Donington noise levels

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Nige, May 19, 2009.

  1. Nige

    Nige Guest

    Got bollocked yesterday for going over the 98dbA level allowed. Fair
    enough, but they didn't test bikes before, they have something on the
    outfield part? I can understand noise problems etc, so why did we have
    an Airbus A380 taking off a few feet above us making so much fucking
    noise you would not believe? Also other planes every 90 seconds or so?

    That Airbus is fucking *huge* & it looked like it was having bother in
    the high winds & shitty rain, it was *fucking* low.

    Nige, May 19, 2009
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  2. Nige

    ginge Guest

    It's all to do with a bunch if NIMBYs in Doninton village complaining
    to the council over track noise.
    ginge, May 19, 2009
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  3. Nige

    Nige Guest

    I gathered, but fucking hell given the amount of plane racket thats the
    last of thier worries.
    Nige, May 19, 2009
  4. Nige

    gazz Guest

    bet you telling them where to go took the meter over 100db :)
    gazz, May 19, 2009
  5. Nige

    Geo Guest

    In fairness, aircraft noise can't be reduced as easily as motorcycle noise
    without affecting usability. Also, from personal experience, aircraft
    take-offs don't seem to get on my tits as much as utterly illegal exhaust
    cans (I'm not talking about just "fruity" ones).

    Geo, May 19, 2009
  6. Nige

    Nige Guest

    I'm a very polite person, unless the other party starts gobbing off.
    Nige, May 19, 2009
  7. Nige

    Nige Guest

    The BSB chaps there where hooning around the track where a *lot* louder
    than us, but they didn't get any bother.
    Nige, May 19, 2009
  8. Nige

    TimB Guest

    They'll be pissed off next month when Download kicks off then
    TimB, May 19, 2009
  9. Nige

    Nige Guest

    hehe, you could easily use the situation to your advantage if you are
    keen on motorsport etc.
    Nige, May 19, 2009
  10. Nige

    M J Carley Guest

    Aircraft noise doesn't get reduced much: as aircraft become quieter,
    airports are allowed to fly in more of them. The rules governing noise
    around airports are based on a points system which means the operators
    can get away with a lot of disturbance. It also helps that the
    definition of sleep disturbance requires you to be woken up for more
    than 15 seconds for it to count. So if you get back to sleep, you are
    not counted as having been woken up.
    M J Carley, May 19, 2009
  11. Nige

    Nige Guest

    98dbA was advertised, but i didn't organise it, so didn't know!
    Oh hell aye, they where well over that.
    These HIP should put a stop to twerps like that. Not that I have seen
    Nige, May 19, 2009
  12. Nige

    Simon Wilson Guest

    Why? I'm sure most people knew what they were buying into, then decided
    afterwards to try and get it stopped/reduced.

    Wasn't it Donington where there was a divorce case and some legal battle
    over noise etc. - someone posted on here about it.
    Simon Wilson, May 19, 2009
  13. Nige

    Adrian Guest

    cf. Church bells, farmyards, stations, airports etc etc.
    No, it was Croft.
    Adrian, May 19, 2009
  14. Nige

    Switters Guest

    Yeah, that's always bemused me. They always look low though, as the end
    of the run way is literally a highside away from Macleans.
    Switters, May 19, 2009
  15. Nige

    Nige Guest

    The A380 was unreal, the size of the thing & the noise.



    BMW K1200S
    Range Rover Vogue
    Aprilia RSV Mille
    Nige, May 19, 2009
  16. Nige

    CT Guest

    Are you sure it was an A380? It occurred to me that not many would yet
    be in service, and East Midlands wouldn't be the place to see one.

    A quick Google appears to back this up:-

    There was a flypast in March:

    Orders and deliveries

    ICBW, but I'm fairly sure none of Emirates, Qantas or Singapore use
    East Midlands.
    CT, May 19, 2009
  17. Nige

    Nige Guest

    I am pretty sure it wasnt a 747. It may have been a cargo plane, but i'm 99%
    sure it wasn't a 747.



    BMW K1200S
    Range Rover Vogue
    Aprilia RSV Mille
    Nige, May 19, 2009
  18. Nige

    ginge Guest

    Might be an A340.
    ginge, May 19, 2009
  19. Nige

    Nige Guest

    Well, it was massive & had four big **** off noisy engines :)



    BMW K1200S
    Range Rover Vogue
    Aprilia RSV Mille
    Nige, May 19, 2009
  20. Nige

    CT Guest

    So not a 777 then...

    This is fun, isn't it?
    CT, May 19, 2009
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