Drop in fuel mileage

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by Bryan, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. I find it hard to believe that anyone could really be so ignorant of
    fundamental geology.

    ****, I know nothing about it, and even *I* know that the above is
    complete and utter bollocks.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2005
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  2. I'm guessing wasting and energy and destroying the environment aren't the
    only problems they're creating for themselves.
    Troy the Troll, Sep 29, 2005
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  3. Really? So where does all this water go do ya think?
    Troy the Troll, Sep 29, 2005

  4. They are going to be *the* dominant economy in not-so-many years, no
    matter what Bush thinks to the contrary. Assuming they don't have their
    own Wall Street Crash in the meantime, and even that, that'll only delay
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2005
  5. Read it again.

    There was a time when there was *no* water on this planet.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2005
  6. Bryan

    _Bob_Nixon Guest

    I think someone should have specified between the three states of H20.
    IOW, Water in the form of ice has often varied sea levels and fresh
    water surface lakes greatly. Also, water vapor in the air changes on a
    global level but not very much. And how much H20 is below the surface
    in the form of, permafrost, shale and ground water. But overall H20
    has been a global constant or at least very close to constant.

    How do we know that H20 is a relative constant or at least back 4
    billion years to when life began on the earth? Not to sound ambiguous
    but there are lots a ways to cross-reference these things. Core
    samples, fossil records, ect. Also, our atmosphere is closely tied to
    H20 levels. Some scientist claim there was higher 02 levels in our
    atmosphere in the Dino age but it's really just speculation as there
    is no way to prove or disprove this. Also, there have been claims the
    earth had a larger mass at one time but again, there is no proof for
    such allegations.

    The bottom line being, we still know very little of the history of the
    earth for certain. There are lots of theories floating around but in
    reality few proofs.

    Now, back to water (H20), save the loss of our atmosphere, where would
    it go anyway? You pee, it's flushes and some of the water evaporates
    and returns as rain.

    Think about it. Even on Mars, with a very thin atmosphere it is
    strongly believed, no...rather known to have water, at least in the
    form of polar ICE. Scientists believe much more is present in the form
    of shale & ground (mostly frozen) H20 far from the poles.
    Also, what caused all the erosion on Mars, save ancient liquid H20?
    There are lots of possibilities. Maybe Mars was once similar to earth
    but its smaller mass and greater distance from the sun has made a once
    living planet effectively dead now. Did the core solidify? Who knows
    at this point in time? More speculation but, over time, we're learning

    Finally: think about this. Gravity is what holds our atmosphere to the
    earth. Above say 50,00ft the atmosphere there is very little H20. Why?
    Air can only support so much water vapor, so the thinner the air, the
    less water it will contain (just look at the clouds and rain/hail/snow
    if you doubt). That simply means that the earth's gravity naturally
    Holds H20 closer to the surface due to it's relatively high mass when
    compared to pure air. Also, our rotating liquid iron core and
    resulting magnetic field acts as a shield (ionosphere) to prevent our
    thin atmosphere from "eventually" getting blown out into space. This
    is also ground for speculation as to why Mars doesn't have much of an
    atmosphere. Then other factors come to light, like lower mass and less
    solar wind (distance) to blow away any atmosphere. Right back to lots
    of speculation but few facts -J

    Bob Nixon, Chandler AZ
    01 Sprint ST "RED" 50K miles
    _Bob_Nixon, Sep 29, 2005
  7. Bryan

    PC Paul Guest

    You mean that the Earth is NOT a closed system?!?

    PC Paul
    89 PC800
    77 R100RS

    Trip pics at: http://photos.yahoo.com/paul1cart

    "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to
    society" - Theodore Roosevelt
    PC Paul, Sep 29, 2005
  8. See other posting.

    When the earth was a ball of hot rock, there wasn't any water, was

    So saying: "There is the same amount of water on the planet now as there
    always has been." is bollocks.

    Was bollocks, still is, always will be.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2005
  9. Bryan

    PC Paul Guest

    It was there in elemental form. Try reading a basic science textbook.

    PC Paul
    89 PC800
    77 R100RS

    Trip pics at: http://photos.yahoo.com/paul1cart

    "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to
    society" - Theodore Roosevelt
    PC Paul, Sep 29, 2005
  10. Bryan

    PC Paul Guest

    So, wiseguy, where DID the water come from?

    PC Paul
    89 PC800
    77 R100RS

    Trip pics at: http://photos.yahoo.com/paul1cart

    "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to
    society" - Theodore Roosevelt
    PC Paul, Sep 29, 2005
  11. OK, so hydrogen and oxygen were there.

    That's like saying because carbon and hydrogen were also there, the
    planet was made of sugar.
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2005
  12. See Tweak's posting.

    Are we learning yet?
    The Older Gentleman, Sep 29, 2005
  13. Bryan

    Brian Guest

    Not for very long...it only took god seven days to create the earth, so
    maybe there was no water for six days then.

    Unless there is no god, and that would make 55% of America WRONG!
    (Including the guy at the top!)

    The water was always here as basic elements....when it was a molten
    rock, it was in the molten rock.

