In Video of it here 5MB (Windoze Media) http://www.radicalextremesportscars.com/news_folder/dvd2005/sr8.php 380 bhp,. 88 Kg (that's the engine). -- Pete M Alfa 155 Ford Capri (still broked) Porsche 911 3.2 (For Sale - ebay soon) COSOC #5, OMF#9 Scouse Git extraordinaire. Liverpool, Great Britain
Just looked at their website. 165 mph? Shouldn't they be faster than that? My Saab does 160 and it's only got 260 bhp and is almost 10 years old. S'pose it could down to gearing but why take it to Brunters geared down? -- Ash UKRMFBC#8 BOTAFOT#82 BOTAFOF#41 HMC#5 FTB#0 ETV1000 Caponord http://www.theredline.co.uk "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." -- Mario Andretti