[QUOTE="Zobo Kolonie"] Yamaha. Great little bike. Such a shame that I bashed it up good and proper exiting a roundabout :-/ [/QUOTE] I had one. Lovely little machines, except for the huge chasm between second and third gears..... [QUOTE] Indeed, that's what I was sort of getting at elsewhere. The RD was a grin-factory but not given to longevity - I expect most of them got seriously binned and wound up as so much scrap metal and plastic, but even those that didn't surely couldn't be expected to put in serious mileage? My brother's 400-4 on the other hand was nowhere near as much fun as two-stroke whizzies but even all these years later he's still riding it, and there are a few others around that I notice once in a while (e.g. the inlaws' neighbour has one that he blows the cobwebs out of about once per week). It's been a long time since I've seen an RD350 around though.[/QUOTE] A magazine - Superbike, I think - once featured a despatch rider who'd clocked up over 100,000 miles on one :-0[QUOTE] So I think I'll add the 400-4 to my list of desireable SOB's :-)[/QUOTE] Well, yeah, agree absolutely. In fact, I must dig The Doctor's out of the garage and give it a thrape this weekend. Charge the battery, circulate the oil, stop the petrol going off, that sort of thing. Box Hill Sunday lunchtime, I think, unless it's pissing down (again). Anyone else?