    The 'space water truck' did not turn up and top up the oceans for us.
    Brian, Sep 29, 2005
  14. Bryan

    PC Paul Guest

    Nevermind, it's a TROLL!

    PC Paul
    89 PC800
    77 R100RS

    Trip pics at: http://photos.yahoo.com/paul1cart

    "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to
    society" - Theodore Roosevelt
    PC Paul, Sep 29, 2005
  15. Bryan

    PC Paul Guest

    Well, don't tell TOG that, he's out at the curb waiting for it...

    PC Paul
    89 PC800
    77 R100RS

    Trip pics at: http://photos.yahoo.com/paul1cart

    "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to
    society" - Theodore Roosevelt
    PC Paul, Sep 29, 2005
  16. Bryan

    Brian Guest

    OK, I'll go along with you on this one.....

    There is no evolution and the world was created in seven days by a God
    (Who 'created' him?...another god who created our god in HIS own image?)
    with man being made in this Gods image, and a woman was made from a rib
    of this man...then these two people populated the whole world.

    Do you belive in dinosaurs and fossils (Which have been carbon dated)?

    Do you think humans were alive at the same time as dinosaurs?

    Do you trust DNA evidence? We share 98% of a chimps DNA.....

    Time to face reality....humans are just another species of animal...and
    we are evloving all the time, not over just a couple of thousand years,
    but millions. Evolution is not just about 'changing shape'.
    Brian, Sep 30, 2005
  17. Bryan

    Brian Guest

    "Since recorded time" is only the length of time humans have bothered to
    write things down, a short span of a few thousand years. Have you
    ever looked at a time line and compared the length of time humans have
    been here compared to the age of the planet?
    We still haven't discovered all the animals on this planet (deep sea
    creatures for example) and new plant species have been found in the
    Amazon jungles. A species doesn't just 'rise', they evolve.

    Why don't you ask him yourself?
    If you can't say how long a God day is, why even ask about new species
    in our 'recorded' time?
    Our 'recorded' time could be a God blink!

    Apart from mankinds mind, where does god exist?

    Please don't confuse one's belief
    I won't. At least you have your beliefs without swallowing the sermons.

    When foolish men try to interpret gods works

    When you say 'Gods words'are you refferring to the bible? or the ten
    commandments, or has he said other stuff?

    So, when intelligent men interpret gods words good things happen? (Every
    action has an equal and opposite re-action)

    Is Allah a God?

    I bet that pissed off the dinosaur god! Genocide is uaually a human trait.

    I don't remember reading the chapter in the bible (gods words?) were it
    points out that he created the world, populated it with dinosaurs (which
    evolved from sea animals), then wiped them out and THEN Adam and Eve
    came along........

    Not at all. I'm just saying humans are closely related to chimpanzees,
    more so than to gorrilas for example. We are all distinct species, but
    we share a lot in common on the DNA tree.
    Brian, Sep 30, 2005
  18. No water! Wow! How about...uummm.....recombination of the molecules which
    make up water?
    Troy the Troll, Sep 30, 2005
  19. ?? So we kill them faster than they evolve...this is a surprise?
    The bible says 7 days. Are you saying the Bible is just a bunch of lies told
    to a bunch of liars and translated into something which was SUPPOSED to say
    "10,000 years" instead of 7 days and nights?
    Got any signed autographs? Hell, anything left of the ten commandants carved
    in stone by him in a musuem somewhere?

    How about when foolish men try and interpret ANYTHINGS works, do good things
    happen? I'll give him best for the Grand Canyon, even though I think the
    Colorado River should get the credit.

    Are you sure he didn't want MONKEYS to thrive, and then stopped paying
    attention to evolution to turn us into Cro Magnons when his back was turned?
    98% of her apparently. Just like yours.
    Troy the Troll, Sep 30, 2005
  20. Bryan

    Bob Myers Guest

    We can't know this. Humans have been keeping fairly close
    track of "species" only for a few hundred years, tops, and even
    today we are by no means sure that we know of every species
    that exists. For that matter, the whole notion of "species" is to
    a great degree a human invention.

    Further, those types of animals and plants - "species," if you
    like - which are likely to be evolving the fastest are the very
    ones that we do not and cannot track all that closely; the
    smaller, simpler creatures such as pretty much all the
    invertebrates. How could we ever be sure that new species of
    insects are NOT appearing? No, we haven't seen a new species
    derived from, say, horses or giraffes - but then, that's exactly the
    sort of animal which SHOULD take a very long time to change,
    owing both the smaller population (relative to, say, insects) and
    the much longer lifespans. And how would you know that a new
    species had arisen, anyway? Even with, say, dogs or chickens -
    how do you propose to prove that the species we see today
    are identical with those which existed 10,000 or even 1,000
    years ago?
    Nope, not until you can actually demonstrate this "god" and ask
    The idea of a God whose existence is literally infinite in time, along
    with a universe whose existence is presumably not, has its own

    Are you saying here that you don't understand anything at all about
    what evolutionary theory actually says?

    Bob M.
    Bob Myers, Sep 30, 2005
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