I thought I did good BJ. At least it got some to come out of the closet and post! I thought that was what you wanted me to do. ls The (lonestarLVN) started this thread line: BY posting this:: ''Since Bill Walker, Brian Walker and so many more don't post anymore I've decided it's time to go! Here's wishing you to be safe and happy.'' LS- ===========Come on LS, this sorta thing happens. Hang in there, and roll with the punches. Things will liven up,kinda like the DowJones average....''do not get out when things are slow'' Dont pay any attention to MorganKane, he is not much of aTxMoto supporter anyway. If our group depended upon him, it really would be dusty around here. How-ever do Pay attention to Redshad the skipper,Louie the great, Big Ed, the best top poster,, the Biffy guy, Jerry the white Mexican from Houston, and Pender the code breaker, oh yeah the mysterios Anonymous one who will not ride out of his zip code,,and last but not least the old guy, private''BjayTKana'', . These are tx.moto's real contributors! The board members.......you Dang tootin. ....MrJayT-