Douglas Coupland; Jpod. What was people's opinion?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by deadmail, Jul 7, 2007.

  1. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    So, I'm clearly at least a year behind the time with this one.


    I found it superficially amusing but ultimately irritating.

    Coupland's arrogance, casting himself as a character in his book (an
    arrogant git at that) rather grated.

    The numerous pages of kanji. The multiple pages of numbers. The
    fragments of code (C++ ???) were all rather unnecessary really.

    It would have been a good 300 page novel. He managed to make it reach
    many more pages through just inserting tenuously linked material.

    I'll buy his next book but... it could have been so much better than it
    deadmail, Jul 7, 2007
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  2. deadmail

    ogden Guest

    I gave up on Coupland after Girlfriend in a Coma.

    Similarly, I'm giving up on Iain Banks after reading Crow Road, Canal
    Dreams, Whit and Complicity. Canal Dreams was mind-bendingly awful
    (demure Japanese cellist turns into Rambo) and the rest, though
    excellent, are blatantly just opportunities for Banks to put political
    essays in the mouths of his characters so jarringly incongruously that
    it almost completely ruins the story.

    On the plus side, just finished Will Self's Book of Dave, one of the
    best things I've read in years. Working through How the Dead Live now,
    opinion yet to be formed.

    Aside from the above, I can wholeheartedly recommend The Testament of
    Gideon Mack. Richard & Judy sticker on the cover notwithstanding, it was
    practically perfect from beginning to end.
    ogden, Jul 7, 2007
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  3. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    Canal Dreams was 'dodgy' but I wouldn't give up on Banks.

    Good isn't it. How the Dead Live is also quite good. I REALLY liked
    Dorian; I thought it was one of the best things I'd read in years.

    The only thing that worries me about Will (apart from his having stopped
    the junk, I think it's 'creativity juice' for some) is that I have a
    horrible fear he has a car with the registration W5 ELF (a Saab) and if
    this is the case I'm mortified.
    Hmm. I'll bear that in mind the next time I'm in an airport (hey, it'll
    be a whole week and a half!).

    Anyway, I think I'm going to reread some Ballard. Really, it's where
    it's at; I want to step out of my life and into a Ballard novel.
    Preferably Cocaine Nights or Millennium People but beggars can't be
    choosers, I'd settle for Crash.
    deadmail, Jul 7, 2007
  4. deadmail

    sweller Guest

    Got halfway thorough 'Whit' a few years ago. It bored me.

    Can't get any more damning than that.
    sweller, Jul 8, 2007
  5. deadmail

    Gyp Guest

    I've got a stack of books to get through at the moment; my biggest worry
    is that my supply of crayons won't hold out.
    Gyp, Jul 8, 2007
  6. deadmail

    ogden Guest

    The entire book was almost a homage to Hoban's Riddley Walker - it's no
    coincidence that Self writes the introduction to the latest edition of
    RW. The book's strength was the way it moved from future to present, and
    each insight into Dave's deterioration made sense of the madness in the
    future, was brilliant. Tbh, I didn't quite work out the forbidden zone
    until it was all but referred to by name by Dave, but I genuinely
    laughed out loud.
    ogden, Jul 8, 2007
  7. deadmail

    ogden Guest

    I had the same problem with The Communist Manifesto.
    ogden, Jul 8, 2007
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