Dr Cameron supports hidden speed cameras in NSW

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by whatever, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. whatever

    whatever Guest

    lobyists what to have hidden cameras in nsw because fixed cameras are
    booking less speeders.

    the artice compares nsw and vic and states that because vic has hidden
    cameras they book more people, but the artice provives no evidence that
    hidden camers reduse the road toll.

    SMH article here:

    See Dr cameron and tell him what you think:

    Tell the pedestrian council what you think:
    whatever, Jan 4, 2007
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  2. whatever

    Uncle Bully Guest

    So what was the goal of speed cameras again? Make people slow down, or
    seperate them from their cash?
    These guys have made it clear that they are only interested in the latter.
    Uncle Bully, Jan 4, 2007
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  3. whatever

    whatever Guest

    whatever, Jan 4, 2007
  4. whatever

    Uncle Bully Guest

    Harold isn't too good in the scientific method department is he.
    One glaring observation from Harold's own data is that the mobile cameras
    are similar in ratio to the fixed camera, thereby dismissing the
    'site-learning' hypothesis. And that the human operated Lidar/Radar results
    are skewed. One could conclude that perhaps the human factor is an
    unreliable inclusion in reliable speed detection.

    I'd also like to see the same results form Victoria to see how they compare.
    But I'm guessing that they don't support Harold's argument so have been
    purposely omitted.
    Uncle Bully, Jan 4, 2007
  5. whatever

    CrazyCam Guest

    Uncle Bully wrote:

    Possibly not, but he still manages to push his own wee barrow quite
    well, so he certainly can't be daft.

    CrazyCam, Jan 4, 2007
  6. whatever

    Bill_h Guest

    Interesting that the statistical trend for the static road cameras and
    the police mobile speed cameras are very similar, and that the Lidar
    etc present as anomolous. More typically the police setting up hair
    dryers where revenue earning is good (and speed restrictions are silly
    and/or ambiguos) rather than road risk hot spots?


    Bill_h, Jan 5, 2007
  7. whatever

    Uncle Bully Guest

    A bit like the god botherers. Good at selling to people who don't know any
    Uncle Bully, Jan 5, 2007
  8. whatever

    Uncle Bully Guest

    Uncle Bully, Jan 5, 2007
  9. whatever

    IK Guest

    The reason for that would be that the average excessive speed reading on
    an in-car radar or hand-held lidar is used to issue anywhere between two
    and twenty-five speeing fines spread over anywhere from a couple of
    minutes to... how long's a highway patrol copper's shift go for, again?
    IK, Jan 6, 2007
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