenon works, very
    often in a form which can be expressed mathematically, and which
    should have predictive abilities (i.e., you should be able to use the
    model to calculate how other examples of this "gravity" thing will
    behave). But don't ever confuse the observation/evidence with
    the theory.
    And for still others, life is a journey of at least as much "exploration
    and wonderment," but which simply does not include the
    belief in such a "supreme being." There are more than two options

    Bob M.
    Bob Myers, Sep 30, 2005
  6. Bryan

    Brian Guest

    You have said nothing that comes even close to convincing me.

    I hope to have fun 'while it lasts' and Iv'e got a few years left.

    As for hell, if everyone who isn't a Christian (remember it's the Jews
    who are 'the chosen ones'....not ALL Christians) ends up there, all the
    Islamic militants, all the godless criminals...everyone, basically who
    doesn't agree with you......How long do you think the 'majority' of
    souls would put up with it, before they stormed heaven?

    I wish you luck too, but i belive you are going in the ground and the
    worms will have you (unless you go for cremation, then you'll just be dust).

    Do you believe in angels.......
    Brian, Sep 30, 2005
  7. I believe in angels...

    Something good in everyone I see....
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 30, 2005
  8. Bryan

    Brian Guest

    An angel is 'goodness' in someone?
    Brian, Sep 30, 2005
  9. Oh, Jesus. Google using the above quote and "Abba", why don't you?
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 30, 2005
  10. Bryan

    Brian Guest

    Praying already, or rolling your eyes. :)

    I'm really not an Abba fan....you are showing your age, old man.
    Brian, Sep 30, 2005
  11. Bryan

    Odinn Guest

    I have a dream

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshipped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

    Reeky's unofficial homepage ... http://www.reeky.org
    '03 FLHTI ........... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/ElectraGlide
    '97 VN1500D ......... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/VulcanClassic
    Atlanta Biker Net ... http://www.atlantabiker.net
    Vulcan Riders Assoc . http://www.vulcanriders.org

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Sep 30, 2005
  12. Bryan

    Odinn Guest

    It's religion, not relegion and descended, not decinded. I could go on
    with all the mistakes in just this post alone. Typical fundamentalist
    with very little actual knowledge.

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshipped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

    Reeky's unofficial homepage ... http://www.reeky.org
    '03 FLHTI ........... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/ElectraGlide
    '97 VN1500D ......... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/VulcanClassic
    Atlanta Biker Net ... http://www.atlantabiker.net
    Vulcan Riders Assoc . http://www.vulcanriders.org

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Sep 30, 2005
  13. Bryan

    Odinn Guest

    I can unequivocally state that I know more than you. Your spelling and
    grammar is atrocious at best, and you've not given single argument to
    show that religious belief of creation isn't "just a theory" itself.

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshiped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

    Reeky's unofficial homepage ... http://www.reeky.org
    '03 FLHTI ........... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/ElectraGlide
    '97 VN1500D ......... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/VulcanClassic
    Atlanta Biker Net ... http://www.atlantabiker.net
    Vulcan Riders Assoc . http://www.vulcanriders.org

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Sep 30, 2005
  14. Bryan

    Brian Guest

    Odinn wrote:

    Odinn, supreme god, father of all.......thank you for your input. :)
    Brian, Sep 30, 2005
  15. Bryan

    Odinn Guest

    Glad to oblige

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshipped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

    Reeky's unofficial homepage ... http://www.reeky.org
    '03 FLHTI ........... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/ElectraGlide
    '97 VN1500D ......... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/VulcanClassic
    Atlanta Biker Net ... http://www.atlantabiker.net
    Vulcan Riders Assoc . http://www.vulcanriders.org

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Oct 1, 2005
  16. We have certainly evolved some immunities. You see any number of
    examples where one population has evolved a resistance to a given
    disease while another one will be decimated by it when the two
    cultures meet.

    While we're at it, why are you so certain there's any proof we've
    been around for 4000 plus years ? Seems to me that an all-powerful
    deity could have created it last week if He cared to.

    If God created a tree, would the tree have rings ? If so, how old
    would it be ?
    Rob Kleinschmidt, Oct 1, 2005
  17. Bryan

    Alan Moore Guest

    Interesting. I'd like to see a proof of electomagnetizium. Whatever
    that is. I guess I'd also like to see a dictionary entry for therory.
    If there is a supreme being, and he wants to guide us, why does he not
    use signposts? In a language we can understand and agree on?

    Al Moore
    DoD 734
    Alan Moore, Oct 1, 2005
  18. I have 5 dollars and 44 cents in one pocket.

    R. Pierce Butler, Oct 1, 2005
  19. ants. He loves ants best.
    R. Pierce Butler, Oct 1, 2005
  20. Bryan

    Odinn Guest

    I guess you're not an Abba fan.

    (I hope I got the lyrics right, TOG will correct me if I don't)

    I have a dream, a song to sing
    To help me cope with anything
    If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
    You can take the future even if you fail
    I believe in angels
    Something good in everything I see
    I believe in angels
    When I know the time is right for me
    I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream

    I have a dream, a fantasy
    To help me through reality
    And my destination makes it worth the while
    Pushing through the darkness still another mile
    I believe in angels
    Something good in everything I see
    I believe in angels
    When I know the time is right for me
    I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream
    I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream

    I have a dream, a song to sing
    To help me cope with anything
    If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
    You can take the future even if you fail
    I believe in angels
    Something good in everything I see
    I believe in angels
    When I know the time is right for me
    I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream
    I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream

    RCOS #7

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never
    worshiped anything but himself." -- Sir Richard Francis Burton

    Reeky's unofficial homepage ... http://www.reeky.org
    '03 FLHTI ........... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/ElectraGlide
    '97 VN1500D ......... http://www.sloanclan.org/gallery/VulcanClassic
    Atlanta Biker Net ... http://www.atlantabiker.net
    Vulcan Riders Assoc . http://www.vulcanriders.org

    rot13 to reply
    Odinn, Oct 1, 2005
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