drag racing outfits

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by steve auvache, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Has it ever been done?

    I nipped out to Tesco just now for a bottle of milk and I got accosted
    by this *huge* merkin who insisted on telling me about the bikes he had
    had. He told me about one that started as an 1100, had the sleeves
    pressed out and replaced with Renault internals making it a 1600 which
    would pull a chair at a terminal velocity of 180(??) over the quarter.
    Was he totally mad or just a Vietnam vet still having problems with
    steve auvache, Jun 24, 2005
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  2. steve auvache

    YTC449 Guest

    Has it ever been done?
    Merkins accosting old men in Flatlands pikey outlet...........whatever next
    I wonder




    Trophy 1200 1998
    BotaFOF #19. E.O.S.M 2001/2002/2003/2004.
    B.O.S.M 2003, 2004, 2005
    FURSWB#1 KotL..YTC449
    YTC449, Jun 24, 2005
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  3. steve auvache

    Pip Luscher Guest

    180 American miles per hour, perchance?
    Pip Luscher, Jun 24, 2005
  4. Pip Luscher wrote
    I dunno, it could have been 18 for all I know, it sounded like he said
    one eighty. I wasn't really listening to him except for opportunities
    to tell him to **** off back to his own country.

    F'rinstance: he first approached me with the question "How long have you
    been riding"

    Me: "Oh not long, about ten minutes, I only live the other side of the

    Him: "No, I meant when did you start riding a bike, at what age, how
    long ago?"

    Me: "Oh right sorry, I must've misunderstood, two nations separated by a
    common language and all that sort off stuff, 40 years ago when I was

    Him "Haha, I beat you by two years then. In some states you can ride a
    bike at 14 you know."

    Me: "No I didn't but I do know that in some states you can marry your
    sister at 14"

    I was just taken by the idea of taking a combination up the strip and
    had never heard of it really otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered
    mentioning it.
    steve auvache, Jun 25, 2005
  5. steve auvache

    Pip Luscher Guest

    Ah, I missed your point.
    I can now richen your day by saying that I've never heard of such a
    thing either.
    Pip Luscher, Jun 25, 2005
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